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Then you heard a female voice cussing and swearing that she needed Josh’s mouth. She stripped her pants off and bent down over his face. Again Josh’s balls were squeezed and his mouth opened in pain and clumps of blood from her period came falling out and into Josh’s mouth. She then forced him to lick her ass and cunt till she was ‘clean’. The guy holding Josh’s balls then said to the female bum, “I have sores on my ass from not being able to wipe my ass good after shitting. You hold his balls and we can make him clean my ass too. So they switched places and Josh was forced to clean the guys ass hole. Then round two started. At least their dicks were lean now. After the male bums were done a couple of other old female bums came up and demanded that Josh and Wendy lick clean their pussies and asses. Both Josh and Wendy were exhausted and had no strength to resist two white haired female bums. Each stripped off their rags and sat on Josh and Wendy’s faces and they were dutifully cleaned. The bum that sat on Josh’s face was big. She had rolls upon rolls. She got up off of Josh’s face and grabbed his hair to make him sit up. She then grabbed a couple of rolls on her stomach and pulled them apart. There was a dark gray layer of dead skin, dirt, and shit stuck in there. “Clean me here too” she demanded and then pulled Josh’s head into the folds. You could tell he was doing something because you could see his jaw moving but his head was buried in her fat. Suddenly he vomited right in the lady’s folds of skin. “Fucking piece of shit! You god Damn bastard” She yelled and pulled his head up by the hair with one hand and punched him over and over with the other hand. “Now you got a real fucking job. You are going to not only clean up the mess you made on me. You will give me a sponge bath over my whole fat ass body!” She reached over and grabbed Wendy by her hair and said “Your going to help your boy friend too” and stuck her head into the vomit on her stomach.” You could see her arms flaying for a while but eventually she had to start helping Josh clean this fat lady with her tongue. If they slowed down their licking she would push their faces into her folds and they couldn’t breathe and she would not release then to get air until that spot was cleaned. This was so gross on the TV screen. I could not imagine what it was like being there, watching this and smelling the stench, let alone eating who knows what unmentionables collected in her fat folds. They never finished but the fat lady let them go. I think her arms must have gotten tired holding their heads.When the bums finally left them alone they were soaked in cum and were dirtier that the bums. Pete and I grabbed the tape and went to the room where Pete had stashed the two of them. Both Wendy and Josh were there exhausted laying on the floor trying to recoup from the night of raping they had. I went into the kitchen and got each of them a glass of juice and spiked it with just a bit of the same stuff I gave Donna. I gave then the juice and they quickly drank it. They stunk something awful. It looked like Josh still had some of that old lady’s fold dirt still dried on his face. When they moved, it was very slowly and painfully. I ordered them to go take a shower and get their naked ass back down here in five minutes. When they came down I could see that they were covered with bruises. It was pretty funny. I sat them down in front of the television and Pete started the tape. They both turned away. “Watch this you bitches! “ I yelled. Both of their eyes were then glued to the movie in total disgust. But both had gotten horny again. Josh was hard and Wendy’s pussy was dripping. Ya gotta love that drug. “ I own you to from now on. You give me shit and this movie will be seem around the world and your name will be given. You will lose your job and your friends. Pete edited the film so it looks like you are enjoying the raping from us and the bums. He did a good job of it too. It was worth a lot of money.I had Jason take both of them too a doctor friend of mine to check for bugs and diseases. Josh had gotten gonorrhea, but Wendy didn’t contract anything. I was getting ready to fuck Donna when they came back from the doctor. Jason Told me the results. When they came back I gave Wendy another stronger drink. I had them strip again and I said, “Wendy, while I’m talking pull my pants down and suck my cock.” “You bastard “she yelled at me” Why are you doing this to us?” I walked over to her and punched her very hard on her bruised right breast. I smiled at her and said “Because I can and because you will let me” She slowly crawled over to me holding her very sore breast and pulled my pants down. She opened her mouth wide and