This is a true story. Names have of course been changed.
I worked as a lifeguard at a small community pool until I was 20. Each and every summer the MILFs would spend the days down at the pool, in their skimpy little bikinis until their husbands decided to come home. One in particular always caught my attention. Her name was Melissa, she was 31, about 5'5â€, maybe 120 pounds with the most perfect shaped tits, probably 32C's from what I could guess, light brown hair and skin to match. I had known her for a few years, as a regular, so each time she would come down we would spend some time talking. She told me she was recently divorced, and would constantly flirt with me and a couple of the other guards.
One July day, I was opening early by myself. She came in shortly after and asked if she could set her stuff up early, and that she would be right back. I said sure and went about setting up the chairs around the pool. We started chatting and she was telling me about a date she had the night before, and how it didn't go so well. The guy was apparently older and when they went back to his place, he wasn't very good in bed. I laughed and said “Well, maybe you should try a little younger then?†She looked at me and said “Maybe I will.†She gave a playful smile and said she would be right back. So I finished setting up and sat at the guard table. She came back down an hour or so later with her kids and a couple of other MILF's. My partner showed up and we went about the day. But I couldn't help but glance over every so often to watch her well tanned, well toned body glisten in the sun, and her perfect tits. She would walk around the pool every so often and talk to others...then go right back to sitting across the guard table. I caught her casually bending over and showing off her cute little ass. This went on all day, and she seemed to know that she was turning me on, flashing me a grin each time she saw me check her out. The sun starts to set and we close up the pool, kicking out the last few stragglers.
Everyday after work I would stop in the community gym for an hour and a half or so. It wasn't a very good gym, but it was usually only me in there at that time and I hate when there are too many people. I start my warm ups and Melissa walks in. She says “Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize anyone was in here.â€I tell her “No problem.
And thus began the best fuckfriendship I've ever had.
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