Hi, I was in Greece 2 weeks ago and wish I had come to Athens, looking at one or 2 of the negative reviews I can’t help but step in, Greece is so full of Brazilian escorts with massive tits and big fat arses! Not everyone likes that, I think this escort is stunning and I wouldn’t hesitate paying the 250€ for the hour, when I come back I’ll definitely look you up. Clearly see no photoshop pictures and no enhanced boobs and butt! Some people are impossible to please! Darlin I think you are perfect hope to see you soon! ❤️
Thank you so much! I’m very glad that you liked me! Kissessssss
Agree with other reviews but will add, Aleksandra has class, other escorts I saw this week were lacking in class, Aleksandra was spotless clean, aptment and personal, sweet and kind offering drink on my arrival, 6’0 that’s worth seeing on its own, body was ridiculous, perky soft breasts, cute ass, legs for days, tightest pussy im sure currently on the market, but the mouth was the wow factor, best blowjob in my life! Nothing short of spectacular. Best escort available, you won’t believe it, please trust these reviews she is a true 🦄 in this industry, can see she likes what she does. Bless you Aleksandra. ❤️
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