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This morning it was a bit chilly but she sat outside anyway listening to the sounds of vehicles passing by. Lost in her own thoughts and hearing the vehicles passing all around she did not hear the car that had pulled up next to her at the curb.Movement in the corner of her eye drew her attention and as she turned to see who it was she was suddenly grabbed by a tall dark skinned man.“Let me go. Help someone! Let me go dammit!”, Lacey screamed as she was pulled out of her chair and being dragged to the car with the dark tinted windows.“Relax girlie, nothing bad will happen to you, YET.”, said the dark man who held her against her will.The sound in the man voice caused her to tremble in fear and struggle even more.“Some one please help me. I am being kidnaped. Please someone help!”, Lacey yelled as loud as she could.People came pouring out of the coffee shop to see what the commotion was all about. Noone moved to help her but one man. She thought he looked familiar but thought it might just be the fear making her see things. The man pushed his way through the crowd as he tried to get to Lacey and free her from the man who was now shoving her slim frame into the car door. He ran as fast as he could but just as he got to the car and grabbed the handle of the door, the car sped off at high speed.He turned quickly on his heel and jumped into his car that was parked 2 spaces away. The engine revved into life and he quickly made his way to follow the car that contained the young woman who had been abducted right in front of him. As he wove his way through traffic and got behind the car he was hoping with all he was to get to her in time and free her from her abductors.Lacey looking out the back window saw the man from the coffee shop following her and had hope that she would be saved before anything could happen to her. She prayed for all she was that the car would stop and she would be able to go home.The car the abductors were driving headed toward the interstate so that is where the car Ben was driving went. Up onto the freeway they raced one leading and trying to get lost in the sea of cars, the other following closely and hoping to get to the lady in time.A police helicopter over head saw the chase unfolding on the interstate and called in police backup. Since the chase had increased to speeds to over 90 miles an hour the helicopter stayed with them. The pilot relayed all the directions to the police so that they could intercept the speeding car and the one following behind it.Ben knew if he lost the car in the traffic the girl inside would be lost. The men who took her no doubt had a horrid plan for her. He pushed his car harder to go even faster. The longer they traveled the closer both cars were coming to the docks and all the vacant buildings that were there.The thoughts Ben had running through his head of what these hoodlums wanted from the poor sweet looking girl made his blood boil. He was starting to sweat and the drops on his forehead glistened like diamonds in the sunlight. Even his well kept dark brown hair was beginning to show his stress. His dark brown eyes seemed on fire with the urge to get to her safely. Every muscle in his toned body was crying out to make the men pay for taking her. His strong hands gripped the wheel so tight that his knuckles became as white as freshly driven snow. Ben thought he heard the sound of a helicopter over head. He craned his neck a bit and that was when he saw it flying over the hoodlums car. The police were sure to be in route to catch the men. Ben being ever the optimist thought he might just pull off and let the cops have this one, but something in his mind told him not to stop or she would be lost. This thought caused him to speed up even more and push his car even harder.The hoodlums in the car were beyond paranoid. They were being followed by some mad man in a car and over head was a police chopper. They both knew it would only be a matter of time before they were caught. It was this thought that made their whole demeanor change from just wanting to pimp her out to wanting to rape her and leave her for dead on the docks.Lacey was sitting in the back seat trying to keep her abductor from touching her. She had been saving herself for true love and marriage, yet this man whom she did not know was pawing at her trying to take what she did not want to give. Lacey screamed and kicked at the man causing him a great deal of pain when her foot connected with his face. He grabbed his eye and cursed her.