Okay, this girl was so fucking hot, I had to comeback for seconds, and im glad I did. She met me at the door in a sexy red negligee, the second I walked in, she immediately started kissing me. Good girl. I take my clothes off in bed and she strips down. We get into dfk and lfk, touching each other. I wanted to make her come, so I asked if I can go down on her and she gave me the green light. Tasty shaved little cat. I dined down there and enjoyed watching her beautiful body, get into the rhythm of my tongue. Judging by her body quivering, id say she had multiple Orgasms, which is always such a great feeling as a man, to make a 🔥 girl like her come. Afterwards, she rested and immediately flipped for me while we went doggy. The view from the back is equally impressive. I cannot get enough of her. Shes gorgeous and has a perfect full body. I ended up exploding while fucking her doggy. She wanted more and was surprised I was done. Haha... We rested and talked while kissing and caressing each other. That led to another bbbj from her as she wanted to go for more. She's got the perfect bj technique with sucking and deep throating. Eventually I was rock hard and we went at it missionary for a few minutes. She wanted it hard and I tried to give her more, but lost my momentum during the action. Se la vie We hung out for a bit longer and eventually I got the boot. Great session with a dime piece. I dont care that she looks different than the photos, because she's even hotter in person. Nice amd curvaceous. A real fucking woman.
Man, these photos do not do this girl any justice. Shes thicker in a fucking great way. Curves, beautiful body, face and tight kitty. Got to her place, easy to find. Language was an issue at first but once we got going, it didn't matter. She was very responsive and sexy when we went at it. Her moans are hot, and again, the body is killer. 🔥 🥵 I told her I'd be back, jist to sample her some more. Finished way too fast so I have to redeem myself. Shes great guys, treat her well. Fucking hot! I paid extra for cim but didn't even get to it, because I was too busy enjoying sex with her. Haha, considering it a well deserved tip, Zara
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How does she cim but blowjob with condom?