started sucking as she massaged her aching breast. “Pete I want you to tape this” I grabbed Wendy’s hair and pulled her from my cock. “Open your mouth. I need to pee and I am going to pee in your mouth. Your job is to swallow it so I don’t pee on this nice rug.” I pulled her hair real hard. “understand?” She nodded yes. I wanted her to feel helpless and she was. I then started my stream into her mouth and she was swallowing as fast as she could. Pete was filming the whole thing. She couldn’t keep up with my stream and pee was spilling down her naked body onto the rug. I told you not to drip on the rug bitch! Now I’m pissed off. “ I grabbed her nipples and pinched then as hard as I could. She let out a wail and screamed. It was very funny I thought. Are you going to do a better job the next time? I asked. “ Yes oh yes!” She cried as she was rubbing her sore tits. “Josh, Lick the floor clean” He quickly came over and started licking the wet spots on the rug where my piss landed. I stuck my dick into her cunt as hard as I could and started to pump. “Move your ass bitch. Act like you’re enjoying this for the camera.” Wendy started moving her ass. She did a pretty good job of gyrating around. It felt pretty good. Her pussy felt different than the other girls I have fucked. There were small bumps on her vaginal wall that massaged my cock and really felt good. I bent down and started to massage her tits. She was breathing hard now and her face was turning red with her eyes tightly shut. I new she was getting turned on and was fighting her orgasm. Wendy was gritting her teeth and grunting then suddenly she let out a wail “ AAUGGGGHHHHH I CUMMING. OH MY GOD THAT FEELS SOOOO GOOD. DON’T STOP FUCKING MEEEEE…. “ You like black cock bitch? How do you like your first real orgasm” I asked. “OH YES, OH YES, OH MY GOD I’M CUMMING AGAIN AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! GOD….FUCK ME MORE!!!” I new that the pills had started to do their magic. Like Donna she just started cumming and cumming. “MORE…FUCK ME MORE GOD This FEELS WONDERFULLLL. “ It looked like she was going to burst wide open. She was fucking me back on my cock and it was making my balls itch to explode too. Those bumps were taking its toll on my cock.Josh was looking on with complete fascination, he was rubbing his stiff cock. “Here comes the sperm baby, I’m gonna fill you cunt NOWW!” I started to pump my sperm into her waiting hole. “Donna, get over here and like my dick clean!” She scrambled over and cleaned off my dick. “Clean Wendy’s pussy now” Cum was pouring out of her cunt and down her legs and he just went to his job and cleaned her cunt up. “Clean her ass hole too” I yelled. She looked over at me and then went back and licked her ass hole clean. I nodded over to Pete to come over and fuck Donna’s ass. He chuckled and walked over and started to push his cock into her ass hole. She had been stretch from her previous raping so it wasn’t too hard for Pete to enter and start pumping. As Pete was fucking, it became obvious that Donna was enjoying it. She was pushing back at his cock. Donna stopped licking Wendy’s ass and had her mouth open, breathing hard. By now Pete was really going at it. “Get ready for some of the best cum you’ll ever get bitch.” And Pete started to fill Donna’s ass with sperm. Donna screamed “ooohhhhh goooddd…FUCK MY ASSSS OH SHIT I LOVE THIS!” and started to cum all over the rug too. “Well, Wendy it looks like your fiancé has gotten himself sick. He has gonorrhea. How is he going to be able to satisfy your sexual needs now?” I laughed. Josh was crest fallen. He started to cry. “Don’t worry Josh, I have some friends in Mexico that I’m going to sell you to. I’m sure they have great plans for you. HA.. HA.. HA…I will have to do a bit of training first though” I said menacingly “Oh God, Mike” Wendy said, ‘ I just need you to fuck my cunt again” as she looked over at Josh. I new then that I would soon own her like I owned Donna.“Tonight I will take you two to your favorite alley at 7 tonight. Wendy, You will wear your sexist dress and no underwear. It had better be very low cut see thru blouse. UNDERSTAND? Now both of you go upstairs and get some rest. Your going to start earning your keep tonight.” They both nodded and we left. I brought Wendy and Donna at the alley. They were both looking very inviting and I told them this. We got out of the car. Wendy had on a light yellow see through blouse and her brown nipples were very evident. Her tight pants were so tight you could see the crack of her pussy. I grabbed her breast and ran my had down between her legs right out in public on the street. “Nice” I smiled at her and turned to Donna. I opened her blouse, reached in and pulled her breasts out so anyone could see. I pulled