Me and my cousin (The picture) We are both 18 and we see eachother alot. We have jokes and we go to the same school and she is in some of my classes. She lives 2 doors away from me and she likes wearing lots of short skirts and top that show of her 36d tits. One day our parents had to go to a wedding so we agreed that i would go to her house untill they came back (my parens didnt trust me). I was there from 11an and we had nothing to do . We decided to watch American pie 2. I have not watched it and i didnt know about some of the scenes. So we started watching it and one scene came by and i couldnt control what happened. I got a boner and i counldnt hide it . My cousin looked overt and saw it. I went bright red and she just laught. I was still a virgin but she had told me that she wasnt . She just laught and carried on watching the film. I really find her sexy and getting a boner and letting her see it made me even more horny over her. I went upstairs after the film had finished and while she order a take away i went in to her room and got a pair of panties that she had just wore. I went over to her bed and started to wank over them. They smelt so good. I didint know that she was coming to come upstairs and soi carries on wanking.
"WOW you are really turning me on" I didnt know what to say and she came closer. She was wearing a very small skirt and a tight top which you could see about a half of her tits. She walked up to be a kissed me on the lips. I didnt know what to do and then she started to touch my cock. It went rock hard and then she started to suck it . After about 2 mintues of no stop sucking i cane in her mouth. Then she said to me
"come on i want to fuck you" I didnt know what to say but i didnt say no so she took of her top and her skirt and she hade matching black panties and bras. We got into her bed and then it started
"Fuck me harder harder yes fuck me oh yer oh yer" It was amazing she was amazing we fucked for abaout 8 mintues and then we stopped i cane in her pussy.
Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
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