An absolute Nice and friendly young Girl. Perfekt Body. It was wonderful to stay one hour with her.She is just amazing. Even I had potential problems (not her fault!) she was very understanding. A little bit dangerous because you can immediately fall in love with her 🥰. I can 100% recommend her. Thank you my darling. Thomas (1957) 😉
What a wonderful girl. Even if I'm jealous I must her recommend ????. She is wonderful everything is nature. A baby to fall in love with. She is understanding and know what a man needs. I hope to see you soon my love.
When I met her she gave me the feeling she is my girlfriend. Her smile is incredible lovely. Her body beautiful unforgettable. Everything on her is real. She took her time and she is a real angel. She is very clean and she smell wonderful. Everywhere. I don't go often to Escort lady's but she is absolutely the best I've ever met Thank you babe for the wonderful time. ????
Very nice Girl but nothing she promised in her profile came thru. Maybe I was just not hr type. She did a hand job and if I wouldn't ask she would put on her bra and panties.
A very pretty girl with an amazing body. Very clean and friendly. Fantastic french kisses. Despite the fact that I could only stay half an hour, she took her time. Will visit again for sure.
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