my cock out and grabbed Wendy’s hair and pushed her down. She new what to do. She swallowed half my cock and started to choke. I new this was not the place to train her on cock swallowing so I pulled my cock out spun her around and shoved it all into her cunt in one motion. She immediately started moaning and pushing back onto me. People were staring at us. I new I owned her. After I came in her cunt, I told them that they had to go out and earn me $500 each tonight. I told them that I didn’t care how they did it but at 18 tonight I will be back. I suggested that they use their bodies and prostitute themselves. If either of then failed, they would both suffer dearly. I asked them if they were nervous and they both said yes, so I made then take a pill that I brought for them. Not a sex pill but a narcotic. I had Fred, Pete, and Jarod watching them secretly from across the street. That was for their protection and to see what they would do. They both talked for a couple of minutes then walked out to the street. Shortly, a guy in a beat up truck dove up and Wendy got in. Donna wasn’t standing there for very long either and got picked up by two guys in a BMW. I had rented a hotel room for each gal and installed cameras. I came back to the alley at 18 Again both were waiting. I walked up and asked for the money. Wendy had $620 for her nights work. Donna had $470. I looked at her and slapped her. “Didn’t you understand what I said? I demanded. “ Yes, I tried but this is all I got” she cried. “Here drink this, You look like you could use a drink” I gave her the drink with the sex drug then I turned down the alley “Hey guys” I yelled down the alley. “This whore wants you to fuck all of you tonight.” Five filthy ragged guys stepped out right away. “You can do what you want with her but don’t kill her, understand?” “NOOOOO”, Donna whimpered s the group dragged her into the darkness. Her clothes were ripped off before they got two steps and they had their stinky paws all over her. I laughed as I turned away. Wendy looked very concerned because she had experienced it before but Josh took some of the punishment. Donna was going in all by herself! Pete and Jason stayed behind again for movies and protection, after all Donna still was going to make me some money. I needed to protect my assets. I grabbed Wendy and shoved her into my car. As we drove off I told her to start sucking on my cock and that I had to pee. She dutifully pulled out my cock and put her mouth on the head. I released my stream. I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to pee and drive at the same time. It was a strange feeling, but I loved having this power. I brought Wendy home with me and told her to get into the shower and clean up. I went and prepared us a couple of drinks, hers was spiked with the sex drug. I wanted the girls to get used to the idea that they needed sex from me and that it was normal for them to get horny for me. When she came down I gave her drink and we relaxed on the couch. I asked her how the whoring went. She said that she was very disgusted about the idea at first but she did it because I demanded it. She had five johns. After the first two, she said that she got use to the idea and was a bit excited about the variety of cocks she could experience. “Mary and Paige, if I tire of you that is what will happen so you better keep it interesting for me for your own good.” Wendy was starting to wiggle and I new she was feeling the mood again but I pretended not to notice. She scooted over and start to cling to me so I got up and walked to the other side of the room. She then took off her robe and started to play with herself. I ignored her needs. “Damn it, “ she yelled, “Can’t you see that I need you cock! I got to have you fuck me more! Oh my God! I went out and fucked all those guys hoping that you would fuck me when I got back” I knocked her on her ass. “Don’t you ever cuss at me.” I then smiled and said “I know you want my cock. I just wanted you to ask and beg for it. Now come over here and get it.” She smiled and came over, reaching out, unzipping my pants, reaching in and pulling out my cock in one smooth motion. She put all on my flaccid cock into her mouth and started massaging it. It grew quickly, and she could only keep inside her mouth about six inches of my fat cock. She said “If the damn thing wasn’t so fat I may have been able to put it all in. The thing has got to be six inched around.” I laughed. “It is seven inches around and a hot woman can get it to grow to 18 inches. You will also learn how to take the whole thing cause that is what I like.” I grabbed the back of her head and pulled hard so that my cock went down her throat. She had about nine inches in and was gagging a lot. She could not vomit