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I leaned back on my haunches to catch my breath. I was more than a little surprised to hear Muriel admit to someone what was going on. 
“Of course! I=m sure he won=t mind. Just use the side door,” Muriel said. “Alright, see you in a few minutes,” and she hung up the phone. 
She leaned towards me and taking my head in her hands planted a luscious kiss on my lips. She seemed to enjoy the idea and the tastes of her juices on my lips. 
“That was my friend Emma. When I told her what you were doing she wanted to have you eat her pussy too. I hope you don=t mind.” 
By this time I was in a state of hyper sexual stimulation. The idea of having another older woman=s pussy to eat was highly appealing. 
“No,” I said softly, “No at all.” 
“Good, Emma just lives down the street, so she should be over in just few moments.” 
I sat down on the sofa next to Muriel. Muriel gently began to stroke my penis, keeping me hard and waiting. I was really wanting to climax. 
“Jim, dear, I can tell that you want to cum, and I want to give you your climax, but we don=t have time. And I don=t want you at anything less than your best when Emma gets here.” She smiled a mischievous little smile, “And after all, a good hostess puts her guests before herself.” 
I nodded. Muriel then bent over and planted a quick kiss on the head of penis. When she looked up her eyes were glinting behind her glasses. “A promise for later, Jim-dear.” 
Sure enough, we heard the sound of the side door open and close. 
“We=re in the living room, Emma,” Muriel called. 
Emma was, for the most part, the opposite Muriel. Short and plump as opposed to tall and slender. I would have to say that Emma was more than a little pudgy. Emma=s hair was still raven black except for a narrow blaze of white just to the left of the crown of her head. If that white hair had been down the centre I would have thought that she might be a relative of Pol Detson. 
She was wearing a simple house dress, something akin to a muumuu. She couldn’t take her eyes off of my erect penis. 
Muriel made out introductions. “Jim-dear,” this was becoming her name for me, “This is my friend and neighbor, Emma Combs. Emma, this is Jim, my new handyman.” 
“’Lo, Jim,” Emma grunted. 
Muriel smiled at Emma=s fixation. “Isn’t he beautiful?” she said indicating my proudly standing manhood. 
“Damn straight he is, Muriel.” Emma said. Without another word she started to pull off her muumuu. Quickly big white ‘granny panties= came into view, followed by a plain white brassiere. Reaching behind her back Emma unhooked her brassiere and tossed it away. I was surprised that for a woman as plump as Emma was that her breasts were not bigger. They did appear to be rather soft, and the sagged a fair amount. Her areolas were a dark pink, and her nipples were thick. Emma then rolled her panties down and kicked them away. I was treated to the sight of her thick, black, curly pubic triangle. 
Emma eased around the coffee table and sat on the end of the sofa and spread her legs wide. 
“I understand that you=re pretty good at eating pussy, sonny. Show me what you can do!” 
“Yes, ma=am,” I said as I rolled towards her. I gave Emma a quick kiss of the lips, neck, each nipple, and tummy on my way down to her pussy. Her fat mons was covered in thick hair that was still black, with just a few strands of grey. I enjoyed the sensation of the slightly wiry hair on my lips as opposed to Muriel=s smooth skin. I could smell the heavy musk of Emma’s arousal and as always, the scent of a woman being sexually turned on was an aphrodisiac to me. I slipped my head between her waiting legs and began my earnest pleasuring of her pussy. 
Emma=s labia parted easily under my tongue, and I was quickly rewarded with a generous flow of her honey. Emma squirmed in pleasure as I flicked my tongue across her clitoris. 
“Damn, sonny,” she growled, “You are good at this.” 
Emma was totally unrestrained, and moaned, groaned, swore, and grunted in her pleasure. 
I could tell that she was ready, and I slipped my right middle finger into her vagina. 
“Come on sonny, stick another in me!” Emma ordered. I complied, and went her one better. 
“Oh damn, Muriel,” Emma said rather loudly, “He=s got three fingers in my cunt...Oh Shit, boy, I=m cumming!!” With a howl of animalistic pleasure she clamped her meaty thighs against my head effectively trapping me between her legs, not that I minded. 
Emma=s obvious pleasure drove me onward. I was in frenzy of my own. I continued licking her pussy, prolonging her pleasure. On impulse I removed my thoroughly lubricated fingers from her vagina and I began to tickle her anus. While she was approaching another climax, I slipped my index finger into anus. 
“Oh God!” Emma shouted, “He=s got a finger in my ass! I love it that way, you bastard! Oh...Oh...Oh shit!...Oh fuck!...Oh YES!” And with that she reached a thunderous climax, again trapping my head between her legs. 
When she released me I backed away to let her catch her breath. 
“Damn, sonny. You are good!” Emma sighed. “Are you up to dipping your dick in an old broad like me?” 
