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Being part of a tight community is suffocating for some, but it canhave its advantages. Every other Saturday at a local beauty shop isSouth Marlin Circle Day. Connie McMullen, whose family left the cozyconfines of South Marlin Circle when she was in her early teens, isa member of the block's alumni association and a lesbianpractitioner of BDSM. On those appointed days, her and her lifepartner, the delicate featured but stronghearted Thuy Nguyen, anoutsider, take care of the hair and nails of the block's denizens.Because of Connie's Mistress status and her ownership of the salon,all block rules except that of submissive nudity are in effect for avisit there. The enclave's residents are shown to a special room inthe shop and are attended to under their slave or Master names. Thestaff of the business are all kink friendly and often practicevarious forms of D/s themselves, but nonetheless informationalsecurity is still preferred and thus the separate room.

Once the submissive has had his/her manipedi and hair care, he/shewould have to step on a circular platform for inspection by theirMaster. This was pro forma meant to impress upon the subbie his/herstatus as property that must be maintained rather than to mollifytheir vanity. Therefore, no ornamentation of the nails or hair (suchas dying or frosting) was allowed unless a Mistress ordered such forher sissyboi.

To demonstrate how this works mechanically, Aoi was brought in byher Master Daniel the past weekend. The receptionist was told thatthey were 'SMC" customers, that abbreviation being for South MarlinCircle. They would be shown to the aforementioned special room,which had an opaque glassed door on it. Daniel had a seat in one ofthe chairs that lined the south wall while Aoi kneeled on a zabutonat his feet with her hands in her lap facing forward. There was arack of magazines, too, and Daniel asked Aoi if she would like oneto read. "Master, may your cockslut please be allowed to read thatissue of Glamor?" she requested. "Yes you may, cockslut," he said,grabbing a Playboy for himself and the Glamor for Aoi. When Conniewas ready for Aoi, she announced, "Master Daniel, please have your property report to the platform." "Yes Mistress," Daniel reacted.Aoi went to the platform and stood on it while Connie walked aroundit, tousled her hair and evaluated her finger and toenails. "I thinkyour property will require only a simple maintenance today MasterDaniel. May I take temporary possession of your property?" "YesMistress. Please accept my humble apologies for the great burden Iam placing on you and your fine shop." "Cockslut will report to thechair," Connie barked, moving behind the barber chair in  the centerof the room. "Yes Mistress," she responded as she scurried into it."Good morning Mistress," she smiled. "Good morning cockslut," Connieretorted. Connie leaned her back, washed her hair and then trimmedit, clipping away any split ends and evening things out. Once thatwas accomplished, she told Aoi, "cockslut will report to the nailstation." "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. Good morning Ma'am!"she chirped to Thuy. "Good morning cockslut," Thuy returned. Thuy'sdeep brown eyes sparkled as she worked on Aoi's digits, thinking theyoung girl was quite a beauty. In the meantime, Daniel had put theirmagazines back as he stood a few feet away observing the maintenancebeing performed on his property. Thuy announced that she wasfinished and ordered Aoi  to report to the platform. Aoi hurriedover so as to not waste valuable time and mounted it once more.Connie and Daniel sidled over. "So what does Master Daniel think ofhis property's maintenance? Connie wondered. "Her Master is verypleased by the product of Mistress and madam's arduous labor. Pleaseaccept this feeble payment and tip as gratitude for the burden thatyou have had to cope with." "Very well Master Daniel. I will returnyour property to you. Your continued patronage is a blessing and mayyou and your property have a truly great day." "Thank you very muchMistress. My property is honored by your attention. Continuedprosperity to you," he said, taking Aoi's hand and heading for thedoor.

Daniel was envied by some of the other Masters because Aoi was sobubbly and affectionate. When she saw her Master at the end of theschool day, she always ran up to him and hugged him like she hadn'tseen him for months. And she wouldn't hold his hand, but rathereither wanted to have his arm around her or she would hold herselfclose to him by grasping his elbow or forearm. She also had such acute little slit it was mouth watering. It's not that they wereunhappy with their own subbies, but being horny teenagers there wasthe tendency to wonder about what being with another person outsideof your partner is like. Also, since Aoi was so tiny and her cuntsuch a snug fit Daniel felt like he had a ten inch dick for how itno doubt felt inside of her.