because my dick was in the way. I then shoved with my hips to stuff all of my cock down her throat. She couldn’t breath. “Massage it with your tongue and mouth.” I yelled. When she started movement with her mouth I pulled out so she could take a quick breath and quickly shoved it back down her throat. I started to pump her mouth and told her she had to train her breathing patterns around my pumping. I didn’t want to cum in her mouth though so I pulled out and ordered her to get into the doggie position. I slammed my cock all the way up her cunt in one motion. “arrrgghhhh….OH MY GOD” she screamed. I kept still but completely in her. “Don’t cum until I say” I told her. “ I would suggest you stop movin around on my cock cause it will just make you cum and I don’t want you to cum yet.” Wendy stopped moving. I could see sweat forming on her body. She wanted to orgasm now. I slowly pulled my dick out of her cunt. As soon as I was completely our I moved it back in with a slow deliberate motion. “Don’t you fucking cum til I say or you will pay big time bitch” I warned. “huppmmm.ggggodd…ohhhhh” she moaned. I held her on the edge for 18 minutes, moving my cock slowly in and out. Controling these bitches was so much fun. I new she couldn’t last more that a few seconds no matter what I said. I had to say in control so I told her to cum. “NOW!” She then started to moan and move her ass faster and faster. I love those pills. She was grinding back onto my cock hard now. “I’MMM CUMMINGGG OOOOOOOOO……YES…” Then I started to pump and god did she ever take off. Just one long constant screaming cum. I couldn’t tell if she even took a breathe.. Man her cunt was gyrating and was so hot. I blasted my cum so hard I thought I shot off the end of my cock. I just squirted and squirted. When I pulled out she was exhausted. I demanded that she clean my cock with her mouth and to get the sperm out of her cunt and eat it, this should be just a routine for her. After she finished she just lay there on her side. I had been gone all day so I went into kitchen to let my dogs in to feed them. When I came back to the living room, it looked like Wendy had fallen asleep. Duke the older dog came in and started to sniff Wendy. When he got down to her cunt he could smell the cum and started to lick. Then I heard Wendy starting to moan again. This was becoming interesting. I let Duke continue and Wendy’s moans were intensifying. She was now slowly moving her hips. I could see that Duke was getting excited too. His dick was hanging to the floor. Wendy jerked up and realized what was happening. She crawled into the corner of the room. That’s when I burst out laughing so hard my sides hurt. She tried to get up but I said, “Hold on there bitch. Look what you did to my dog” as I pointed to his long red cock sticking out. “ She said, “NO, not the dog.” I demanded “ You are not leaving him in that condition. Now git on all fours and let’s see if he really wants to fuck you.” I could see that she was still very horny from Duke licking her cunt and she need some satisfaction too. She got into position and Duke came around and licked her ass hole a few times. She let out a strong moan. Duke started licking in earnest. This drove Wendy crazy and she was cumming again. Then Duke jumped on her back and had perfect aim shoving his cock up her cunt. He quickly started to pump furiously and sent Wendy off into her sex craved orgasms. It seemed like he was really enjoying fucking a human and it was obvious that Wendy was going crazy. I’v never seen anything pump a cock so hard and fast into her cunt. Then I saw this big thing on his cock. I realized it was his knot. It was huge. Must have been a 9 inches around and Duke was trying to jam it into Wendy as he was pumping away. Then suddenly it went in and Wendy was eyes bugged out and she screaming like she never had before. She new that something huge was shoved in her and she looked at me with a crazed frightened look. I loved this. I was laughing so hard and it was getting me excited to see Wendy driven into a super sex crazed state. Duke was in his short strokes now and I could see a stream of cum pouring out of Wendy’s cunt. “Mary, There’s cum being wasted there” I said pointing to Wendy’s dripping cunt. “Go lick up the shit that coming out of her pussy.”