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"I know. I won't play too much. It's just that all of the games that I brought with me to the cabin I've already played. I want something different."Meg smiled and tousled her son's hair playfully. "Very well then." She rifled through her purse and pulled out three $20 bills. "But you can only buy one," she said sternly. "Now go on - I'm going to go and find a swimsuit. I'll be back in half an hour to pick you up. Okay?"Justin grabbed the money. "Sure thing Mom. Thanks." And with that, he darted into the toy store.Megan continued on down the wide central aisle of the mall, finally locating the store she sought. Loud dance music emanated from within. She entered, and wandered through the racks of brightly colored bathing suits, casting a critical eye on the skimpy bikinis. It seemed that everything in the store was more suited for a 18-year old girl - hell, even the clerks were high-school age.On the other hand, she thought to herself, why *couldn't* she have a skimpy suit? She had spent all of her adolescent life jealously eyeing all of the other slim girls dressed in barely-there bikinis, and wishing she could do the same. Then, during her marriage, her weight problem got even worse. Well, she had worked hard at getting herself slim and trim. Maybe it was time to get adventurous. Besides, she was only 37 years old. It wasn't like she was a grandma or anything.Unfortunately, the suits didn't do anything toward appealing to her sense of fashion. They were all so...gaudy. Then she realized what time of year it was - mid-summer. The racks had been picked over months ago, the best suits already taken.But after a few more minutes of browsing, her eyes were drawn toward a fabulous yellow bikini. The color was right, and she liked the shape. She pulled it from the rack and held it up for inspection. 'Damn!' she cursed under her breath. 'A thong.' She didn't even wear thong *panties*. She certainly wasn't ready to parade around in a thong swimsuit. With a dejected sigh, she put the suit back. She didn't quite feel ready for that.But try as she might, Meg couldn't find another suit in the entire store. With a frustrated sigh, she found herself drawn back to the yellow thong. She urgently needed a new suit, and there was nothing else. She plucked the suit from the rack again and ran her long fingers over the narrow string that formed the back."Can I help you find something?" A cheery blond girl with a nose ring, no more than 18 years old, had swooped in next to her.Meg sighed. "Oh, I don't know. I can't find a swimsuit I like.""Well, why not that one?" The girl nodded toward the suit in Meg's hands."Well...I like the color. But it's a thong.""So? I wear a thong. They're great!"Meg laughed. "And you're half my age. I'm too old to wear a thong."The girl tapped Meg playfully on the arm. "Don't be silly." She stood back from Meg and gave the older woman a quick once over. "You're very pretty, and you've got a great body. Why not show it a little?"Meg blushed. "I dunno..." she began."Oh, c'mon. Why not just try it on?" She pointed toward the corner of the store. "The dressing room is right over there."Meg smiled. "Okay. Why not?" she asked with a shrug.The girl winked. "That's the spirit!" She followed Meg toward the dressing room. "Let me know if you need any advice okay? I'll be here outside the door."Once inside the dressing room, Meg quickly peeled off her blouse, bra and shorts, then, after some consideration, her panties as well. She eased the thong up her legs and over her hips. It was a little tight, but no big deal - she was planning to take off a few more pounds anyway. She felt the thin strand of material pressed snugly into her butt crack. It felt strange, but sexy in a way. She turned around and cast a critical eye over her shoulder at her image in the full-length mirror. The string was so tiny that it disappeared between her cheeks - only the narrow waistband was visible from behind. But she looked good! Her cheeks were so much firmer than they used to be. They looked strangely pale - no surprise considering the "normal" bathing suit she had been wearing. But still, her butt looked good...sexy. She had to admit, the suit was flattering.Then she remembered. Justin. "Damn...I can't go parading around wearing this the rest of the summer," she muttered to herself. But she couldn't give up quite that easily. She turned around and faced the full-length mirror. Her breasts filled the cups perfectly - no little sags or puckers. She picked and pulled at the edges of the top...a little small, but it definitely