A big subject of the submissives on South Marlin Circle was whenthey would be formally collared. Just as how in the vanilla worldwomen often talk of marriage and what kind of wedding or engagementring they would like to receive or the scale of the ceremony, thesubmissive females on the block liked to speculate how soon aftertheir Master turns 18 they would formally be admitted into 24/7slavery, what they would like to have said and be allowed to wearduring the ceremony as well as what style of collar they hoped to havebuckled or snapped on to them. Of course, being submissives, theyhad no choice in any of this, but still it was a fun social exercisefor them.

These collaring ceremonies are no small thing on the block, as theyare treated like any other festive occasion such as a birth of achild or a marriage, complete with catered food and speeches by boththe submissive and the dominant, their parents and siblings and thedress of the guests is formal, with the submissives attired in whiteand the masters in black.

But some times, a member of one of the families on the block wouldopt out of the lifestyle because, well, it just wasn't them. Forexample,  Yumi's sister Sumi never felt it. She began receiving herfirst BDSM training at age 18 when her family still lived on SouthMarlin Circle just as Yumi did, but by age 12, she knew that it justwasn't a fit for her personality and she has led a vanilla existencesince then with an outsider boyfriend. She is currently in collegewith the full support and encouragement of her family.

One could also be an honorary member of the South Marlin CircleBondage Club, but it is by invitation only. For example, apparelcompany executive Koji Yamanori was a member of a local shibari playgroup that Kazuhiro Minatohara also belonged to and wascontemplating moving into one of the two houses for sale on SouthDolphin Circle, which adjoined South Marlin Circle. Mr. Minatoharainformed Mr. Yamanori, who he had known for 18 years, that BDSM waspracticed by some of the folks on South Marlin Circle, too, andwould put in a word with that block's club after he filled out anapplication. Mr. Minatohara took the application to the SouthMarlin Circle Bondage Club's tribunal, which was comprised of allthe elder masters and mistresses. Given Mr. Minatohara's goodstanding with the club as well as the alumni association and one ofhis daughters being currently owned by a club member plus the factthat the Yamanoris had four daughters and a son, the application wasapproved a week later and Mr. Yamanori purchased the house on  theend of the South Dolphin Circle cul de sac. They expected to closeon the property within 60 days. Once his family was moved in, theYamanoris would be expected to attend a club meeting and introducethemselves to everyone. If he remained in good standing for a fiveyear probationary period his household would be considered to beregular members of the alumni association though not the block'sclub itself, for which only residents were eligible. However, if oneof his daughters was taken by a member of the South Marlin Circlebondage club then the Yamanoris would be considered members of thatclub, too.

Monday it was windy, as the Santa Ana winds gusted up to 40mph, sothe subbies, who were all forbidden from sporting panties, couldn'twear skirts, much to the frustration of their masters. Because itwas so warm, the subbies were all ordered to don shorts and lightt-shirts along with ankle socks and either tennis shoes or loafers.Moreover, they were told to not wear bras on either the walk up toschool or on the way back. On the road home, they stopped in thealley behind the nearby convenience store and had all the subbiespull their shirts up and expose their breasts. This wasn't that biga deal for them since they were naked all the time at home, as longas they weren't seen by outsiders.

Daniel and Dante were excited at the news that there was anapplication for honorary membership in the bondage club and thealumni association since their brother Ethan was less than a yearand a half away from being eligible to be trained in the art ofrestraining another and then taking a submissive because all thegirls on the block were already spoken for. The Yamanoris' fourdaughters, Yoriko, Yuki, Keiko and Aya, were 19, 17, 18 and 12respectively and son Akihiro had just turned 18 The girls were allcarefully raised by their mother, Noriko, AKA "mesubuta (femalepig)" to be "ojosan" (women of good breeding and usually part ofwealthy families) and were trained to desire the sting of the whipand the caress of the rope. Akihiro was an aspiring heavy metalguitarist who took his fashion hints from Judas Priest and preferredto wear leather biker gear. Yoriko, a 5'3" 100 pound B cupped cutiewas very proper and intelligent and wore her hair bobbed whileliving out of state attending one of this country's bestuniversities. Yuki was still a high school junior, becoming 18 justa month earlier. She was the tallest of the lot, standing a lithe5'9" and 115 pounds with C cups and her hair just over hershoulders. Keiko was more Yoriko's size, except with A cups and herhair down to her ass. Aya was the heaviest at 5'6" and 130 poundswith b cup breasts, relatively thick hips and middle of the backlength hair. None of the girls were allowed to dye their hair, butAkihiro had his dyed a reddish brown tea color known as, "chapatsu" and it wasbarely shoulder length. He was rarely without his trademark blacksunglasses and either a jean or leather harley jacket. As part ofthe agreement to be an honorary member, the Yamanoris would have tofollow all South Marlin Circle Bondage Club and alumni associationrules, including nudity for their daughters when they were at homeor at Mrs. Westfield's. The girls had been kept naked since theyfinished toilet training anyway, so that was six of one half a dozenof the other to the Yamanoris.

