She is like a woman who walked out of a novel of Tolstoy. She could be the woman you saw at the Metro station, but you didn't dare to talk. When she opened the door, her warm eyes, make you feel comfortable. Her eyes have a tenderness of a lost innocence.. When you feel her body, you remember all the good things that worth in life. She kisses like a princess of a fairytail, she sucks in a way, that you don't want to stop, and she spreads her legs, like she wants to embrace you in her warmness. Yes she is a beauty., But she has excellent manners too. She makes you feel relaxed and undrestands the man she has next to her. She makes love in a rare way. Like she is the girlfriend of your lost dreams. At the end she pushed her hands through her thick blonde hair and i remember looking at her with admiration.. I hope she stays in Athens as long as she desires.. . Her gaze returns, i miss her already! Love.. T.
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