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    I'm not gonna lie...I've always considered my cousin to be very hot and, especially recently, wanted to screw her.  I got my chance on a friday night.  She lives about 18 miles away on the other side of my town.  Her name is Rylie.  Today was VERY weird because my lil' bro, who got in a bad wreck, and Rylie's mother (my aunt) were in the hospital.  My parents decided to spend the night with him...and my uncle stayed with my aunt there too.  Now, since I could drive now...I said I'd take Rylie home.  Her parents said that they didn't want her alone at the house overnight.  So, she said I could just stay over, which...haha...was obviously a great choice.  We drove, of course, and got to her house.  She's always been very flirty...even with me...but I NEVER EVER thought she could even have a LITTLE interest in me...cuz, personally, I'm not drop dead gorgeous.  We walked in the door and she said, "what do you wana do?" "Well," I said,"we could watch tv, play some old sega, or any game you wanna play". I was SO hoping for truth or dare...hey, I can dream can't I?  She said..."how bout' truth or dare" <(notice at the time that truth or dare wasn't exactly the game I was thinking of...but I pretty much told you that...so, I lied...get over it...I dont even know you)  ANYWAY, I said, "ohkay, why not?" R = Rylie / M = MeR - Truth or Dare?M - uh...i'll be weird...and do dareR - ohkay...I dare you to lick my toeM - haha...ohkay *licks toe, but notices Rylie is very turned on* Truth or dare?R - I'll do dare too, i guessM - crap...um....I dare you to...*pauses*...I dont think I could say that *trying to interest her*R - what...seriously...i'll do itM - nah...you wouldn'tR - try me ...(note: the words "try me" mean...I'll do ANYTHING...ANYTHING!!!)M - hm...I dare you to flash meR - that's it? ok *flashes for like 18 seconds*M - *eyes open wide* NIIIIIICE!!!R - truth or dare?M - screw it...i'm goin' dareR - awesome; I dare you to kiss my stomachM - works for me... *kisses it as Rylie bucks a little bit* Truth or dare?R - DARE...SUCKA!!!M - I dare you to...kiss me!R - whateverM - at this point...i'm thinking..."HECK YES"...but at the same time, it's like "whoa...cousin...inbreeding, alabama, BACK OFF"...but no...I went for it.R - hm...M - hm...?R - nothing...just...M - just what?R - that wasn't a kiss!M - eh...R - truth or dare?M - DARE...and make it good...none of this crap...R - I dare you to finger meM - whoa...uh...ok *and holy frick...it felt SO goooooood...imagine all that juiciness and her bucking between my fingers and my body...god, I wanted to ride her at this point*R - ooooohhh....fuuuckk that felt goodM - better have!R - *moan*M - truth or dare?R - truthM - WHAT?R - yeah...truthM - dang...hm...what's the worst thing you've ever done?R - worst?, well, I dont knowM - what do you mean?R - it depends, i guessM - on what?R - the outcome of this gameM - *eyes again open...like...holy crap...i'm excited* ohkay!R - truth or dare?M - dare...*like THAT wasn't coming!*R - haha, I dare you to let me give you a blowjob!M - Yes ma'am...R - *gives the BEST BJ anyone could imagineM - FRIIICK I love your tongue!R - Thanks...M - Truth or dare?R - neitherM - wait...you can't do that...seriously...I looked up the rules onlineR - I know...but I'm done with this game...I just wana FUCKM - Oh my god...me too!She quickly threw off her shirt and jeans.  Like, she girl's ass is beyond beautiful...I wanted to be in it SO bad.  I took off everything very quickly too. She had just gotten her thong and bra off when my boxers started loosening. "have you done this before?" i asked. "no...have you?", was her reply.  "uh...nooooo", i, of course, said...becuz...seriously...this was my first time.  She reached for my cock and started pounded it furiously with her hand. Her other hand gripped tightly on my back like death to an old eskimo.  "I want you so bad right now" <that's right...I said it...i realize the cliche(with an accent)ness of that line, but I really didn't care...she was sexy, tan, and naked...I was not sexy, tan, and naked...really, there was barely no difference! I quickly grabbed her plump ass and squeezed it as much as humanly possible. God, she felt SO good in my hands. She jumped on to my waist with her legs wrapped around me and her hands on my shoulders. I decided it was time. (Note: <I swear this is the last note...maybe> girls' cherries are usually popped before they have sex the first time...according to sue johannsen on talksex...it's literally over 80 percent of them...due to masterbation and too much physical activity...ohkay, no more note...wait...while i'm in quotations...everyone should buy Shadow of the Colossus for PS2, seriously...AWESOME game, ohkay) I pulled her toward me and our tongues seemed to know where eachother were in an instant.  It was like making love to Jessica Alba, without the STD's...I hope.  I thrusted upward as she pounded downward on my quivering hips.  I couldn't believe that I was honestly fucking my own cousin...and without protection...HAHA..I didn't care!!!  It was CRAZY...thrusting randomly for minutes and minutes.  We landed on a couch and decided to fuck for an astounding 45 minutes before I couldn't lift my body.  (everything else was lifting though)  I told her to go into the kitchen.  She thought it sounded fun, so, she went.  I took a breather real quick and followed her.  When I got there she was already on the small island they have in the middle of the kitchen.  I just shook my head and said to come down.  She resentfully obeyed. When she made her way in front of me...i told her to turn around. I decided to bend her over the island and fuck her anus like i'd wanted to SO badly many times before.  I did it for about 18 minutes...and decided her pussy was better...cuz we could make out that way. You know...I dont care WHAT people tell you...making out with someone you truly LOVE (I DONT truly love my cousin) is usually more satisfying than sex...unless you're doing both...hehe...Which we did on and off until the next morning when her parents called and said they would be home in a couple hours.  I told her I'd never taken a shower with anyone before and...of course...we did it there for awhile before I left. Gosh I wish this was a true story. If you thought it was...and you found out it wasn't, disregard my previous statement. No more Abortion!!!