Its was 6pm and i just got off work and arrived home. My brother Tommy who lives with me was already there. I walked in hes sitting down on the sofa and i quickly headed to the fridge to grab a cold one. He asked for me to grab him one. I brought it over and sat at the other end of the sofa kicking up my feet and grabbing the remote out of his lap. I changed the channel to the news to see what was on. Nothing new just alot of rain so that kind of ruined things for the weekend.
ÂWe started pounding down beers and bitching about work and everything else in life. About an four hours went by and my brother eventually passed out on the sofa. He snores real loud and usually is out cold specially after drinking. Suddenly my gf called. She was outta town on buisness and was lonely. I quickly tried to assure her everything was ok. She was telling me about how she was lonely tired and most of all horny. I couldnt do much for her and she soon realized i was wasted. She always messes with me when im drunk cause she doesnt think ill remember it the next day.
 ÂI sat up a little bit and with every throb of my cock against my pants i grew harder. I was drunk by this time and my brother was passed out and i didnt know what i was doing. . . I slowly slide my hand across my brothers tommys stomach and unbotton'd his pants.
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