“I will fuck you. I will force you to like it. I will take you, then I will leave you for dead. There is no hope for you to escape or be found.”, He laughed evilly at his own words. To Lacey his words sounded so very real and rang in her ears, yet she was not going to give up or give in. She vowed she would fight til she took her last breath. Her abductor grabbed at her again pulling her legs toward him and trying to part them. She kicked out again and caught him square in his nuts making him howl and scream in agony as he retched. She slyly smiled to herself knowing she had caused him great pain that time. She also knew he would more then likely retaliate the pain upon her as well.The man reached out and grabbed her throat squeezing with all the muscle he could muster. Lacey could not breath, she was going to black out. Her face started to turn blue and then changed to a wild looking purple that was more black then red. Her eyes began to feel like they would explode. Her lungs cried for air. Lacey clawed at his hand leaving more then a few deep fingernail cuts. Finally the man let go of her neck and began to focus on taking her clothes off.Lacey struggled. She would not let him do this, yet struggling took so much energy and she was still winded from him choking her. Her oxygen deprived mind began to play images of her being raped and beaten, her resolve began to disappear. Her body screamed out for rest and her fighting grew weaker.Her abductor smiled thinking he had finally won. He ripped her blouse from her and delighted as the material ripped freely from her. He grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her to face him as he descended his lips to hers roughly and began to kiss and bite her.Lacey screamed as the man bit her lip and it began to swell and feel as though it was bleeding. With his free hand he grabbed her left breast and began to twist it and pinch it so hard that Lacey thought for sure her skin would be marred or mangled for life.Ben was right behind them and saw what was playing out in the back seat. His rage grew to levels he had never known before. He wanted to hurry and get her away from them before they harmed her. Though he had to admit she had fought bravely until moments ago. Replaying the visions of her kicking the man in the face made him smile his crooked little grin. She was for sure a fighter and she would not give in so easily to this man.Out of the corner of Lacey’s eye she saw the man from the café. He was following them to help her. She knew in her heart he would help her free herself from the mad men who had taken her captive. As she looked upon him she felt as though she had seen his face before. The longer she looked upon him she realized that she had in fact seen him before in a movie. As her mind worked and she recognized the face and put the name with it her abductor decided it was time to quiet the little fighter.Lacey turned her head just in time as the man mauling her had drawn back to punch her. His fist grazed the side of her head making a lightening show go off in her temple as the bolts of agony shot through her. Lacey cried out as the flashes of light became a throbbing pain to match no other. Her mind reeled trying to get away from the hurt and the man who had inflicted it upon her. Lacey’s whole being cried out to be free and she began to fight back with a renewed strength she did not know was part of her. Her abductor was not ready for such an onslaught and he tried to hold his grip on her though she did break free from his hands and manage to kick him in the chest hard enough to knock the wind out of him. He coughed and choked as he tried to get his wind back. Lacey was trying to find the door handle, she would escape even if she had to jump from the vehicle. She knew if she jumped she would be hurt but that was the price she was willing to pay to be free from these vile, evil men.All of a sudden Ben saw movement in the car. The lady was fighting again. From what he could see she must have landed a good blow or two to him and he was turning blue and trying to catch his breath. He saw the lady turn halfway around and reaching for something. She must be reaching for the door handle. His mind raced. She would fall out and smash onto the pavement and be hurt. Ben knew that she must know that as well but felt as if he was in her mind and that she was willing to risk being hurt to get away from the man trying to rape her. Ben was impressed that she would think of such a thing but worried that if she fell out of the car at this speed that he might run over her. Ben could see the man in the backseat reach out again and grab the lady by the throat his eyes grew wide as he imagined what would happen to her before the next 5 minutes passed and they reached the docks. His mind began to scream out in agony as he watched her being choked and seeing her face turning colors from lack of oxygen. Lacey was reaching behind her trying to find the door handle when she felt the man’s hand clasp around her throat again. She inhaled deeply trying to get as much air as she could so she could fight him. As his hand closed tighter on her throat her vision began to get blurry. She heard a weird ringing in her ears knowing that this time he would not let go until she was unconscious. Her eye lids drooped then closed completely as her mind gave in and her body became still.The man did not release his grip right away but busied his other hand with removing her bra by