“That’s dog sperm!?” She said incredulously. “I know that you bitch. Don’t waste it! Just remember what I said about keeping me interested.”Mary dutifully crawled under Wendy and started to drink the excess dog sperm that was pouring out her cunt. I wish Pete was here, but his camera was filming Donna. I needed more camera people.Wendy was past screaming now her face was twisted and every muscle in her body was tightened. Suddenly Duke jumped off her back and turned around but his cock was stuck in Wendy’s cunt. Duke was dragging her around like he had won her as a prize. Again, my sides just ached from laughing. Mary was trying to follow them around to lick up the doc cum. Wendy was panicking now “Mike, help meeeee…OH MY GOD HE’S STUCK OH MY GODDD” I knew that Duke would eventually get smaller and fall out but I wasn’t going to tell Wendy, This was just too good a show. He continued to drag her around the house for half an hour. Finally his knot slipped out and his sperm came pouring out into Mary’s waiting mouth, down her face, and onto the hardwood floor. There was a relieved look on Wendy’s face. She turned to look at Duke and pointed to his cock. “Oh my god you let him stuff that huge thing into me? No wonder we were stuck together. Why did you let him to that, but it did feel so good when he was fucking me. I can’t believe I was just fucked by a dog. Oh shit.” “Oh shit “ I said “ Look at that mess you spilled on the floor! “ I pointed to Dukes sperm “LICK IT UP DAMN IT. IT’LL STAIN THE FLOOR!” “But it’s dog cum!!” Wendy yelled. I grabbed her hair and slapped her over to the mess. “Just lick it up bitch!” She bent over and started to clean it up with her tongue helping Mary. “Did you like the fuck?” I asked. “Yes, He could pump so fast it drove me totally crazy” “Well, you have to clean up your mess then. Look at Duke. He’s over there cleaning his cock. Go help him lick it clean.” I demanded. She proceed over to Duke and helped him lick his cock clean. I wish I had this on tape I thought. I’ll just have to do it again later I laughed. When Donna came back to the house she was as messed up as Wendy and Josh were. I was bored with her anyway. I would never fuck her again. She will exist to go out and be my whore and make me money. Again I sent her to get cleaned up and had her go to the doctor. She too got gonorrhea. Oh, well the dogs won’t mind. I figured she can fuck the dogs for some movies and then I would sell her and Josh down south. The next day I had a small party at Donna’s parent’s home. I had my inner group gang there. My followers have grown in number but I had my core group that were helping me get organized and making connections. We were a group of ten. I also had all my women there and all naked. This was going to be a show. Donna and Wendy were going to be the participants. We all got settled down in the living room with drinks and the women were being passed around to get felt up and kiss whomever just to get the mood right. First off I ordered Paige to suck my cock. I announced to all that Donna was now not to be touched by us as she was fucked up with disease. This brought tears to her eyes. She loved cock. “Don’t worry Donna. You will still get cock and get fucked a lot. Jason, go get the dogs.” There were four dogs, three of mine and one of Jason’s. They were all mutts that we had found during the years. They were all big dogs. I treated them well and they were very gentle unless they heard me get upset. “Wendy and Donna are going to give us all a show on what it is like to get fucked by dogs. HA HA HA “ I laughed. Both Donna and Wendy looked very concerned. “First though I want all of you guys to fuck Wendy’s asshole. Starting with Harold.” He jumped out of his seat and pulled his cock out. “Bitch.” He said, “Git yo ass over hear and suck my cock and make it nice and hard for your ass.” Wendy takes a deep breath knowing that her day is just beginning and she was going to be in for a long fuck fest. “The rest of you bitches start sucking on the other cocks around here and make them ready for Wendy” There was a lot of activity in the room now. Wendy was on all fours now offering her asshole to Harold. He wasted no time in stabbing his cock into her. Wendy when each guy is don fucking your ass I want you to clean his cock with your mouth.” I ordered. She nodded in acceptance.“Paige, you just keep your ass her and work on my cock. Now that you got it nice and hard I want you to sit on it. I want you to sit still though. Just keep it nice and moist and hard. After all I don’t want my cock shin to get dry.” She got up and aimed my cock and slid down the pole with a smile and a groan. Then she just sat there, attached.After each guy fucked Wendy I had Donna and her Dad, Josh, lick Wendy’s asshole to prepare for the next fucking. Her asshole was getting a work out and getting stretched pretty good. I took a while for all the guys to fuck her but they finally finished. If any of you guys still feel the need to fuck, you can fuck Mary or one of the two new gals we just ‘found’ last night. We had drove around and found these two teenage gals walking near the park so we grabbed them and now they will be ours. Their training will start today. I had given them