I've always enjoyed dom play, my wife and I have done some pretty interesting things. But I like to be the bottom, the one being dominated and humiliated used for her pleasure. I guess that's because during the week at work I'm the boss and have to be the "top" around there and I get really tired of that. We've tried different kinds of games but the one we keep settling on is mild ball torture and not so mild c@ck discipline. There was always the old standard of myself nude, her fully dressed and barefoot, and some gentle kicking in my balls – which didn't feel so gentle from my side! But this kind of thing gets old soon, and with her performance bonus at work this year we bought our first piece of dungeon equipment which we put in the basement. It's a red vinyl table long enough for me to stretch out on, but it's curved low at both ends so when I lay on my back, my hips – and genitals – are higher than my head and feet. There are wide leather and Velcro straps one around my ankles (they are tight together) and another across the legs just below my knees. My balls are lifted up between my thighs before we put my legs tight together. There's another strap that goes across the upper body at the elbows so I'm pinned down and cannot move. She's developed all kinds of deliciously painful and humiliating things to do to me in this position! And to make it worse – or better I think – her little sister who's also into this kind of play has started coming over to help her torment me! I think it's just so erotic to be nude in front of her little sister like this, who I always had a secret crush on before my wife and I were married. I love being displayed before her vulnerable and helpless like that! The two girls delight in lowering the lights and putting on Pink Floyd and other mellow, dark music, and then disciplining my genitals. Now naturally my wife would never allow anything done which would damage me, but that doesn't mean she can't dole out incredible amounts of pain after my endorphins begin flowing, and the pain becomes the pleasure! One of them – I never really know which because I can't see what they're doing – will gently and tenderly work me to full erection, and then begin whipping it with a small fringed leather flail she bought online. It's enough to raise welts on my penis if she hits me hard enough, and certainly will turn the entire shaft pink and angry from the delicious abuse! Especially when she pays attention to the delicate sensitive head with the foreskin pulled all the way back.
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