ripping it from her body. He was excited by the red welts it left upon her skin. His blood pressure rose as he looked upon her naked breasts. He removed his hand from her throat and put both hands upon her breasts and felt their weight in his hands before he began removing what was left of her clothing. He was amazed at how she looked unconscious and laying in the backseat only clad in panties. His cock became painfully hard in his trousers as he leaned over her. His hands mauled her flesh and left red prints from his harsh touch upon her virgin skin. Lacey was lost in a dark cloud of what seemed like sleep only more vicious. Her skin hurt and she could feel hands upon her. She screamed inside her mind trying to wake up and make the hands stop hurting her. Ben was in a state of shocked horror as he looked at what little he could see in the back seat of the car. He knew the man had choked her til she passed out and was now trying to undress and rape her as they sped down the interstate. His mind cried out at the injustice of it all. His mind screamed at the man to release her.Ben noticed that up ahead was the interstate exit to head toward the docks. The car he was following made it’s way over until it made it’s way onto the off ramp and ran a red light turning left to go straight to the abandoned section of warehouses on the docks.Ben followed the car close but not close enough for them to think he was still behind them. If they thought they had lost him they would slow down and not be so inclined to harm her. He watched from about 5 cars back as the abductors turned into the warehouse area and made their way down the long line of buildings in ill repair. He watched them as they turned and the driver got out and opened the door of the last warehouse on the first row. Lacey was still out cold but she could feel the car stop moving and heard a door open. Not much time passed before she heard the man enter the car and the car move again. It felt like only about 50 feet that the car moved so they must have made it to their hide out. Her mind screamed in rage and frustration trying to rouse her from her state of unconsciousness.Ben watched carefully as the door to the warehouse shut and he made his way down the line of warehouses. He knew there must be another way into there. He scanned the buildings in search of a way to get the lady out of harms way.Ben looked at the front of the building and saw no entry point. He slowly and quietly made his way around the side of the building and he saw it was a 3 story warehouse. He climbed the fire escape stairs attached to the side of the building and looked into the top windows. Inside were the offices. He made his way to all the windows checking to see if any were unlocked, almost losing hope until he reached the last one and it swung out towards him.Without looking back Ben climbed into the window and lightly stepped onto the floor. His mind tried to make a plan on how to save the lady but he came up with nothing and decided he would wait to see what was going on below. The hoodlums stopped the car and shut the bay door on the front of the building. They made quick work of removing Lacey from inside of the car. She was still unconscious and they carried her over to a pallet they had against the wall. No sooner had they laid her down on the pallet and the man who had driven the car handcuffed her to the pipes that climbed the wall by her head.Lacey could feel the cold metal as it circled each wrist but was unsure what was going on. Her body had lost the will to fight and she was so tired that no matter how many times her mind screamed to wake up she could do nothing but remain in the darkness of her mind. The hoodlums looked upon her nearly naked form as she was lain sprawled out on the pallet. The driver gave the other man a thumbs up letting him know it was safe to begin what ever he had in mind to do to this young woman. He walked to a sink nearby and filled a cup with water. He slowly made his way back to the Lacey and threw the icy water upon her quickly rousing her from the blackness she had come to embrace in her mind. Lacey’s eyes jerked open in a flash as the icy water splashed across her near naked form, it was then that she realized just how much trouble she was in. She no longer had the layers of clothing to protect her. The thin panties she still had on were soaking wet from the water the men used to wake her up. The thin material was see through now showing the men her closely shaved mound. The abductors noticed the sheer material her panties had become and they both tried to decide who would have their way with her first. “I should have the first piece of her since I had to drive the car”, said the smaller of the two men.