Last week after a fast decision I was flying thro Alisa to her private place where it is at city center .. That was our 8th meeting with that glamour chick may be.. all was the same as previous meetings.. sex was active, she was stunning in her sexy lingerie. We did it everwhere... she moans so sexy while I am in that lovely pussy... no words to say, she is so provacative... go and taste... see you soon Alisa dear.. kisses to your... :))))
Petite dream lady...beautiful eyes, cute nose,skinny lovely figure, killer booty, soft touch, very kind and talkative... best kisses I got, we loved each other really much. simply I can say.. less is more!!! see you soon...
One of the best brunette ladies in the city with perfect boobs and booty.. not so talkative but so sweet.. always smiling... she will take care of you with her perfect Bj. I am waiting next meeting soon.
Queen of my hearth with her marble brownie skin...She is a walking statue with sexy curves... how amazing to be in her, I dont believe to be done...When is next dear my sexy Pocahontas????!!!!
She was in my mind since long time..She appeared suddenly today and we decided to meet. What can I say?.. no words! she is so cute and kind but also really sexy... she flew me to the sky with her soft touch, It was love more than sex that she will be always in my mind really..I hope we will be dancing soon dear.. thank you.. happy to meet your kind hearth.
My dear sexy cutie back in town again... You won't believe what a velvet touch she has, not only to your. :)) but also to your hearth. She is one of the best naughty GF style lady you may find here with a perfect BJ talent...give a chance to yourself and book a visit ASAP then you will understand what a warm bambi she is...see you soon my darlingo...
A real glamour girl, best satisfaction you may get to get, very sympathetic with a lovely smile... but above all so sexy of all may easily find her in city center in a fine flat without a risk of entrance.. she will wellcome you with her best lingeries as always.. go forward guys!
If you look for a tall supermodel then keep in touch with Pride to have a visit this gourgeous golden sweet young lady. She is pretty talkative and cool at the same time but worh to feel her touch, one of the best pussy I might ever seen in my life, was lovely to see her in doggy while buried my face to her golden hair... thank you my dear
Very warm sweet lady with a bambi face giving an extreme blowjob. So beautiful face and eyes wellcomes you with hugs and kisses.She is not only smart but also has sense of humor, you may talk hours long with her while have a relaxing touch. Thank you Bambi xoxo
A real angel with frosty eyes, she is not much tall even you may say petite, she has pure soft skin...she is too young, needs more experience, communication was fine in english... with her lovely curvy body you may easily go hard but her angelic face is the main point to focus... she has rules you should obey about hygiene and the rest is your touch. enjoy boys!
Hello Elit... my text dont reach you.. I dont know why... please have a check..
she told me she is busy at the moment ..I asked for the night but to confirm herself with amateur photos. she asked a video call... I said Ok but I was not suitable at the moment. without a reason she blocked me... whats the problem ladies!!! come on!! I had over 40 meetings via this site... Ofcourse I will ask photos in days of shitty AI age.. We are paying, we are not stupids!!!
where is she? there are many others but not her...
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Oh my Bambi is back!!! so lovely flying over her Louboutins haha :))) I love you babe!!!
Kisses 💋