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Hey, I have a lot of respect for all you guys wholike to eat pussy because there are too few of you outthere. And I'm not the only woman who says this.Furthermore, some of you guys who are giving it the oldcollege try are not doing too well, so maybe thislittle lesson will help you out.
When a woman finds a man who gives good head,she's found a treasure she's not going to let go of tooquickly. This is one rare customer and she knows it.She won't even tell her girlfriends about it or thatguy will become the most popular man in town. So,remember, most guys can fuck, and those who can usuallydo it satisfactorily, but the guy who gives good head,he's got it made.
Most women are shy about their bodies. Even ifyou've got the world's most gorgeous woman in bed withyou, she's going to worry about how you like her body.Tell her it's beautiful, tell her which parts you likebest, tell her anything, but get her to trust youenough to let you down between her legs.
Now stop and look at what you see. Beautiful,isn't it? There is nothing that makes a woman moreunique than her pussy. I know. I've seen and tastedplenty of them. They come in all different sizes,colors and shapes; some are tucked inside like a littlegirl's cunnie and some have thick lusciouslips that come out to greet you. Some are nested inbushes of fur and others are covered with transparentfuzz. Appreciate your woman's unique qualities andtell her what makes her special
.Women are a good deal more verbal than men,especially during love-making. They also respond moreto verbal love, which means, the more you talk to her,the easier it will be to get her off. So all the timeyou're petting and stroking her beautiful pussy, talkto her about it.
Now look at it again. Gently pull the lipsapart and look at her inner lips, even lick them if youwant to. Now spread the tops of her pussy up until youcan find her clit. Women have clits in all differentsizes, just like you guys have different sized cocks.It doesn't mean a thing as far as her capacity fororgasm. All it means is more of her is hiddenunderneath her foreskin.
Whenever you touch a woman's pussy, make sureyour finger is wet. You can lick it or moisten it withjuices from inside her. Be sure, by all means, to wetit before you touch her clit because it doesn't haveany juices of it's own and it's extremely sensitive.
Your finger will stick to it if it's dry and thathurts. But you don't want to touch her clit anyway.You have to work up to that. Before she becomesaroused, her clit is too delicate to be handled.Approach her pussy slowly. Women, even more so thanmen, love to be teased.
The inner part of her thigh isher most tender spot. Lick it,kiss it, make designs on it with the tip of yourtongue. Come dangerously close to her pussy, thenfloat away. Make her anticipate it.
Now lick the crease where her leg joins herpussy. Nuzzle your face into her bush. Brush yourlips over her slit without pressing down on it tofurther excite her. After you've done this to thepoint where your lady is bucking up from her seat andshe's straining to get more of you closer to her, thenput your lips right on top of her slit.
Kiss her, gently, then harder. Now use yourtongue to separate her pussy lips and when she opensup, run your tongue up and down between the layers ofpussy flesh. Gently spread her legs more with yourhands.
Everything you do with a woman you're about to eatmust be done gently. Tongue-fuck her. This feelsdefine. It also teases the hell out of her because bynow she wants some attention given to her clit. Checkit out. See if her clit has gotten hard enough to peekout of it's covering. If so, lick it. If you can'tsee it, it might still be waiting for you underneath.So bring your tongue up to the top of her slit and feelfor her clit.
You may barely experience it's presence.But even if you can't feel the tiny pearl, you can makeit rise by licking the skin that covers it. Lick hardnow and press into her skin.
Gently pull the pussy lips away and flick yourtongue against the clit, hood covered or not. Do thisquickly. This should cause her legs to shudder. Whenyou sense she's getting up there toward orgasm, makeyour lips into an O and take the clit into your mouth.
Start to suck gently and watch your lady's face for herreaction. If she can handle it, begin to suck harder.If she digs it, suck even harder. Go with her. If shelifts her pelvis into the air with the tension of herrising orgasm, move with her, don't fight her. Hangon, and keep your hot mouth on her clit. Don't let go.That's what she'll be saying too: 'Don't stop. Don'tever stop!'
There's a reason for that, most men stop toosoon. Just like with cock sucking, this is somethingworth learning about and worth learning to do well. Iknow a man who's a lousy fuck, simply lousy, but hecan eat pussy like nobody I know and he never hastrouble getting a date. Girls are falling all overhim.
But back to your pussy eating session...There'sanother thing you can do to intensify your woman'spleasure. You can finger-fuck her while she's enjoyingyour cunt-licking talents. Before, during or after.She'll really like it. In addition to the erogenouszones surrounding her clit, a woman has anotherextremely sensitive area at the roof of her vagina.
This is what you rub up against when you're fuckingher. Well, since your cock is pretty far away fromyour mouth, your fingers will have to do thefucking.
Take two fingers. One is too skinny andthree is too wide and therefore can't get deep enough.Make sure they're wet so you don't irritate her skin.Slide them inside, slowly at first, then a littlefaster. Fuck her with them rhythmically. Speed uponly when she does. Listen to her breathing. She'lllet you know what to do.
If you're sucking her clitand finger-fucking her at the same time, you're givingher far more stimulation than you would be giving herwith your cock alone. So you can count on it thatshe's getting high on this. If there's any doubt,check her out for symptoms. Each woman is unique. Youmay have one who's nipples get hard when she's excitedor only when she's having an orgasm.Your woman might turn flush red or begin to tremble.Get to know her symptoms and you'll be a more sensitivelover.
When she starts to have an orgasm, for heaven'ssakes, don't let go of that clit. Hang in there forthe duration. When she starts to come down from thefirst orgasm, press your tongue along the underside ofthe clit, leaving your lips covering the top. Moveyour tongue in and out of her cunt.
If your fingersare inside, move them a little too, gently though,things are extremely sensitive just now.If you play your cards right, you'll get somemultiple orgasms this way. A woman stays excited for afull hour after she's had an orgasm.The last advice I have for you is this: Afteryou've made her come, make her your slave by giving herthe best head she's ever had, don't leave her alonejust yet.
Talk to her, stroke her body, caress herbreasts, pinch her nipples. Keep making love to herquietly until she's come all the way down. A man canget off and go to sleep in the same breath and feel noremorse, no sense ofloss. But a woman by nature requires some sensitivityfrom her lover in those first few moments after sex.Oral sex can be the most exciting sexualexperiences you can have. But it's what you make it.Take your time, practice often, pay attention to yourlover's signals, and most of all, enjoy yourself.