“Well no matter how much driving you did I should get the first piece since I had to grab her and subdue her in the car. I didn’t see you helping when she kicked me in the chest you asshole!”, said the large man.The bickering went on and on back and forth. The men finally decided to flip a coin to see who went first. While the bickering was going on Ben had made his way onto the landing above and was slowly making his way unseen down the stairs toward the place where Lacey was being held captive. Ben crept closer with each passing second and was ready to spring out upon the men. The abductors were still busy arguing over heads and tails on the quarter they were going to toss for the first piece of Lacey and did not notice Ben sneaking upon them. With a cry reminiscent of ancient battle Ben launched himself from the stairwell and landed upon both of the men. The smaller of the two flew a few feet and landed head first on the hard floor knocking himself out cold.The larger man faired better then his partner had and started to struggle against Ben’s weight upon him. He never suspected that the car that followed them would be able to find them, yet the man was here and he wanted to get away. His mind kept screaming that if he did not get away he would spend a long time in lock-up over this. He had to get away. His buddy could take the fall for this.Ben stayed on the guys back not letting him get up. The man beneath him struggled to get free but the more he struggled the more Ben fought to keep him out of harms way of Lacey. Ben began punching the man on every square inch of him that was not covered to hold him down. The blows landed solidly and the man grunted and groaned with pain at every strike.Lacey watched in amazement as Ben pummeled the guy who had harmed her. Every time she saw Ben’s muscles rippling and the next swing coming down she got a small bit of satisfaction. Each time the man groaned and grunted from a hit she slyly smiled knowing the satisfaction of him getting what he had done to her not so long ago.Ben was beyond mad he was filled with primeval rage, rage against the man who had hit and hurt Lacey. Ben saw the bruises showing up on her tender flesh from the man’s hands and it fueled him even more. The images of her being choked filled his mind and made his fists come down faster and harder. Lacey looked on in admiration as Ben thoroughly worked over the man who had intended to rape her. Her mind was filling with images of being home soon and putting this all behind her. Her whole being just wanted to go home, take a long hot shower, and go to bed in her secure house. The man Ben had pinned to the floor had found the strength to get up to his hands and knees. Ben continued to pummel him, not only was he connecting fist blows but he was also getting in some nice kicks to the mid section. The man tried repeatedly to stand but the last attempt only caused him to be knocked out by a swift kick to the face. Both men lay out cold on the hard floor of the warehouse. Ben quickly made his way to Lacey and uncuffed her from the pipe on the wall. He quickly looked her over to make sure she was not harmed too bad, then led her to the door and out to his car around the corner. Once in the car Ben looked at her more closely and suddenly realized how nearly naked Lacey was and how much he was attracted to her. Her dark hair was still damp from the water they had splashed on her and her hair had slid down out of the hair tie leaving small wet ringlets near her face. Ben wanted so very badly to reach out and touch the curls and see if they were as soft as they looked. Lacey started to blush as she herself realized how naked she was. She tried to cover herself up with her hands but the ample size of her breasts made it near impossible to cover everything. She tried to turn away from his sight and began the search for something to cover herself with. Ben smiled to himself at her shyness. He had driven the car far enough down the docks that he could safely stop and get her something to wear out of the trunk. He barely realized he had stopped the car when he opened the trunk and found his gym bag. He opened it and inside he had a pair of shorts and a tank top which he figured would be a bit big on her but would cover her up enough to keep her from blushing anymore. Ben returned to the front seat of the car and handed the clothes to Lacey, turning his head to allow her time to dress without prying eyes. It was all the willpower he had to not look upon her luscious frame. Ben closed his eyes as he heard her moving around to dress and he was imagining her pulling his shirt over her firm breasts and down over her taut stomach. He mind was full of images of her lovely round ass as she pulled on his shorts, seeing the material pulled tight and riding high up on her thighs.Ben shifted uncomfortably as his cock began to stiffen to unknown hardness. He readjusted himself to hide the erection he had gotten from the images in his mind. He did not turn around until he heard Lacey tell him in a very small voice that she was dressed. “Ben I am dressed now”, Lacey managed to squeak.When Ben turned around and got into the car her heart leapt into her throat making it difficult for her to breathe or speak. Never in her life had she been so attracted