Met Siya recently, here's a quick report:nA petite Ukrainian woman, a little chubby, loves money and thick black cocks. She made cool photos from favorable angles + several filters - in real life, the tits hang out, fat on the sides. I'm thinking well - I'm ready for battle.nWe started with a blowjob, I asked her not to hurry, because I felt that I would come soon, but somehow she did not listen very well. The process itself is not very good, it works more with the hand than with the mouth, does not take deeply but sucks wet, tried a couple of times to push deeper but chokes, actively jerks with hands and sucks only the head, came on quickly, began to ejaculate in the mouth, but quickly jerked away and finished masturbating on my body.nnAfter a short blowjob, we moved on to the classics — the compression is good, the girl herself is active, willingly changes positions, allows herself to be groped wherever you want. I've asked her from above, she climbed in without problems (although I'm not small)))), she jumps fast, the tits are a little saggy but neat, then doggy, the anal looks like a used, in the process I put my thumb in there - it entered without problems, but she began to protest. There is compression, and it gets a kick out of it.nnSo, in 2 hours I've finished 3 times, the first time from a blowjob and twice in a doggy style.nIn the breaks, she toned up me by licking my cock and balls. She were licking until I was ready to continue.n
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