SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 1: Cassie had the hots for her uncle George for a number of years, and he just made the first move on her. (I advise reading the entire chapter 1 before you read this chapter. )Chapter two:
When we all woke up, we had some coffee, a beer, and then George and I were on our way. George’s friend Kenny came and picked us up, then we went to a gas station for some shots and beers. I kept looking over at George, looking at his bright blue eyes. They got me every time. Since I was a minor, I had to wait in the car with George while Kenny got the drinks. While waiting, George rolled a joint for me, and I smoked it up with him. Out of the corner of my eye, I kept seeing him look at me. It was awkward for me, not because I didn’t want him, simply because nobody had ever really looked at me that way. He kept his hands to himself though, and didn’t say anything.
We got back to the apartment, and sat down to play some cards. This was becoming an extremely new weekend for me, because I kept catching Kenny looking me over. Why couldn’t this many guys at my school think I’m worth looking at? While playing cards, we made it interesting where you had to take a drink if you lost a hand. (We were playing black jack. ) I was intentionally going way over 21, and George was the first to say something, mainly because I was drinking his alcohol.
I woke up around 9pm. George was standing next to the bed in his pajamas (how had I not woken up when he came in? I don’t know. ) with an obvious bulge in his pants that he was rubbing. I sat up and looked at him.
With that, he took my hand, and pulled me off the bed. He lay down, and I kneeled next to the bed. I wanted to see his cock more than anything, and to use all the tricks I had learned from reading stories on sexstoriespost. com and stories. xnxx. com to suck him off to an amazing cum. I wanted to feel him touch me too, but we’d get to that. As I kneeled down beside him, he pulled his pants down over his cock and legs. I was shocked. I figured it was big, but I didn’t think it was that big. I don’t know if it was because I was so young, but his 7& ½ inch cock seemed extremely large. It’s a big cock, don’t get me wrong. But I wouldn’t be so shocked by it now, later in my life. He said “touch it” and that’s exactly what I did.
I reached out to it, and lightly gripped it.
As I was doing that, George started breathing deeper and harsher. He said/ grunted “Take more of it” and grabbed a handful of my hair. He started pushing my head down and pulling it back up. That’s the day I found out having my hair pulled turns me on a tremendous amount.
I swallowed his entire load, not letting any drip out of my mouth. When he was done, I crawled up into the bed with him and kissed him on the cheek. Even after sucking his dick, I hadn’t ever kissed a guy and couldn’t bring myself to do it. He gently kissed my forehead and I knew he loved me as much as I did him. It wasn’t just lust.
Chapter 3 coming up, comment and let me know what you think (:
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