to anyone. Though she knew he was famous she did not care and she let her mind run free and carry on with the images her fantasy was creating. Ben looked over at her a few times as he drove back toward the café that she had been abducted from. He noticed that as they drove along her nipples began to get hard and stick out noticeably through the front of his shirt. His eyes could not seem to drag themselves away from the glorious sight of her large round nipples becoming hard.As they neared the café Ben cleared his throat as if he wanted to speak but the words would not come forth to make sound. Lacey looked up into his ruggedly handsome face and blushed a deep crimson while she waited for him to speak. “Would you like me to take you home?”, Ben asked finally.“Y-Y-Yes please.”, Lacey managed to stumble out as the images began flashing faster.Lacey explained to Ben how to get to her house and even estimated how long it would take to get there. Lacey suddenly got a panicked look on her face as she realized that she had not gotten her purse from the car in the warehouse.“Ben, my purse, it is still in the warehouse.”, Lacey said then began to cry. “No sweetheart I grabbed it and put it in the floor behind your seat.”, Ben said smiling at her with that lopsided smile that set her heart ablaze.Ben leaned over and brushed the tears from her face and placed a light kiss upon her cheek. Lacey blushed but inside she wanted the contact to continue. She wanted Ben to do much more then just kiss her lightly on the cheek and brush away her tears. She wanted to feel his strong hands upon her flesh. She wanted to feel his weight upon her. She wanted to feel him more intimately then she had even felt anyone before. Ben sped up the car as if reading her mind and wanting to hurry up and get to her house. The images playing through his mind would drive him insane if he did not hurry. His cock was rock hard and aching for Lacey’s touch. He wanted nothing more then to make her happy and keep her safe. The last miles of the trip went by in a blur as they wound their way through town and up to her house. Neither of them noticed that they had arrived until Ben pulled his car into the driveway and turned it off. Ben quickly got out of the car and adjusted his pants once again to hide his erection and made his way to the other side to open the door for Lacey.Lacey had never been treated so nicely by a man and was taken aback by his gentlemanly attitude and actions. Noone had ever opened a door for her, let alone someone as handsome as Ben. Her head swooned as he took her by the hand, grabbed her purse and led her up to the door. The feeling of his hand in hers felt so right and there was a tingle of electricity and excitement that traveled through her whole body from just this simple little touch. Ben smiled to himself at how he loved the feeling of Lacey’s hand in his. His strong hand holding her petite softness. He ached to touch more then just her hands. The feelings coming over him were more then he had ever felt before and his mouth became dry. Lacey reached into her purse and retrieved her keys and opened the door. Not a word was spoken as they both entered hand in hand and closed the door behind them. Ben hurriedly locked the door and watched in awe as Lacey started up the stairs then she turned and motioned for him to follow her.Ben’s heart raced as he took the steps two at a time until he reached her. He reached out his hand and took hers with it holding it as if she might disappear before his eyes. When she didn’t disappear and led him to her bedroom his heart leapt into his throat again. Never had he seen a more lovely lady in his life and never had he been offered so much.Lacey knew that leading Ben to her bedroom was a big step and that there was no turning back. Her mind and her body had made the decision and she could think of noone better she could give her gift to.Ben smiled at her and took her into his arms holding her close to his chest as he stroked her hair and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. The sweet smell of her hair and it’s softness was heavenly. Ben felt his cock jump and stiffen at the slight contact of their bodies. His hands roamed over her back making her feel relaxed and safe. She had been through so much in one day that he did not want her to be frightened by him moving too fast.Lacey was enjoying the feeling of Ben’s body against hers and his hands stroking her and holding her safe in his strong arms. Lacey circled her arms around Ben’s waist and felt his heart beat with her fingertips. Ben turned his face toward Lacey and kissed her lightly on her cheek. Lacey purred into his ear at the contact. Ben grew bolder and kissed her lightly on the lips. Lacey closed her eyes and kissed him back while pulling his body closer to hers. The exquisite feeling of Ben’s lips upon hers made her blood boil and her body ache with need. Ben could hardly believe the reaction he was getting from this very lovely lady he held in his