How I made my mother in lay my bitch part 7The plan for another daughter. Things at home still haven't changed a bit which is fine by me. .
My wife isa great looking piece of ass and it is frustrating she hates sex but as long asI can keep it in the family Its all good. . Speaking of keeping it in thefamily. The other day I had picked up my mother in law for a little lunch timesnack. We drove to the cemetery that was out of the way on a side road. . Fromthe corner you can see the highway but they have to be looking right that way tobe able to see us parked. . As we drove she asked me if I fucked her daughter andI told her no but I wanted to. . I figured no sence giving her any chance to holdsomething against me just in case. . Anywaymy mother in law asked me what my plans were with her and I toldher it was strictly pleasure.
She leaned into me and we kissed. When she was laying on her backin my truck and I was eating her pussy for a second I pictured her daughter laying there. . Ialmost told her what I did with her youngest daughter but I figured I betternot. I had my mother in law cumming in no time so I figured why not.
When I slowly started to slide my cock out of her ass shetried to jerk forward to get it all the way out. . I grabbed her hips and said ohno you don't and started fucking her at a faster pace. . I used my thumb insideof her pussy and started to rub her clit with my index finger. . She started torelax a little andSoon she was actually the one in motion. Her eyes wereclosed as she put her legs up to my ass and started drawing me into her fasterand faster. . She was moaning when I grabbed my I phone and started shootingvideo of my cock gliding in and out of my mother in laws ass. . Knowing she willdo anything I ask now. If her husband ever seen the video she would be done aswell. With her eyes closed she was moaning louder and louder. .
When she got back in the truck she complained her ass was a little sore andI said get use to it. . I said I will buy you a butt plugto use around thehouse. . She sat next to me and wanted me to kiss her. We kissed for a fewminutes whenI told her I wanted to fuck Lisa. MY DAUGHTER LISA?Sheasked, She got mad and said why do you want to fuck her you know I will doanything for you I said yea and your going to help me fuck Lisa to. She saidlike hell I will I said ok then we will end this and I will go home and showyour daughter the video of my cock in your ass and then I will go show yourhusband so you will have time to pack before I show him. When she realized she was beat she was crying again and again asked why?Like I said before mom. . , All your daughters need to be brought down a notch. . Isaid I don't care how I fuck her but your going to help me do it.
Part 8It was Friday morning when I called my mother in law. . She answeredquietly. I asked her if she was all set for tonight and she said no her otherdaughter would be home studying for teachers college. I said get rid of her orshe will be joining us.
To be continued.
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