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“Please, Brad,” Samantha’s words broke his train of thought. “Get up and shower – you have got to get a move on!”With a sigh of resignation Brad flung the covers off him and whipped out of bed. He grabbed a bath towel off the heap of clothes on the floor and headed out of his room. Half way between the bed and the door where his mom stood arms crossed, he realized he still had his morning hard-on, big enough to be peeping through his boxers. Mortified, he moved the bath towel to his groin, trying to cover himself while not drawing attention to his cast-iron panhandle. He brushed past his mom in the doorway and darted for the bathroom. To his utter embarrassment, Brad misjudged the space between the door jam and his mom, and actually brushed his boner along her thigh. Samantha was shocked herself, and there was no denying what happened. Brad could tell she noticed and moved faster to the bathroom, pushing off her and almost running. “Brad!” she shouted. As she moved aside, her black jacket opened wider and he got an even better glimpse of her fantastic, round breasts. Closing the bathroom door behind himself, he dropped the towel and looked in the mirror. He finally exhaled and looked himself in the eyes – not sure if he was feel shame or lust. Or both..Knock knock knock.“Brad, open up.”Horny or not, this was his mother. Brad had read stuff online about guys who lusted after their mom’s and he didn’t want anything to do with it. He ignored her and started the water running in the shower. “I’m taking a shower!” he shouted over the sound of the water. Samantha continued to speak from outside the door, her voice as soft as she could make it over the running water. “Brad, I know you’re probably embarrassed about what just happened. Please don’t be. You’re young, it’s natural.”Trying to will his hard-on away, Brad took off his boxers and his socks and stepped into the shower. It was still too hot but he wanted to be out of earshot of his mom.Outside the bathroom, Samantha was standing with a hand on her hip, looking at the bathroom door, on her beautiful face a mixed-up expression of concern, laughter and curiosity. She heard the shower curtain slide open and closed and figured Brad was in the shower now.“Brad, I’m coming in. Can you hear me in there? Let me make this better.” Samantha opened the bathroom door and stepped inside. She closed the door behind her and leaned her slim figure against the countertop, addressing him though she could not see him. As she spoke, she primped her curly hair and checked her make-up in the mirror..“Don’t be this way, Brad. I bet all the guys your age wake up with erections, it’s just natural for your age.”Brad listened from within the shower. He moved the curtain slightly to peep out at his mom. Her back was to him and he didn’t think she could see him through the mirror, so he continued to check her out. Brad’s hand, already soapy, found its way to his impressive cock.“I mean, even your father sometimes wakes up at full attention…” She didn’t complete her thought aloud, but was tempted to add that his dad didn’t have even half the manhood Brad did.“And besides, if you’re going to get embarrassed when your own mother sees you, what are you going to do when you’re dating girls?”Samantha leaned deeper over the countertop, trying to get closer to the mirror. “Oh nuts, I just got some junk on my skirt. What is this, toothpaste? Now I’m going to be late too!”Brad stroked himself in the shower, watching her remove her black jacket and hang it on the towel rack. She unfastened her skirt button and zipped it open, slowly revealing her thonged ass. “I hope you don’t mind, I have to try and get this stain off my skirt. You better not peep or you’ll catch a glimpse and we’ll be even,” she kidded. She slid her skirt down her long legs and stepped out of it. She wet a facecloth and started to work on removing the toothpaste stain.“Anyways Brad,” she continued. “I hope you don’t feel embarrassed. After all, you’ve got a wonderful body – you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”“Can you pass me a towel?” Brad said. He couldn’t stand this any longer. He needed to push this moment further, whatever the consequences. He’d never in his life before come this close to such a beautiful woman. “Sure, hon,” his mother replied. She left the skirt on the countertop and grabbed a towel for him. Her thong was even smaller and more revealing in the front than it was in the back. And with her skirt off, her blouse was starting to open up, revealing her deep cleavage. She paused at the shower curtain, and then drew it open. They stared at each other; his soapy prick stiff and pointing; her half-naked; her pussy barely hidden and her blouse opening up.Pleased with this attention, Samantha had an idea. She put the towel on the shower curtain rod and slowly opened up her blouse, revealing her luscious breasts. She was wearing a white satin bra; Brad was familiar with it. He’d jerked off while fondling it just a few days ago.“Feel any better?” she asked, enjoying his attention on her large breasts. “Wait…” she reached forwards to her between her breasts and unclasped her bra. “You remember these, don’t you?” Brad stared lustfully at her breasts. She removed her bra and blouse and allowed his greedy teenage eyes to devour her. “Still embarrassed?” she taunted him. Her eyes moved to his oh-so-obvious dick. “Mom, could we kiss?”For a few long moments, the only sound was the shower. Brad couldn’t believe what he’d just done. Finally, his mother spoke.“Well, I think your father has left for work. And you do seem to have a bit of a, problem, down there, Bradley. Maybe just this once.” She was excited herself; she hadn’t kissed anyone but her husband in fifteen or twenty years.With that, they moved together and kissed on the lips, long and deep. Brad knew now that he had wanted this for a long time – longer than he would have admitted before. He leaned out of the shower, soaking her but not caring. As they kissed he pumped his cock furiously, tasting her lovely lips and smelling her perfume so close up was going to send him over the edge in only a few seconds. Like a horny animal he broke off the kiss and started kissing her neck, and her wonderfully soft breasts. Samantha could see him working his cock and it was turning her on. She pulled him closer to her, frustrated that he still stood in the bathtub and she could not really get her hands around him. She felt the steam on her face, his lips nibbling on her nipples. She started to flick off her heels frantically.Knock knock knock“Brad, have you seen your mother?” it was Brad’s father, right outside the bathroom door. Brad and Samantha froze. They were busted, for sure.His mother gave him a look, goading him to speak, but making a panicked “don’t say I’m in here!” expression.“No,” Brad started. “Not since she woke me up.” “God dammit,” his father complained. “Her car is blocking mine in the driveway.” Brad heard his father stomp away from the bathroom door, shouting after Samantha.“Christ, I’d better get dressed and get out there,” Samantha said quietly. She looked back at Brad, his cock still hard as a brick. “Sorry, hon. I’ve got to go.”Samantha collected her clothes and dressed quickly. Pausing at the door before she left, she said, “I do hope you feel better about this whole thing. We can…talk later if you want.” Samantha slowly opened the door, and slipped outside, closing the door silently behind her.