arms. His whole life he had longed to find the one person who could make him whole and arouse him more then just sexually, and he had finally found her, from the weirdest of circumstances.Lacey allowed her hands to roam Ben’s back kneading the muscles and working her way up to his neck. Her fingers lingering over every inch of his muscular frame and delighting in the feeling of him so masculine against her softness. Her nipples were hard and sensitive as they rubbed against his clothed chest. She could feel his heart galloping at a fast pace and reveled in the knowledge that she was doing this to him.Ben’s hands were roaming along Lacey’s back and made their way lower to grasp the full womanly roundness of her ass. The feeling was beyond anything he had ever known. His hands slowly started their way back up her body and he gripped the shirt and slowly began to pull it up over Lacey’s head. As the material slid free from her satiny soft skin and fell to the floor Ben’s lips once again found hers and teased them apart with his tongue. Lacey at first was a bit shocked at this but soon came to enjoy the sensual feeling of his tongue sliding along her lips and between them to coax her tongue out to meet with his. Lacey shyly moved her tongue to meet Ben’s as it slid along her parted lips. She was lost in feeling as their tongues met again and again dancing the carnal dance of the flesh. She quickly learned his pace and soon was returning every touch, taste and movement. Ben moaned loudly at her growing boldness and reached his hands between then to fell the heavenly weight of her delicious breasts. Lacey moaned as his hands found her womanly globes and massaged them lightly with each hand. Her nipples ached for his touch and protruded trying to entice him to move faster. Ben wanted to take things slow as not to scare or hurt Lacey but her reactions were making that so very difficult. His cock was hard and aching with the need to be inside her and feel her opening herself to him as a woman does the man she loves. He wanted to hear her moans of ecstacy as he made love to her slowly and lovingly. Lacey brought her hands up between them and slowly began unbuttoning the shirt that Ben was wearing. One button at a time painfully slow she finally had his shirt open and was sliding it off his shoulders. The material slid down and Lacey immediately sought out his bare skin. Her hands seemed on fire from the heat of his passion. As Ben shed his shirt he took Lacey’s hand in his and led her to the huge bed in the middle of the room. They reached the edge of the bed and Ben took her in his arms again and kissed her with more love and passion then he had shown her so far. He could feel the hard buds of her nipples as they rubbed against his bare chest. Gently and easily Ben eased her back onto the bed and hovered over her looking deep into her eyes looking for the answer to appear. The answer appeared as Lacey put her hands on each side of his face and pulled his lips down to meet hers in a daring kiss of passion, lust, and love. His heart soared at the gift she was freely giving him.Ben slowly hooked his fingers on each side of the shorts she was wearing and slid then down her smooth long legs until he dropped the material to the floor. Ben removed his lips from hers and gave her a lopsided grin, with the quickness of a cat he moved his head a bit lower and began to kiss a trail down her lovely body. His lips touched her neck lightly and he could feel her pulse accelerating at his every touch.Ben moved his head even lower and slowly sought out each breast in turn with his lips. He took his time and thrilled in the pleasure he was giving Lacey. His lips sought out a breast and made his way in small movements to the hard nipple awaiting his mouth and touch. He circled her hard bud with his tongue teasing her and making her body want more. Lacey arched her back to meet the touch and it was then that Ben took her nipple between his lips sucking and gently nipping at the skin with his teeth. Lacey moaned and grabbed his head with her hands holding him tight to her breast as the sensations caused from his lips made waves through her body and pooled in the sweet warmth between her thighs.Lacey was lost with need as Ben made his way kissing across her stomach and lower toward her mound. He hooked his thumbs in the sides of the panties she was wearing and slid them down her legs until they too were on the floor. Ben smiled to himself as he looked upon a beautiful thing that had never been touched by any man before. His mouth watered as he longed to bury his face between her thighs and give her the loving she so much wanted and that he wanted to give her. Ben moved his mouth closer to the top of her mound and inhaled the sweet fragrance that is woman, the fragrance that is Lacey. Ben teased the outer lips of Lacey’s womanhood and listening to her moan wanting more. Ben could tell that she was very excited as her moaning grew louder and louder. Ben knew now was the time to finally