Oh my God. I don't know where to begin. Patricia is hands down the best escort based in Malta. If you're horny and/or lonely, Patricia is the antidote to your woes! She is sexy beyond belief. As soon as you lay eyes on her, you might forget your own name for a few seconds. Are you a legman? She's got the delicious legs of a Greek goddess/Olympian. Are you an ass-man? No problem, because she's got a PERFECT bubble butt. I'm talking A-class pornstar levels. Are you a boobs man? Perfectly round double D's that will leave you salivating. However what I want to make sure to mention is her character. Patricia is such a sweet girl. She can be dominant, if that's your thing, but if you prefer a GFE, then look no further. No clock-watching and most importantly no rushing. You will not find a nicer escort in Malta.
Julia is hands down the best courtesan I've ever met. She is warm and welcoming from the moment she meets you, is sweet and intelligent, and will pamper you and make you feel great. She will drive you crazy with her smile, her body and passionate approach. She can be angelic or devilish, according to your whims and tastes. If you're looking for a GFE look no further than Julia. I will miss you and please come back to Malta soon! :love:
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