CORRECTION In the previous review I wrote by mistake blowjob without condom and CIM. That was not true. The blowjob was with condom and i didnt finish in mouth.
She is an angel. She looks better than photos and she is very kind. She makes you feel comfortable. But at the bed she is fire, she does her best to satisfies you. She is a VIP.
Alina is the sexiest girl one can find. Her skin is soft and feels like silk. She has beautiful face and big green eyes. She really enjoys the moment and she is doing her best to satisfy the customer. She is very friendly and talkative and creates the appropriate atmosphere. She doesn't let any distractions to interrupt the moment. I have paid for one hour but I stayed with her two hours. Also she offers an excellent massage which is very relaxing. About sex she is the best. I totally recommended her. She is the best experience in town.
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