fit. Meg frowned at her reflection. If not for the thong, she'd buy the suit in an instant.She heard the sales girl call to her through the closed dressing room door. "How's it look?""Okay I think.""Come on out if you want a second opinion.""Umm...""C'mon, there's no one else out here. It's okay."Meg slowly opened the door, and peered out into the brightly lit store. The blond girl was there, smiling at her. She opened the door all the way and stepped gingerly out of the dressing room.The girl's eyes opened wide. "Oh, that suit looks FANTASTIC on you." She reached up and adjusted the straps at Meg's shoulders, then stood back again. "And the color's perfect - it goes good with your tan.""Do you think it's too small? I'm planning to take off a few more pounds."The girl shook her head. "I don't think you need to lose any weight. But if you do, it'll still look great." She put a finger to her pert lips. "I'd kill to have your boobs. Let's see the back.""Thanks." Meg felt her cheeks warming, flattered at this pretty girl's compliment. She took a quick glance around the store to make sure no one was watching. She spun lightly, until she was facing away from the girl. She whistled softly, then giggled merrily. "Looks nice from back here too. You've got a cute butt. Umm, you want to wear the bottom a little higher up your hips though." Meg felt the girl's fingers at the waistband of the suit, pulling gently upward. The string nestled into her butt crack. "There, that's better."Meg held her arms out at her sides and did a little artistic twirl.The blond smiled. "You've GOT to have this suit. It looks great on you."Meg giggled. The girl was being very convincing. But what about Justin? She couldn't wear this in front of him for the rest of the summer, could she? But on the other hand, the thong felt sooo sexy. 'And anyway,' she thought to herself, 'He's my son, and he's only 18 years old. There's nothing to be worried about.' A minute ticked by, and she was due back to pick up Justin. With a resigned sigh, she decided to purchase the suit. She'd worry later about wearing it in front of her son.Blake sat patiently in the shelter of the hydrangea bushes next to the cottage's carport. He had been here for almost an hour. They *must* be gone. There was no car, for one thing, and he had seen no signs of life. Mom and son must be out and about somewhere. He looked around the densely wooded perimeter of the property, thankful that all the lakeside lots were on large parcels, leaving each one isolated from view.He walked slowly around the outside wall of the cottage, alert to any noise, any signs of movement, until he was outside the woman's bedroom window. He had noticed last night that the window didn't have either lock or screen - it would be a simple matter to get inside. Indeed, within seconds he had clambered stealthily through the window, bumping his head hard in the process.Blake crouched below the window for a moment, grimacing and rubbing his scalp, listening intently, but there was nothing. Yes, they were clearly gone. He stood slowly, and then lowered his gaze toward the hardwood floor next to the bed. Fuck! The panties weren't there. He remembered clearly that she had thrown them next to the bed as she was getting herself off the night before.He spotted a closet door along the far wall and quickly strode toward it. He jerked it open and peered into the darkness. Yes, it was a closet, and his eyes were quickly drawn toward a large wicker laundry basket on the floor. He quickly rifled through the top layer of clothes, pushing aside a tee shirt and a pair of shorts. Then he saw them, the object of his search! Yes, it was definitely the same pair of panties she had tossed aside the night before. Hands trembling, he plucked them from the basket. He ran them through his fingers, turned them inside out, and raised the crotch to his nose. Blake inhaled deeply and sighed. Her musky womanly scent was clearly evident - he knew it would be, the way she had rubbed herself through them as he watched. His cock began to stir inside of his jeans.He briefly considered going down the hall to the kid's room, but he didn't dare. He didn't know where they were or when they would return. No, he'd better not risk it. He stuffed the panties inside his shirt, tucked it into his jeans, and clambered out the window.