Linda opened door, a charming lady took me into the appartment, overwelming kisses started a hot session, I was purely excited, time was running quicker as my conclusion was to agree on a next date within a week...before leaving Istanbul... Linda was wonderful...nothing to add...
One week at Malta, a bit boaring, so I needed a nice companion, SOFIA was my choice today at afternoon. She was a pleasure, she topped every sexy date I ever had, so greedy, sexy & warm, as well wet and performing strongly, she guided through the actions, 100 % GFE, wonderful tongue kisses, I felt like in heaven, she took everything from me, what I had, I was exhausted at the end, fully groggy..but happy, to had her on my side... kisses my dear, please stay longer here.. so I can meet again... hopefully again 2 wonderful hours..
Thank you dear, always glad to meet you🫶
I had two dates with Marina, must write a review about this exciting time. First date was very good, second much better, a very well welcome as a good friend, open minded, nice appearance, reality better as fotos show, a warm reception, she treated me excellent during both dates, like a guide, an expert in all she is doing. I got best services, more then I expected, real good massages, best sexy GFE feeling during all time, she overwhelmed me with warm body- and lipp-kisses, made me finally crazy, I lost my time, was 100 % in her hand. Beside that she was perfect in communication on English, a very nice skin and elegant body, overall a breathtaking appearance…so I was happy to get her as the best final experience at end of my vacation time. I am so happy on one side, to have had the chance meeting her, on other side I am sad, not knowing when she will be back in my area. Thanks Marina.. 😘
Loveable beauty & sexy girl, crazy horny Performance, Action all the time, wet pussy, best riding, hot kisses, all in all she is excellent...she nearly killed me, crazy feeling..
I decided for a second call; appointment was done easily, she arrived on time, brilliant look, I was flashed again by her from first moment I opened the room door. Roxana looks 100 % as on pictures, even better. We spent now 2 hours together, my given money was best investment this evening; a highlight, she had nice underwear, we had fascinating time together, she gave best massage ever, I felled like being at heaven, her sex is outstanding. I am sure, I found a real gold nugget under all of those escorts here at Istanbul… I am crazy about her….:love::wink::love:
Roxsana was a pleasure, she hits every dates I ever had, so greedy, sexy & warm, as well wet and performing strongly, she guided through the actions, 100 % GFE, wonderful tongue kisses, I felt like in heaven, she took everything from me, what I had, I was exhausted at the end, fully groggy..but happy, to had her on my side... kisses my dear, please stay longer here.. so I can meet again... :wink::smile::love:
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