Fake, absolute fake. Spent a while arranging appointment, they admitted to being an agency. Would not agree to WhatsApp video call before appointment which should have rang alarm bells, they agreed when I said I would refuse girl if they sent the wrong girl & they even said not to pay taxi yet they still sent a different girl who couldn’t have been more different from Tina’s profile. Wrong side of 30, peroxide blonde, fake boobs, covered in tattoos & certainly not pretty, basically what you would expect a $20 street hooker who is past her best to look like. Be aware, they advertise a number of girls who do not exist just check the contact number. Anyway, didn’t pay a penny & saved $500. Ignore the ratings above I had to complete to submit review.
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Hi Diana, Unfortunately it is me again. No matter which way I try to contact you through the number above you do not receive them. As a last option if possible can you go back to our earlier chat regarding the WhatsApp hacking and try messaging me please. Sorry for the inconvenience.