*****"So, what do you want to do tomorrow kiddo?" Meg was getting bleary-eyed from the drive. It had been a long day. After she retrieved Justin from the video game store, she had cruised several department stores at the mall and bought a couple of sundresses, and some new shorts and tee shirts. Her pocketbook was thinner, but it had been a good day of shopping all around. Now though, she was eager to get home and relax. She slowed the car, and made the left turn into Golden Lake Road, the tires of the Ford crunching into the gravel."Oh I don't know. Maybe play my new game.""Uh uh." Meg shook her head determinedly. "It's supposed to be a nice day, and you're not spending it in the house okay?" Justin sighed resignedly and rolled his eyes. "'Kay.""You can play your game tonight." She reached over and mussed Justin's hair. "Maybe we could do some fishing off the dock?"Justin nodded. "I suppose so. That would be okay I guess."Meg frowned. Here was yet another sign that Justin was growing up. He used to love fishing. "It'll be fun. You'll see." She slowly eased her car along the narrow lane encircling the lake. As she rounded the final curve before the cottage, she spotted a tall, broad-shouldered man walking along the side of the road. 'Something familiar about him,' she thought to herself. He smiled and waved as she approached, and she returned the wave through her open window. Then she recognized him, and eased the car to a stop."Who's that Mom?" "A guy named Blake," Meg replied. "He lives in one of the cottages around here. He used to stop by and visit with your father and I.""Oh yeah, I remember him...he used to play catch with me once in awhile.""Yup, that's right...he's a very nice man."Blake ambled up to the driver's side window and bent down to peer into the car. His eyes flickered quickly and casually over Meg's long, tanned legs, and her breasts straining against her blouse. He thought back briefly to the night before, when he watched her masturbating through the window. His cock stirred in his pants. He struggled to put the thought out of his mind, and he flashed a winning smile. "Well, hello Meg! So nice to see you...it's been a long time.""It sure has Blake. What, three or four years? I haven't been up to the cabin much lately. Bill and I are...divorced. He's got the cabin now. Justin and I are staying here for the rest of the summer.""Yeah, Bill told me you guys weren't together anymore. I've seen him up here now and again." He glanced across Meg over at Justin in the passenger seat. "And that must be Justin! My, my, the last time I saw you, you were just a little guy. But you've grown up I see. How old are you now?"Justin smiled shyly under Blake's and his mother's admiring stare. "I just turned thirteen." "I thought you must be about that old! So are you starting high school next year?"Justin shook his head. "Nope. Eighth grade.""So do you have big plans for the rest of the summer?"Justin shrugged, and Meg chirped in. "I think Justin and I are going to relax mostly. Work on our tans, do some swimming and fishing. In fact, we were just talking about dropping a hook in the lake tomorrow to see if we can catch some big ones."As she talked, Meg's eyes unconsciously wandered over Blake's body. He was older than she, maybe in his early 40's, but very attractive. She reminisced back a few years. Blake was attractive then, and he certainly was aging well. He was wearing a green tank top and a pair of tight faded jeans. He was muscular and richly tanned, and his biceps and shoulder muscles rippled enticingly. Her eyes flickered lower, to a subtle, yet definite bulge in his groin."Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a summer." Meg looked up, and she felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. Blake paused, and he and Meg held each other's eyes. "Um, yes...". Meg cleared her throat. "We're definitely looking forward to it."She felt a thrill course through her body, as Blake's piercing blue eyes gazed at her. She smiled awkwardly. "It's really nice seeing you again. Maybe...if you want...you could come in for a cup of coffee?"Blake smiled broadly. "That sounds great Meg. I'd love to." He suddenly remembered the pair of panties he had stuffed inside his tank top. "Um, tell you what. I need to stop back at my house first, but I'll come by in an hour or so."Meg broke into a wide grin. "Great! See you then."With a wave, she shifted gears and continued down the lane. Blake watched until the car disappeared around the corner. "My, my," he said out loud. "If I play my cards right, I just might get lucky this summer." He thrust his hand inside his jeans to adjust his swelling prick.