taste her as his face drew even closer to her sex and he slid is tongue from the top to the bottom of her wet slit sliding over her clit and the opening of her soaking wet box. Lacey’s legs jumped at the first contact of his tongue on her clit and she arched her hips up trying to keep the contact between his tongue and her clit. Ben slid his tongue back up her slit and began circling her clit with his tongue, each movement caused her legs to jerk and her head to thrash around on the bed. Lacey was not prepared for the intense pleasure that could be brought from a man’s touch, each time his tongue danced around her clit her body began to shake and tremble and she felt like she would explode. She could feel his tongue flicking across her clit and teasing it until it was sensitive and peeking out from its hood waiting for his next touch upon it. Lacey could feel his hands as they traveled across her stomach and legs yet getting ever closer to her soaking wet sex. Ben was slowly moving his hands toward her sex, he wanted so much to give her all the pleasure she had denied herself for so long. His fingers made their way along her thigh and down the back until he had reached the place he was searching for. The heat coming from her sex was amazing and only added to the fire that was burning deep inside him. Ben slowly and carefully ran one finger along her slit and when it was properly wet from her juices he inserted the finger slowly into her aching pussy.Lacey felt his hand as it made it’s way along the back side of her thigh and up along her wet slit. She moaned loudly and arched her hips up slightly to meet the touch of his hand. Ben’s finger slowly slid along the length of her wetness before he slowly and gently inserted it into her. The feeling of his mouth on her clit and his finger inside her sent her over the edge into the first ever orgasm she had ever experienced. Lacey’s body began to tremble beneath him and she moaned louder and louder. Ben could feel the muscles of her pussy clamping down upon his finger and he knew she was about to cum. Ben waited for the tightening of muscles to become stronger and then he sucked her clit into his mouth and began to stroke it with his tongue while keeping pressure on it. He began to move his finger slowly in and out of her pussy and he could feel her coming closer and closer to orgasm.Bending his finger slightly he found her g-spot and Lacey trembled and screamed out as the orgasm exploded deep within her. Lacey closed her eyes and could see explosions of light behind her eyes as the orgasm hit, wave after wave racked her body from top to bottom. Lacey could feel Ben still continuing the attention to her until her orgasm let up and she tried to catch her breath.Ben looked up at Lacey from between her thighs and smiled at her. He knew that she was ready to learn even more and receive all the pleasure he had to offer her. Slowly he slid up along her body until he was laying along side her upon the bed and looking deep into her eyes. There were so many things he wanted to say but could not find the words to express them all at once. Finally Ben managed to clear out his mind enough to speak.“I will try not to hurt you love. I know that this is all new to you and that the first time there is some pain involved but I will go slowly and when it hurts I will stop.”, Ben almost whispered to Lacey.Lacey heard the words he spoke and her eyes filled with tears of love and joy at the wonderful man she had found. She nodded her head that she understood and Ben kissed her parting her lips with his tongue as he moved to cover her body with his own.The passion in the kiss they shared fueled the fire they both had built in the other. Lacey parted her legs for Ben as he hovered above her with his weight being held up by his arms on each side of her. With a deliberate slowness Ben eased down onto Lacey and rubbed the crown of his hard cock along the wetness of her slit.Lacey returned Ben’s kiss and urged him on with her tongue. She knew that it might hurt for a moment but the pleasure would take all the pain away. Arching her back Lacey brought her hips up a little to guide Ben into her warm depths.Ben’s eyes grew wide as he felt her hips rise up to his, beckoning him to fill her with his hardness. With renewed passion and a deeper kiss Ben slowly pushed the head of his cock into the tightness that he sought to make his own. Lacey tensed a bit at the initial penetration of Ben’s cock, only the head was in but the stretching had hurt for a second. Lacey nodded her head to Ben as soon as the pain had subsided. Ben leaned his head down to hers and kissed her deeply again as he pushed a little farther into her warm womanliness. Ben could feel Lacey’s hymen and knew that it had not broken yet. Ben leaned back and looked deep into Lacey’s eyes asking a question with them that only she could answer, do you want me to stop? When Lacey looked at him with so much love and passion in her eyes he knew the answer and took her lips with