I had to see Kate again as she was back in Limassol. As always it was an absolute pleasure and time just flew by. I can not recommend her enough she is truly the best one on here!
One more very pleasant meeting with Lana. Great time with this friendly and smart young lady. Outstanding services as well, as usual... Will do everything to please. Thanks you Lana and take care! :love:
I had a great time with the slavic girl Maria. I met her early in the morning, her room had a verry pleasant smel and her also, she wait for me in a verry sexy underwear, when I first kiss her pussy I felt freezes parfum ... that excited me a lot so my first time was verry fast (it never happend like that before). Then we had a great talk ... I was surprize that a girl can know so much about life , she offerd me also to have a masaje and she asked my what kind of masaj I want. At the begining I did not understand but she showed me ... she started with a normal and verry good masaj then she continued with an erotic one ... she kissed my back and she masajed me with her soft brest and even with her pussy ... it felt super . The moments I spend with her are moment I will remember and because is not that offen a girl treat me like that I will definetly come back to her if I will have time untyl she goes back . ps: I will remember you forever :love:
Πολύ καλή συμπεριφορά, επικοινωνιακή ευχάριστη και γαμεύσιμη κοπέλα.Ήρε πολύ όμορφα ντυμένη και από την πρώτη στιγμή κατάφερε να σπάσει τον πάγο με κουβεντούλα, χαδάκια, φιλάκια. Όταν άρχισε να ασχολείται με τον πούτσο είδα το βλέμμα της να αλλάζει και να αγριεύει κάνοντας πολύ βαθιές άπνοιες. Καλή συνάντηση. Αναζητώντας στη κοιλάδα των μουσών έπεσα σε μια νεραϊδούλα.
Violetta is an awesome escort. She’s gorgeous, sexy and very sweet if you want a real girl friend. Her body is quite perfect. You want a pretty slim and very hot girl: that’s Violetta. Violetta’s boobs are very nice shaped, firm and really reactive. And if you want more, let say Violetta is fucking good at blowjob. If you are kind with her, she talks to you like your girlfriend and makes love to you as you’ve never had before. Last but not least I think 200E is not enough to reward her services!
Η Τζάνα επέστρεψε από τις διακοπές. Την πήρα το πρωί χθες. Πήγε να κάνει 69 αλλά για να μην τελειώσω αμέσως της είπα , όχι. Έτσι κάθησε δίπλα μου και μου έφερε τα ποδαράκια της στο πρόσωπο. Έπεσε η ανάλογη περιποίηση. Κάνει καλή πίπα, αν και χρησιμοποιεί πολύ το χέρι. είναι πολύ καλό MILF, όπως έχω ξανατονίσει
Second meeting with Valeria, it was much better than the first...she was much more friendly and open, good dfk, slap her buttocks, nice (although brief because of the time) social time (her english has improved, it seems), good sex. I guess I was really unlucky the first time I met her, I felt she deserved this evaluation, and it’s possible I decide to meet her again (for a longer meeting maybe) :fellow:
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