*****A loud knock at the front door announced Blake's arrival. Meg paused at the hallway mirror to check her hair and makeup, and then pulled the door open. The site of Blake's friendly smile greeted her. "Come on in Blake! I just put on a fresh pot of coffee." She smiled broadly, flashing her straight, pearly white teeth, and motioned him in. Blake stepped across the threshold, and paused to survey his surroundings. The cabin was just as he had remembered it. Sparsely, but tastefully, furnished."Gosh, it's been ages since I've been here. But the place still looks the same.""Yeah, it never really changes. Except Bill keeps it messier now than when I was around. I've had to do a lot of cleaning up."Blake smiled awkwardly."Sorry," said Meg. "I don't suppose you came here to listen to me talk about Bill and I.""No, that's okay. It just...really surprised me that you guys got divorced. You always seemed made for each other."Meg led the way to the kitchenette. "Yeah, I suppose it seemed that way," she said over her shoulder. "But, well...let's talk about something else, okay?""Sure thing." Blake had hardly heard her. His eyes were focused on her undulating buttocks as she walked ahead of him. She was wearing a loose summer dress, not form-fitting exactly, but it still didn't hide her marvelous ass. Having watched her through her bedroom window made the dress even sexier, knowing the delightful body that lie beneath. He mused that she was slimmer - a LOT slimmer - then when he had last seen her years before. She was still just a tad wider across the hips than a lot of men liked. But Blake didn't like his women skinny. Boys, on the other hand, were a different matter.He sat at the kitchen dinette table and watched as Meg brought over a full pot of coffee and two china cups. "I know it's hot out," she said as she poured. "But I still like a good cup of coffee even on days like this."Blake chuckled. "Yeah, me too.""So," she said as she sat down across from him. "What's new with you? Are you still in sales?"Blake shook his head. "No, I got out of that about two years ago. I do computer consulting for businesses, website development, stuff like that. It's kind of nice, because I get to work from home most of the time." Blake took a sip of the scalding coffee. "How about you? Still a teacher?"Meg nodded. "Yup. Middle school. I like it." She giggled. "I don't work from home, but at least I get the summers off." She reached for the sugar bowl.Blake nodded agreeably. "I'll bet it's nice." His eyes flickered over her chest. As she reached across the table, the top of her dress gaped open, given him a nice view of her cleavage, and the gentle swell of the top of her breasts swinging inside.Meg sat back, and her eyes caught his. Blake looked up quickly, uncertain if she had caught him gawking. He cleared his throat. "So if you teach middle school, is Justin one of your students?""Nope. I teach in a different school district.""Ah." "I seem to remember you were really into photography.""Yup. Still am...only as a hobby though." He laughed. "Never could make a living at it."As they sat there chatting, sunlight streaming through the window of the kitchen and the birds chirping musically outside, a warm glow came over Meg. She had always liked Blake, but she had never needed companionship like she did now. It was so nice to sit here talking to a man. They gazed out the window in comfortable silence, watching the leaves on the old oaks fluttering in the breeze, and beyond, the gentle ripples on the lake. "You know," said Blake wistfully, "I've always been envious of the great beach in front of your place. Mine is mostly rocks, and it's too muddy to swim.""I know. We were lucky to get this place. I really enjoy the beach. You're welcome to come over anytime, if you want to swim or work on your tan." Her eyes flickered over Blake's golden-brown, muscular arms. "Not that you really need to."Blake's cock stirred inside his jeans at the obvious flirtation. "Well, I think I'll take you up on your offer. Can't let the tan fade you know." Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of Justin bolting into the kitchen, carrying his laptop computer. He stopped short at the sight of Blake."Hi Blake," he said shyly."Well, hello there sport! Nice to see you again." Blake discreetly looked the boy up and down. He quickly decided that Justin was a very cute boy, smart but shy. He was wearing little red swim trunks and nothing else. His hairless arms and legs were thin and gangly."Watcha' got there? A laptop?""Uh huh."Meg smiled. "Justin carries that thing everywhere - mostly to play computer games."Blake chuckled as he watched Justin roll his eyes. "Nothing wrong with that, hey Justin? Can I see it?" The boy held the slim computer out for Blake's inspection."That's a nice one.""Yup, except the monitor's kinda