his and kissed her soundly as he pushed through her hymen.Lacey looked in ben’s eyes and had seen his worry and the question behind them. She knew that this was the part that would hurt but she knew that it was what she wanted to do, to give herself to this man, to become his. Lacey closed her eyes as their lips met in a passionate kiss and felt his body tense above hers as he got ready to push again and take her virginity from her. Lacey’s tongue met with his and encircled it as he pushed and she gasped into his mouth from the pain.Gasping in shock into Ben’s mouth, Lacey felt the explosion of white hot pain sear through her signifying that her virtue was gone. Lacey tensed her body and willed herself not to cry as the pain radiated through her whole being. Ben remained motionless above her kissing her and trying to ease the pain away. Ben’s cock was buried half way inside of Lacey and he didn’t move it for fear of hurting her even more. He continued to kiss her and show her all the love he had for her, making her feel what his heart was screaming. Lacey put her hands upon his hips and started to guide him further into her, that was all the encouragement he needed to continue.Ben began to slowly push in and pull out of her warm dewy depths feeling her muscles adjusting to his size and accommodating him. He smiled down upon her as she started to buck her hips up to meet his trying to bury him fully within herself. The velvety warmth of her core was beaconing him to enter and lose himself within it’s liquid fire depths. The exquisite feel of her body beneath his and the tight grip her body gave to him was pushing him to the edge of control.Lacey enjoyed the feeling of Ben’s weight upon her. Her whole body was beginning to sing a song she had never before heard, yet it was intoxicating. Her body moved of it’s own free will bucking to meet each of Ben’s thrusts, matching his pace and reaching higher for the pinnacle. Waves of pleasure flowed through her body as her orgasm built to unknown levels. Lacey could barely catch her breath as she moaned beneath Ben.Ben felt the changes in Lacey and her meeting each of his thrusts. He felt her muscles clutching at his manhood drawing his orgasm ever closer. He felt his balls tighten knowing that soon he would not be able to stop the flood of seed that poured forth filling her to overflowing.Lacey movements became more erratic and her moans soon became screams of pleasure, the sound filled the house from top to bottom. Lacey felt as if her body was on fire, every nerve ending was turned to overload. She felt Ben move faster within her, matching his pace she was soon rewarded with an orgasm to equal no other.Ben moved faster as he felt the seed rising within his balls, his cock becoming harder then before. Lacey met each of his thrusts and he felt her body begin to tremble beneath him. He buried himself deeper within her trying to call his own orgasm forward. Lacey’s muscles clamped down upon his manhood milking it for the seed that was contained within. Lacey screamed out as the hardest waves of orgasm washed over her like the tide of the ocean carrying her away and out to sea adrift on the feelings from within her body. Her cries of pleasure echoed off the walls throughout the house sounding like a symphony of lust and love to anyone who might have heard it. Lacey clutched at Ben, digging her nails into his back trying to draw him into herself and hold this feeling forever. Her legs quivered, her heart raced, her mind showed her blinding light flashes better then anything seen on the fourth of July. Her body was an entity all it’s own, beyond her control.Ben hastened his pace as Lacey was lost in orgasm. Harder and faster he went feeling her body beneath his in the throes of passion. Lacey cried out and clutched at him just as his cock exploded filling her with his seed. He moaned loudly as his orgasm burst forth. He could feel his cock jump as spurt after spurt of thick sticky cum filled her. His body tensed up and a sweet pleasant chill ran along his spine as he emptied himself within Lacey.Bodies entwined, breathing labored, and sweaty from their lovemaking Lacey lay beneath Ben still clutching his back with a wild smile upon her face. Her eyes shown brighter then any precious jewel ever beheld by man. Her body did not want to release Ben from it’s depths or from on top of her. Ben began to worry that he had hurt Lacey and leaned up to look into her eyes. Though Lacey had tears in her eyes they were tears of joy and contentment. “Sweetheart are you ok? Did I hurt you? Please darling don’t cry.”, Ben whispered in a hoarse breath.“Ben you did not hurt me. I am just fine. Actually I am better then fine. So when can we do this again?”, Lacey asked as her face blushed deep crimson.“Anytime you want to sweetheart. Anytime you want.”, Ben whispered before kissing her full lips again.The End*I hope you enjoyed this wonderful tale. Comments are welcome here as well as my e-mail [email protected] you all for reading*