After dinner that night, Daniel went back over to the Hamamoto'sresidence. "Is cockslut ready for my use?" he requested. "Yes she isMaster Daniel," Mrs. Hamamoto affirmed. Seconds later, Aoi was holdingDaniel's hand on the way to his house. When they got to his bedroom, sheimmediately stripped. He had her lay on the end of the bed and tied herhands to the headboard and her feet to eyebolts in the ceiling joists.Her heart quickened as she wondered how he was going to use her 18 yearold body. He walked to one side of the bed and cupped the top of herhead and kissed her gently and stroked her cheeks. 'Master is totallysmitten with his cockslut and will do this in as loving and tender wayas possible," he asserted. She wondered what he was talking about. Hewent to the foot of the bed, got on his knees and slurped herincreasingly damp pussy before focusing on her clit and pulling theblood into it with his suction and tongue rolling, relishing the tasteof her sweet juices while her love button throbbed and pulsed at anincreasingly faster pace before she let out a cry of ecstasy as anorgasm raced through her diminutive body.

He went to his nightstand and pulled a wrapper out of a box and tore itopen. He rolled the condom on his bloated dick and then picked up a tubeof lube. Aoi made a mental note to try to relax, but she was sure thiswas going to hurt a lot and her heart was doing clumsy flip flops. Hesquirted a couple of blasts of the oil into her anus and drizzled abunch of it on his sheathed spear. "Try to relax and breathe nornally,"he advised. "Yes Master," she squeaked nervously. He leaned his cockheadagainst the pucker of her sphincter and very lightly pushed against itas she began to feel it bore into her. It burned a bit when he forcedthe head through her opening. He stopped and waited for her ass to getused to the penetration. Then he slid it in another inch. She wasbeginning to writhe as her ass felt more stuffed and the walls wereseparating. He eased it in carefully and halted his progress as shesucked air through her teeth due to the stinging. Once she seemed torelax somewhat, he drove it in the rest of the way and she let out ayelp and then several pants as her anus attempted to cope with beingfilled to the edge of its tolerance. He slowly withdrew and dropped morelube on his shaft and glided it gradually into her again. It stillburned and it felt like the walls of her fudge tunnel were straining onhis fat dick. He pulled out yet again and slicked up his love stick somemore and put it inside of her and held it there. Her anus seemed to begripping and regripping the invasive entity that was his manhood and boydid that feel amazing!

He began to very lightly pump his cock in and out of her anus. Thecompression on his shaft as it entered the hole was exquisite. He addedeven more lube and his shaft continued to run along the surface of herdirty cavity. The protestations of pain had just about ceased. "Fuckcockslut, your asshole feels like nothing I've ever experienced before,"he croaked. She replied, "I'm glad Master," in an agonized voice. Hesped up the frequency of his thrusts by 50% and with each passage of histube steak in and out of her it got easier and easier. "Oh my fuckingGod!" he declared as his engorged, bulging fuck stick insinuated itselfinto her so deeply now it was beginning to elicit moans. He decided toattempt a normal stroking pace and she was able to cope with that. Hewas in heaven, the vice his organ being caught in loose enough for herto deal with the foreign object inside of her and tight enough for himto feel the most righteous pressure on it and her moans were comingfaster and so were his grunts and raspy sighs as he screwed her for hispleasure, her limbs immobilized and unable to do anything than let himfinish.

"Oh God Master, that feels really good now," she notified. "I'm glad tohear that cockslut," he answered. He bullied her anus even more fiercelyand the moans and sighs were building on her side and his grunts evenmore intense on his side, the thin wall between her ass and her pussymaking her feel it in both places. She was relieved that she was able todo this for him now and was enjoying it for that as well as her ownselfish reasons, her poop chute now being used as a pleasure vehicle."Ohhhhhh Godddddd Master!" she whimpered, trying to twist against theropes as the heat accumulated within her, the lube and the looseningsphincter causing obscene sounds to be produced by them. She began topant over and over and those pants became deeper. She squealed andchoked out an, 'I'm cumming!" He really opened up on her at that point,banging her body hard with each thrust, letting out occasional growls,before his cock twitched and filled the head of the condom with hisballjuice.

