Απιστευτα καλη. Ηταν για μενα αποκαλυψη. Απιθανη στο στοματικο, η καλυτερη στο γλυψιμο με διαφορα. Πληθωρικη με μεγαλο βυζι και ωραιο κωλο, ξερει καλα πως να κανει τον επισκεπτη να περασει καλα. Πολυ καλη στην επικοινωνεια και φιλικη χαμογελαστη.Περασα υπεροχα και θα ξαναπαω στα σιγουρα.
The only word she knows in English is NO. I wonder how she replies in messages . May be someone else is doing this for her.. She promises a lot in her web page, and she is doing absolutely nothing.NO kissing, NO oral, NO anal, NO to everything.I book her for an hour but I stayed for only 20 minutes, as she was very cold and my mood has gone away. She spends more time to her mobile phone than to her customer. What a waste of money. Absolutely not recommended .It was my worst experience with an escort. I will never book an escort who can not speak English or Greek.
She is simply the best. Best in oral, unbelievable in kissing and also in anal sex. Very friendly, excellent communication and a very nice person. Our meeting was for 1 hour but I stay there for more than 2 hours.I left with a big smile in my face and I will go again and again as long as she is there.
Thank you,but its not just me.as you know needs two to tango. Am happy i pleased you. Hope to see you soon again...sweet,sweet,wet kisses until next time.
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