small to play games. But it's okay I guess.""Oh, I can see what you mean. Tell you what though. If you'd like to, you could bring it to my house once in awhile. I've got a 19" monitor you can plug into.""Gee, that would be cool!""Wait a sec' kiddo," said Meg. She turned to Blake. "Are you SURE you want to do that? I mean, it's very nice of you, but his games can be pretty annoying. Guns and bombs and stuff, you know.""Not a problem, as long as I'm not working, which is usually only in the mornings and late at night. I don't mind, really." Meg reflected for a moment. In a way, it didn't seem right to let her little boy go to Blake's house by himself. After all, she hardly knew him. But he was *so* nice.Justin noticed his mother's indecision. "I'll be good Mom...I won't bother Blake at all. I promise."Meg smiled down at her son and poked him playfully in the ribs. "Okay. As long as you promise."Blake flashed a toothy smile. "Good then. It's settled." His mind was racing...this could be good.Justin smiled appreciatively. "Thanks Mom. I'm going to my room and play my new game." He skipped out of the kitchen, leaving his mother and Blake to continue their chat.*****Meg ran the material of her new swimsuit through her long fingers. She giggled like a little girl. She couldn't believe she was actually going to wear this thing. Still, it had looked good on her in the mirror in the dressing room. Why not? She was still young. Her body was getting lean and mean. Just because she wasn't a teenage bimbo didn't mean she couldn't look sexy.She pulled her fingertips along the thin ribbon of material that formed the thong. Times sure had changed since she was young. In the old days, wearing such a swimsuit would have been too daring to contemplate, if not considered obscene. Back then, showing a little ass cheek was about all that was allowed.Should she wear such a revealing swimsuit in front of Justin? Was it appropriate? She didn't want to stimulate his young hormones. She pursed her lips in frustration. And then she remembered that she had invited Blake to the beach. She was just getting to know the man. She didn't know if there was a relationship in their future or not, but what would he think of her if she flaunted her body in front of him? Would that ruin things? Would she seem slutty?But those thoughts only made her feel sexy. Why *not* wear it? She liked him, and she had enjoyed his lingering stares. 'This is ridiculous', she said to herself determinedly. She was going to wear the thong, and that was that.She stripped off her shorts and tank top, and threw them on the bed. Holding the suit bottom in both hands, she stepped into it, and wriggled it up her long legs and over her hips. 'A little snug,' she thought, 'But it'll be just right when I lose a few pounds.' She hooked a fingertip into the thong behind her, and adjusted it into the crack of her butt, working out the twists until it was lying smoothly between her cheeks. She clenched her butt, and felt the strand of material rub against her. 'Something kind of erotic about that,' she thought.Next, she gingerly adjusted the front. She'd forgotten how little material there was to cover her crotch. No matter what she did, a few curly pubic hairs peeked out from beneath the tight material. Meg made a mental note to trim her bush the next time she took a shower. She then put on the top, tying the strings behind her. She pulled and stretched the cups until they covered her breasts evenly. When she was satisfied, she stood in front of the freestanding mirror in the corner of her bedroom and gave herself a lingering stare."Damn! I'm looking good!" she whispered to herself. The suit was a bit tight, but otherwise fit her perfectly, and flattered her body. The bra cups were a bit smallish...the creamy skin on the sides of her breasts was spilling outand the tan lines from her old suit were clearly visible around pretty much the entire triangle of fabric, especially on the sides. 'Oh well,' she thought. 'A few days of tanning will take care of that.' She noticed the small bumps of her nipples pressed against the front of the material. She thought again about Blake. Would he come to visit her today? A thrill coursed through her body. The thought of him looking at her was so...exciting. She loved her new body, and thinking of her handsome neighbor watching her in the thong...she felt a pleasant tingle in her crotch. She pulled an oversized tee shirt over her head, and, heart pounding with nervous anticipation, left the bedroom and headed for the beach.