both “the drink” and they were ready for indoctrination. “OK Wendy, go suck on Dukes cock and make him hard. He wants to fuck you again. Donna go suck on Jason’s dog to get him interested. The main event starts. I had cameras from many angles and had two guys moving around to get the best shots. “Wendy, lay down on that big pillow with your cunt up in the air.” I ordered. Duke saw her position and immediately cam over and started to lick her cunt. I think Wendy likes the animal attention. She was moaning and wiggling. Her face was turning red and she was massaging her tits. “Pull him up and guide his cock into your pussy” Duke didn’t need much encouraging. When he got in her he quickly started his thrusting and Wendy was moaning loudly in total enjoyment. Dukes knot slipped in and they were now tied. Her face was contorted and Wendy was already having her first orgasm. “Wendy Duke is a very mild mannered dog. I want you to lift your legs up in the air and around his hips. I then want you to wrap your arms around his shoulders and roll him on his back with you on top of him. Make sure you don’t put your weight on him. I want you to be on all fours and still tied to him and fucking him.” She did this. “Now lick his tongue with yours and kiss him continuously. Donna now bring over Jason’s dog and help him find Wendy’s pussy and ass. Jason’s dog, Bru, knew what to do. He was licking her cunt and ass as Duke was fucking her cunt. Bru then jumped up onto Wendy and started to poke his cock around to find an opening. “Donna, Put his bug dick into Wendy’s ass.”Wendy suddenly looked over at me in fear but she was held down by Duke’s knot. Bru wasted no time and shoved his dog dick into Wendy’s ass. All the ass fucking she just had had stretched her ass wide enough so Bru’s cock went right in easily. Now both dogs were pumping Wendy like no two humans could. All the guys lost interest in fucking the women and just stopped and watched the show. Wendy started cumming again. This was great. “Donna, Go get Mutt, and bring him over to Wendy and suck on his cock to make it hard.” Just then Wendy screams out in pain as Bru shoved his knot into her ass. Wendy was being tossed around and fucked like never before. “OK Donna, Put Mutt’s cock into Wendy’s mouth and let her suck on it too!” What a sight. I mean what a sight. I had to stand up and walk around Wendy to get a full view. I had to carry Paige as she was still impaled on my now really hard cock. We were getting some great camera shots of this massive dog gang bang. By now both Duke and Bru had finished cumming into Wendy. Stuff was pouring out of her. Mutt was now squirting his sperm into Wendy’s mouth and She was making an effort to drink it all down. Bru had gotten off of Wendy and turned around so they were ass to ass. Then Duke gets up and turns around too. “Oh, God this is so good…so funny!!” Duke and Bru were hip to hip with their cocks stuck into Wendy. All Wendy could say was “OH GOD…OH GOD...OH GOD.” She was still having orgasms. We had to keep Bru and Duke together side by side with their cocks still stuck. Cam you imagine if we called them to different ends of the room? I will do that next time. I figured that this was enough for Wendy the first time. After all it was just her first time to be gangbanged by three dogs at the same time. When the dogs finally pulled out of Wendy she fell to the floor and did not move. The room was silent. Everyone was just staring and thinking about what they had just witnessed. Suddenly Paige screams out “OH Shit I’m cumming!!” She was still on my cock. I had forgotten about her being stuck on my cock. The show we just saw was so intense. She started wiggling and massaging my cock and I exploded too. I filled her cunt with sperm. I had gotten so excited watching the show too.Later that day, I called all my trusted gang members over for a small meeting and I discussed my plans for the future. I wanted Pete to develop a video studio and train some guys to make fuck movies. I wanted the guys to start “recruiting” new bitches to fuck and “train”. I wanted them to just grab some good looking female off the street and we would fuck them to train them. Then they would prostitute for us when we got tired of them. I was going with Jason, and a few other guys to a small city to start up a new group of guys to duplicate what I had here. Eventually I wanted my establishment in Europe, Asia and Mexico. Then we would start other groups and this would allow us to move the bitches around. Harold was to solidify our contacts down south so we could move the used merchandise down to Mexico. Pete was to find us a large house that was in an isolated area.This is my life, my domination and I love it. 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