Not a simple's like you married the girlfriend which reminds you every day why you married her... so sensual that I can't describe it in words. Thank you for all you are the best! Of the best of the best..
Thank you, for such an amazing review!
What can I say for this LADY she is a beauty! Juisy body pretty face, I would say exotic! I had great time funny moments! About process she was very active and friendly even in the difficult moments! Definitely I’ll visit her again and again! Great GFE EXPERIENCE! Kisses baby❤️
This Lady is a dream girl/ Professional/ great body/great character/ clever/very positive person! About sex real active and funny moments! I had a great session with her which made my day better! Thank you for all baby!
Thank you my honey))))
Dear Friends/ It was my first time using agency… I liked it they were accurate with appointment/location/ communication without delays it insidents … about Angel she was very active during sport/ passionate lady/ juicy strong body/ great bulb/ clean/ professional.. She taught me also some new tricks…Thank you Angel waiting for our next teaching lesson! 😘
Polite kind sensitive person/funny/adorable/she is not afraid to express herself/ fresh lady/nice body/great legs/ great look /Amazing GFE hope to see her again soon!
Perfect/ beauty/ kind person/ Friendly/Polite/ could be my girlfriend from Highschool! Perfect thank you! See you soon...........
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