If you looking for your best blowjob mpempa is the best !!!If you are straight or gay or what ever mpempa make your dick cry !!!! The best choice .Very kind and very good to dirty talk !!!
Guys just don’t waste your money !!! She is boring , she don’t want to do thinks , she was on phone all of the time and only gives handjobs .With 50€ you can find other with full program and so rude like her .!!!!!
Very disappointed!!! She is speaks on phone for 15 minutes and i was wait naked , I told her in message blowjob without condom and when I was go there she told me she not make without condom , no nice place no active she just play my dick only and fast just to finish and go !!
Honey B I fell sorry for you but most important it's to respect,love like your self when you go to ask blowjob whiteout condom go cut this forest I will suck dick or hair come on second more important don't be scared to use the water and soap it's not dangerous no body don't die from that to be fresh clean from the cement about the place darling when you coming whit 50€ you think you will come in Hilton really sorry I can't pay for you luxury suite and suck smelling dick for 50€ tell me thank you I make you handjob it's to much for people like you !
Very sexyyy, very good service and amazing blowjob and sex skills to blow your mind ,very friendly and nice hotel.I will visit her again absolutely!!!
Thanks baby for your comments. Hope to see you soon again! Kisses xxx
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