My father was a single man ever since Last year. I remember he left my mother right before my sixteeth birthday and it killed me. I hated having him never around and my mother was so anal about everything. Not a single thing could be out of place like a picture frame or she would ground you in an instant. That is why I was always way more close to my father than I was to my mother.
When my father moved out he moved into a small quiet house located on the other side of the city. He was always traveling so I could only stay at his out every other weekend so I was always missing him. I would always try and make the weekends I did spend with him worth it.
I remember one saturday morning I woke up early and found my father in the kitchen.
"Hey beautiful he said to me. " He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. I smiled and replied
"Hey daddy! Where are you going, you look dressed up. " And he was dressed up. He was wearing a dress pants and a nice button up shirt with a tie. He never dressed like this on a saturday morning.
"Sorry sweety, but duty calls.
I decided it was time for me to start getting ready for the day. I took a shower, got dressed, brushed my hair and then I was going to brush my teeth.
At first I was shocked and disgusted.
I opened my eyes quickly and realized what I was thinking. Was I really getting aroused by my father out of all people? I quickly closed the box and placed it back in its original spot. I went into my room and then thought more about my father having sex with a woman. I imagined his cock and how big it must be. I felt myself start to get wet.
"mmm daddy. " I said as I touched and rubbed my pussy. I imagined my father fucking woman and then I imagined my father fucking me. I knew it wasn't something I was suppost to dream or think about but it made me go so crazy!
"yesss. "
Pleasure was building up inside me as my fingers rubbed my pussy and then I felt the instant rush or pure pleasure fill my entire body. I was cumming and it felt so amazing!
After my orgasm subsided I lay there catching my breathe and starring at the ceiling feeling a little guilty I just masturebated to my daddy. Then I felt like someone was watching me. I looked towards my door and saw my dad standing with an expressionless look on his face starring at me!
.Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
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