The ongoing saga of how I made my mother in law my bitch
I made my mother in law my bitch
part three
It was three days later when I got a text from my mother in law.
Why did you do this to me? Was all it said.
I knew then that I had her and soon she would be mine forever. She went on to say she hasn't thought straight for three days . This is so wrong she said. Then she asked when can I see you again?I replied to her to meet me at the diner outside of town at 7 pm and I would pick her up there.. When i picked her up she was wearing a black skirt and a white blouse. She looked hot. When she got into my truck she looked like she was lost. I asked her why and she said she doesnt know why she came to see me and how wrong it was. She said I think we need to stop doing this. We need to stop for the sake of your marriage and mine. Ilifted the the center consol up out of the way and told her to come sit closer to me. She didn't move so I stopped the truck and put it in park.. I leaned in to kiss her but she didn't kiss back.. She was starting to cry when I kissed her again this time my hand was between her legs.
With that she put her arms around me and kissed me deep. Soon enough I had her laying on my bench seat with one leg on my dash the other on the back of the seat.. Her skirt hiked up above her waist as I ate her till she cum all over my face.. Fuck me I need to you fuck me now she said . I told her I want to know your willing I want you to straddle me, to grab my cock and put it inside your pussy.She wasn't sure what I meant I said you have never rode a guy before? She said no I have done it missionary and a couple times my husband would have me turn over and he would do it from behind me. Isaid well mom I am going to teach you the world.. Now get on top of me and put my cock inside of you. Then your. And before I could say another word she sat right down on my cock.OMG were her words.. As she sat there for a few seconds.. She said your so big I feel everything stretching.. Now slide yourself up and down my cock mom. She said please dont call me mom it feels so dirty and taboo.. I said your cunt is wrapped around your son in laws cock I don't think we can get anymore taboo or dirty.She said yea I know but it feels weird you saying it like that.. I said get use to it mom.
After she bounced up and down on my cock for about 5 minutes I could feel her getting wetter and you could hear the sounds.
Wiping the cum off her cheek she smiled and said I haven't felt like this in almost 40 years.. I feel so alive. As long as no one finds out she said.. If my daughter finds out my family will dis own me.. I said yea so you can come live with me and she can go live with your husband. Neither one of them likes sex anyway they were made for each other.. She said aint that the truth..
end of part three
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