Now I know Lucky 4 years and have had many beautiful hours with her. Sometimes it was short meetings of two hours, but there were also those over several days. I especially liked the one she showed me as a leader in Prague and then to he conclusion as seducer in the hotel room her sensuality. I had many woman but no united as much positiv as Lucky. She ist the most beautiful girl I have seen, natural and without cosmetic and surgical tricks and of an inspiring kind. Always well-presented, she meets one as if she were smiling straight out of one of her films or fotos. Lucky is a true connoisseur of good life, she loves good food and just as good drinking, be it water, beer or wine, she always amazes me with her fine taste and at every step you notice her devotion to he beautiful city. With her uncomplicated nature she always inspires me , especially when she is not waiting for us to shape the most important things at our meetings, but take the initiative herself. I prefer to feel that a woman.
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