We both glanced at Muriel. She nodded her assent. 
“Of course, Emma,” I said nodding. 
Emma grabbed one of the throw pillows off the sofa. Emma found as wide enough space on the floor, lay down and put the pillow under her bottom. 
“Alright, sonny, let=s do it!” 
We were both ready, so without hesitation I took my station between Emma=s legs. Emma reached down and lewdly opened her labia to show me the entrance of her vagina. Taking my throbbing penis in hand I guided it into her waiting pussy. 
I was not as experienced as most college age men would have you believe, but I knew what to do. Rather than simply plunging in I eased myself into Emma. Her pussy was pleasantly warm and wet, neither overly tight, not so loose as to be non-simulating. 
“Oh, yes, sonny,” Emma moaned. “Give it to me....It=s been so fucking long...Oh, Muriel, he feels so good.” 
Once I had firmly established myself in Emma I started thrusting, trying to control myself, but I was so aroused that I kept going faster and faster, harder and harder, deeper and deeper. 
“Fuck me! Fuck me good, you big dicked stud!” Emma shouted. “I want your cock deep in my cunt!” 
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Muriel sitting in the armchair sipping the martini in her left hand, and gently caressing her pussy with her right, obviously enjoying the sight of her friend having sex with me. 
I knew that I could not hold out for much longer. The combined effects of the whole afternoon were taking their toll on me. With an inarticulate shout of ecstasy I reached my climax and I erupted a torrent of semen deep into Emma. The sensation of my semen flooding her was too much and with her own scream Emma had another orgasm. 
Totally spent I collapsed on top of her, my breath coming in a series of ragged, heaving gasps. I rolled off of Emma. She lay on the living room floor in a near swoon from being well and truly fucked. I looked between her spread legs and could see a dribble of semen oozing out of her hairy pussy. 
“Oh God,” she moaned. “That was fantastic.” 
As I sat back on my haunches Muriel came over to me and hugged be from behind, her breasts pressing against my back. “That looked wonderful, Jim. I can=t wait for my turn,” she whispered in my ear. Muriel released me and in a moment came back and draped the bathrobe over my shoulders. She kissed my cheek. “I’ll be back in a sec.” 
Emma and I were recovering from our mutual ecstasy when Muriel returned. She had put a beautiful sky blue kimono. 
Emma rolled onto her side and propped he head on her right hand. She looked at me for a moment. 
“You sure know how to fuck, Jim. I=d really like another go ‘round, but I’ve got to start dinner for that stink-ass husband of mine.” 
Muriel gave Emma an indulgent smile, “Emma, such language!” 
Emma laughed and I smiled. 
I offered Emma my hands to pull her up. She took the opportunity to give me a one armed hug while her right hand fondled my penis. It twitched a little, trying to rise, but the exertions of the afternoon, and the realization that I just fucked a married woman, prevented my achieving any sort of erection. I reached around and squeezed her bottom. 
“Yes, we didn’t get there, did we, sonny,” Emma said regretfully, “Maybe next time. I=m sure I can find something for you to work on around that damn house of mine.” 
Emma glanced around the living room, “Muriel, can you see my butt cover? Much I as I want to feel Jim here dripping down my leg, I should put ‘em on to go home.” 
I could tell that Muriel was about to start laughing. She pointed across the room to where Emma=s panties had landed. I watched Emma=s bottom jiggle as she walked over to where her panties lay. She quickly pulled them on. Before she could ask, I handed over her brassiere, which Muriel had given me. I was going to offer to help Emma put her brassiere on, but she was too quick for me. Buckled on backwards, spun around, straps on, and breasts settled into place. Muriel came over with Emma=s muumuu and helped her slip in on over her head. 
“Thanks, Muriel,” Emma muttered. She looked at both of us. “I hate to fuck and run, but if I=m gone to long my old man might try and start cooking on his own, and then, sonny, I=d really need your help to clean of the damn mess.” She paused, “It=s okay, Muriel, I=ll see myself out.” 
“No, Em, we’ll see you to the door.” Muriel said heading off towards the kitchen and the side door. 
There was an awkward moment at the side door. “Well, Jim,” Emma finally said. “It was my pleasure to meet you.” 
“Thanks,” I said with a deep blush, “It was mine too.” 
“Muriel...bridge on Wednesday?” Emma asked. 
“Like always, Em.” 
“Alright, see you then.” Emma reached through the opening of the bathrobe I was wearing and gave me penis a friendly squeeze. “See you around, sonny.” With that Emma exited by the side door. 
Muriel looked at me with a huge smile. “You know, Jim-dear, I don=t think she liked that at all.”
I smiled broadly. I liked Muriel=s sense of humour. “Yes, she did get all prudish on us didn’t she?” I replied. 
We looked at each other for a long moment before we started chuckling, then giggling; finally Muriel and I started laughing as if we were never going to stop.