100 % SCAM She asks me to register on several sites in which I must enter, my banking information with lots of pop-ups. She changed me from an Irish phone number to an Australian to contact her. I'm not even sure it's photo is authentic, as she refuses to send a selfie to certify it. One of the sites trying to charge me 50 euros when I signed up ... . Scam to avoid. more
Located in very nice hotel near city center. Showers provided. Great body and very friendly girl. Great sex and will certainly be going back for more. Thank you Mia for a wonderful time and see you when you return.
I met Claudia at a very nice 4* hotel while she was touring in Dublin. She is a very beautiful woman with full but firm natural D cup breasts and very a curvaceous figure. Although she is a few kilos heavier than when her pictures were taken, this actually makes her more womanly and attractive. She has exceptionally beautifully soft skin and grea ... t legs and a nice bum to match her magnificent breasts. Her lips are also the softest I have ever tasted, which makes french kissing and receiving a bbbj from her extra sensitive and erotic. I found that Claudia, in addition to being beautiful, is a very friendly, warm, passionate and intelligent woman. She is an excellent social companion and has the poise and grace to fit into any social milieu and any occasion. The intimate aspects of our meeting exceeded all my expectations. Her gfe is exceptional with passionate dfk alternating with tender lip sucking. During our time together, we made love many times in different positions and pleasured each other orally. Unlike many escorts, Claudia made our entire intimate time together seem very natural and we were able to concentrate on our mutual enjoyment of each other. She is a very sensitive and sensual woman who seems to really enjoy physical intimacy. In summary, I received a 5* service from a 5* escort, which I will remember for a very long time as one of my best sexual experiences ever.and yes, I will definitely be back to see Claudia again. Dakujem milacku...you’re the best.:love::love::love: more
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