Julia and Eva.. Eva and Julia .. my first duo ever. And I don't believe i would have a better one again .. two ladys doing the best to please you .. i hope i also satisfy them.. i really had the best time of my life ..
Julia and Eva.. Eva and Julia .. my first duo ever. And I don't believe i would have a better one again .. two ladys doing the best to please you .. i hope i also satisfy them.. i really had the best time of my life ..
A redhead like none other!! A beautiful lady and a professional at what she does.. she hasn't complained about nothing.. very nice blowjob and even better deep throat!! As for anal out of this world.. as for the communication we used Google translate
One of the best ladies i have meet until now .. she is out of this world .. blowjob sex anal all of them was perfect.. i wasn't expecting it so good.. 2 hrs finished like that.. i was disappointed that i couldn't stay for more .. Guys do not miss her ..
Thanks. Possible to take more hours next time straight. Hope to see you soon dear again. Kissess
Hello Maria !!! We wait for you in Cyprus!!
I'll try to go baby❤️❤️
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Come to Cyprus honey!!