*****Justin was already at the beach, snorkeling in the shallows when Meg arrived. She noted sourly that he was ignoring her prohibition against swimming alone, but decided to drop it. She spread out her striped beach towel and sat down, stretching her tanned legs out in front of her. She watched her son for a while, trying to screw up the courage to remove the tee shirt. After about ten minutes of indecision, she removed the shirt and began slathering suntan lotion over her smooth, golden skin, concentrating on the less-richly tanned areas at the sides of her breasts and the much paler skin along her bikini line. She was thankful that she had sunbathed topless a few times. The tan lines along her breasts were indistinct as a result. The line along her bikini bottom, though, was a different matter. This visual evidence of just how skimpy the suit was took her aback. And that wasn't even taking into account her bare buttocks. She wondered how she was going to find the courage to flip on her stomach in front of Justin.Meg was almost finished with the lotion, massaging it into her the skin of her shapely calves, when Justin splashed ashore, holding several colorful stones that he had found in the lake. He knelt in the sand next to Meg and held them out to her for her inspection. "Look what I found Mom. Aren't they neat?""Mmm, very pretty.""I'm gonna start a rock collection." The boy paused and his eyes traveled quickly over his mother. "Is that your new suit?"Meg licked her lips nervously, self-conscious over her son's stare. "Yup. What do you think? Does the color look good?""Uh-huh. I think so. Yellow looks nice on you.""Well, thank you." She smiled at her son's compliment.Justin's eyes flickered over his mother's chest briefly. "Um, I'm gonna go look for more rocks on the beach.""Okay hon." Meg exhaled deeply, and watched her son scout the water's edge. So far so good. Justin had looked at her, that was for sure, but it seemed to be nothing more than harmless curiosity. She sat a few moments longer, eventually deciding to go for her daily swim rather than work on her tan. She stood up and nervously strode past Justin. She waded into the warm water. "Justin, I'm going for my swim now. Be back in half an hour. Don't swim by yourself okay? You can go back in the water when I get back.""Okay."Thankfully, he seemed engrossed in combing the beach for rocks. Meg continued wading, past her knees, until she felt the warm water lapping against her naked butt. She paused a moment, then plunged into the water to begin her swim, unaware that Justin's eyes had been glued to her swaying butt the whole time.Blake brought his binoculars down from his eyes as Meg dove into the water across the cove. "Interesting," he said aloud. "Meg's got a new bikini." He had watched her almost every day these past few weeks, and was used to seeing a different swimsuit. He frowned when he realized he wouldn't have a chance to watch her lying out topless anymore. She could hardly do that with her son around all the time. Then he smiled at his own silliness. What was he complaining about? He had watched her through her bedroom window, masturbating, and here he was disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to peer at her naked tits from 200 yards away. He shook his head in amusement. Still, there was something about the voyeuristic quality of it that he would miss.He thought about Meg's invitation to join her at her beach. Now *that* was something to look forward to. Nothing like laying on the warm sand with a half-nude babe reclining next to you. He relished the thought. God, that woman was hot! He watched for a few more minutes as Meg swam effortlessly up the cove, out toward the open lake, then walked up the rocky path to his cabin. Blake had made up his mind to go over and take Meg up on her offer. Only Justin was there now, but Meg would be back soon. He knew one thing with certainty: He was going to fuck Meg before the summer was out. He chuckled. The son was a little less certain.