"Oh my fucking God!" Daniel exclaimed as he drained the last of hissperm into the latex container which sat still inside of her. Hegingerly pulled it out of her with a little pop at the end, went to thebathroom, and wrapped the used rubber in a bunch of tissue paper andchucked the wad into the waste basket. After he washed his penis off, hereturned to his bedroom and saw Aoi's normally tight little assholehanging open. He untied her and had her move up toward the headboard sothat he could cuddle her. "Cockslut will issue a report on hercondition," Daniel ordered. 'Master, your cockslut will be sore forquite a while after this, but she doesn't think she has been injured andshe appreciates Master's concern for her health," she riposted. "Doescockslut love her Master as much as ever?" "Yes she does Master. Shehopes that Master will honor her with his care and guidance for as longas she shall live." "Cockslut, your Master will vigorously keep you safeand secure and she will not find the kind of loving refuge anywhereelse that she will in her Master's arms," he promised. "Your cockslut isconfident that will always be the case Master," she let him know."Thank you Aoi. You're a true blessing," he averred. "You have no ideahow great it  is to be described that way, Daniel. I feel very lucky tobe with you," she stated. He pulled her tightly into his body. "Cockslutis released from her duties for the rest of the day," he permitted."Thank you Master. But may your cockslut enjoy the honor of her Master'sarms for a little while longer?" "Cockslut may enjoy that pleasureanytime she so wishes," he smiled. "Thank you Master," she smiled back.

Aoi had just lost her anal virginity and was gratified to know that shecould now do that for him even if the initial pain is pretty daunting.

At the Delasso residence, Kathy and her friend Arlene Stevenson werehaving their brains fucked out by their masters Eric Stevenson and ScottDelasso respectively, as they were on their knees on Scott's bed takingmassive amounts of cock. Kathy was a nice looking, if not what onewould call beautiful, dirty blonde with teardrop shaped breasts, pinkishbrown nipples and an untrimmed bush. Her best feature was actually herskin, which seemed to be almost translucent it was so flawless exceptfor a few freckles near her mound. She had a little bit of an edge toher, which is what attracted Eric to her. It's not that she was usingdrugs or had problems in school or with law enforcement, but she couldbe pretty serious business at times. Fortunately, she took thatintensity to bed with her, too, and Eric had a hard time believing thatanyone could give better head than Kathy.

Whatever she did she seemed to go to it with an almost psychotic degreeand she had a thing for being whipped and exposing herself. For example,one of her favorite stunts was to take her top and bra off late atnight in an empty park and walk through it with her boobs swaying,enjoying the feel of the breeze and cool air against her nipples. Ericwondered if it was ever possible to humiliate her or if she was such athrill seeker she would be up for just about anything. In fact, Eric haseven punished her for taking really stupid chances at times, but sheseemed to love the penalty as much as the thing she was being sanctionedfor.

Arlene was more willowy and laid back. Her 5'7" body, slim silhouette,long black hair and eye glasses lent her a very quiet dignity andintellectual air that Scott couldn't resist. She was more of a go alongto get along type of girl and shied away from anything that smacked ofconflict. She was basically surrendering right from the outset and wentinto sub space at the drop of a hat. And she absolutely loved thesensation of a cock inside of her. She wanted to be fucked as much aspossible since that was her heroin. She didn't really like blowjobs,though, for that reason. She would rather have had the penis in her cuntthan in her mouth. That demure nature is also why Scott liked to giveher tickling attacks in public.

Yumi called her new master, Jeff, every night to report what she hadbeen doing that day. He also kept her abreast of what was occurring inthe neighborhood. Sometimes they would even masturbate together. Shereally looked forward to cementing new friendships and was also happyabout the new Japanese family moving in the next block over. Sherecognized that she was going to feel a little like a stranger in astrange land at her new school initially, but with all the supportshe'll have Jeff didn't think it would take too long for her to adjust.She was mulling how she would feel once she finally lost her virginityboth vaginally and anally. Jeff assured her that he would take it slowand if what the other subbies on the block were any indication heradjustment to being used regularly wouldn't take all that long.