The apartment was extremely dirty , at the entrance , stairs and inside/ no shower available. Garbage everywhere. Honestly looked like a crack house. I am Embarrassed. She wanted more for anything extra even though it was included on her menu. Price was higher then advertised online. What a disaster… gross.
Not the girl . Not even close.. she rushed ok asked for 100UD just for taxi. She was cute , bib turkish and 100% not the girl advertised.. terrible experience..
This girl is an absolute stunner ! As incredibly hot as her photos. She was very well dressed when answering the door, incredible smile and very friendly. She greeted me with a kiss and some touching. After a quick shower I slowly undressed her to reveal an incredible tight and tome body. Her perky little butt was magnificent.. I will leave out the rest for your imagination.. I would see her again the moment there is an opportunity. Xxx
The girl is as the picture depicts. How ever she is not Ukrainian. She is Turk. Charged 100us for her “taxi” showed up an hour before agreed time. Absolutely did not want to do what she is doing. Maybe she is pressured into it ? Mabye not her fault. Either way not all cool and clearly doesn’t want to be here in this situation. I introduced myself asked ahead of time of she would like a drink. She said yes to Wiskey, so I bought her some. She didn't have a sip. Spent 20mins here and literally took off. Overcharged and completely under delivered. So disappointing. Absolutely brutal and not .
He asked me for anal sex, I told him I wouldn't do it for that price, and I'm not a Turk, anal sex can't be that cheap, and I only asked for 50 dollars for the taxi. He threatened me because it wasn't what he wanted, and that I would make a bad comment. This is a very wrong move.
The girls Molly and Safia were very sexy , fun and flirty . They made me feel comfortable right away . We had drinks , listen to music and then they both fucked me . It was unforgettable ! Some people made some bad comments that I questioned .. these girls have it all . Good looks , very tiny, and sexy ! I can’t wait to see them again !
Waooow thank u my honey. Kiss you and waiting u again
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