*****"Hi Justin...Watcha' doing?"The boy started at the sound - he was engrossed in extracting a reddish cobble from the wet sand. "Hi Blake." He flashed a quick smile. "I'm collecting rocks.""Oh, can I see?" His eyes flickered quickly over Justin's body as he crouched on the beach. Blake was pleased to note that the boy was wearing the same cute little swim trunks that he had on the previous day."'Kay. But I'm having trouble with this one." He grunted as he prodded at the half-buried rock."Well, maybe I can help." Blake sat on the sand on the opposite side of the cobble from the boy, legs slightly spread, and began to dig with his fingers on either side of the stone. Justin knelt on the beach and watched as the older man worked."Hmm, this one's really buried. Maybe it's bigger than you think." Blake formed a six-inch deep trench around the entire circumference of the rock, but it still wouldn't budge. He casually spread his legs further apart and continued digging at the stone buried in the sand between his legs. His eyes flickered up to look at Justin. Damn, he hadn't noticed yet. He inched his legs farther apart as he dug. Blake could feel his cock resting against the inside of his thigh, and knew that the boy should be able to look up the legs of the loose fitting shorts and see it.He leaned back on his hands and pushed on the stone with his foot, exerting all his leg muscles in an effort to free the rock. Hah! Jackpot! He saw Justin's eyes wandering upward, then focus on the leg opening of the man's shorts. His eyes widened slightly, and Blake had to suppress a chuckle. He hunched himself closer to the rock to get better leverage, and could feel his shorts riding further up his leg as he did so. Justin was getting quite a show - his cockhead was almost certainly poking out the bottom of the shorts, and he could feel himself beginning to get erect at the thought. Just then, the cobble sprang free of the sand, and the 18-inch diameter rock rolled up and out of the small excavation he had made. Blake casually pulled the legs of his shorts back down and flipped over onto hands and knees. "Finally!" he laughed. "Quite a boulder you found."Justin blinked, coming out of his reverie, and looked down at the rock. "Wow, I'll say. I'm gonna go wash it off." Blake watched as the boy hoisted the rock and carried it to the water's edge, his eyes glued to the front of the little boy's shorts. The bulge he saw there was a little bigger than he would have expected, and his breathing quickened. Could the boy have been aroused by the show? He couldn't tell for sure. Justin squatted in the shallow water and began to splash water on the rock. Blake had to settle for the view of the lad's tight little ass pointed invitingly toward him.Just then, he glimpsed the figure of Meg, cutting a path through the water several hundred feet offshore. She was returning from her swim. He was at once excited and disappointed. It would have been nice to play with Justin a bit longer. On the other hand, he knew he shouldn't be greedy and bring things too far, too quickly.Meg approached the shore, and changed her stroke to a slow dog paddle in order to cool down after the vigorous swim. She spied Justin, hardly moved from the water's edge where she had left him, and, crouched next to him...Blake! Her heart, already racing from her exertion, skipped a beat. She had forgotten during her swim that she had invited him over, but she was glad to see him there. Very glad. She glided through the lake, nearing the shallows, and felt the water on her body like fine silk, sliding off her legs, her...rear. She remembered the thong. Her wish from earlier that day was coming true. This handsome man was going to see her practically nude butt. A shiver of nervous anticipation coursed through her body.Meg's long, delicate toes touched the soft sand next to the dock. She took a deep, nervous breath, and stood in the waist-deep water. She waded through the shallows and onto the sandy beach, water cascading off her body. She took her soaking wet hair in her hands to wring out the excess water, and, in the age-old habit of women coming out of the water, she casually glanced down to adjust her bra and ensure that her breasts were properly tucked in. Nothing was hanging out, but it wasn't exactly hidden either. She hadn't realized how thin the fabric was, almost translucent. Her nipples were obviously erect, and the faint shadows of the areolas were visible through the wet fabric. To Blake, Meg emerging from the water next to the dock was like a goddess rising from the sea. Her hair was dark and wet as she wrung it out. Her tanned skin was smooth and golden and covered with water droplets that glinted in the sunlight. She flashed a quick smile. He smiled back and caught her eyes, but only briefly. His gaze flickered lower, to the yellow bikini. It was tiny! Her tits spilled out the sides of the bra, and the bottom was a dainty triangle of fabric. Her tits were jiggling and bouncing seductively as she approached him, and - damn! Her long rubbery nipples were poking against the thin fabric. He gulped and felt a tingle in his crotch. This was going to drive him crazy. Fuck, she was hot, and the bikini was something else! It was almost better than watching her through the bedroom window.His eyes traveled lower. Oh fuck! The shadow of her pubic hair was visible through the shiny wet fabric. The view was so damn erotic.He realized that he was ogling her. By sheer force of will, he tore his eyes away from her crotch, cleared his throat, and smiled awkwardly. "Thought I'd take you up on your offer to come over and catch some rays. Justin here was showing me his rock collection.""I'm glad you came." Meg flashed a quick smile, her white teeth glinting in the sun, then averted her gaze. A shudder of equal parts embarrassment and arousal coursed through her body as she realized what kind of show she was about to give Blake...and her son. "So what have you found kiddo?" She knelt in the wet sand next to them."A bunch of neat rocks. See?"Blake watched as the boy showed his mother his rock collection. His eyes kept wandering over her firm tits, partially covered under the skimpy bikini. The nipples were still pressed against the material, stiff and erect, even more so now that the cool air was hitting them after her swim. What's more, Justin was clearly interested in what he was seeing also, never mind the fact that it was his own mother. His young eyes were clearly shifting downward as he talked to his mother."Very nice hon. Um, I'm gonna go and dry off and sit in the sun for awhile okay?""Okay. Can we go and eat soon though? I'm starved.""Sure thing sweetie."Meg smiled at Blake and got to her feet. "I'm going to dry off. Want to come and sit with me awhile?" This was the moment of truth, when she flaunted her bare butt at her handsome neighbor. She walked through the loose sand up the beach, nervously aware of Blake following her. She bent and reached for her towel. She buried her face in it, pretending to dry her face, but also taking the opportunity to think this out. 'Good lord,' she thought. She felt like such a slut.Blake's cock rose in his shorts as he followed Meg, eyes glued to her seductively swaying ass. A fucking thong! The tiny yellow string of the bikini was completely buried in her butt crack. First Justin, and now this. He figured he better say something, anything, to get his mind working in a different direction. "So. Out for a swim?" Duh! He could've slapped himself. How the hell was he going to get this woman in bed if he couldn't come up with something more intelligent to say than that?Meg rubbed the towel over her lithe arms and firm stomach. "Yeah, my daily workout. Greatest exercise in the world. I've been at it for a few weeks now." "I can tell...it shows."He was looking very pointedly at her body. Meg thought she was going to melt under his blue-eyed gaze. She was getting increasingly self-conscious, but it was definitely exciting. She was already warm and flushed from her swim, but she could feel the temperature rise in her cheeks even further. She felt totally exposed, which was silly, but still...Meg lay the towel back down on the hot sand and sat down, tanned legs stretched out in front of her. Blake followed suit, sitting next to her. He was having a hell of time not ogling this hot slut while they made small talk under the blazing sun. He couldn't put his finger on it, but she was so fucking sexy, and much prettier than he had realized. He hadn't noticed watching through the bedroom window but she had a mature beauty that was driving him crazy as he sat here next to her. Her dark hair and eyebrows, easy tinkling laugh... And her body - he had seen it in all of its naked glory of course, but that made the skimpy swimsuit even sexier. Meg's tits were round and full - perfect as far as he was concerned. Her legs were long and well defined, slightly muscular... He had to keep his hands in his lap to hide his partial erection. So he focused for a while on watching Justin, now busily moving his rock pile to a safer place next to he and Meg. But that wasn't much better. Justin's cute little butt flexing beneath his tight swimsuit aroused Blake almost as much. He thought back to the boy's erection, briefly spied through his swimsuit a little earlier."He seems to be keeping himself occupied," he said, nodding toward the boy as he made his tenth trip with a handful of rocks.Meg smiled. "Yup. I'm glad. I've been hoping he'd be able to keep himself busy this summer. Looks like I didn't have anything to worry about." As Blake and Meg talked, he noticed the boy's frequent glances at his mother, specifically, at his mother's tits. The nipples were no longer visible through the fast-drying fabric of the suit, but they were still visibly poking against the thin material. He wondered what the boy's reaction had been the first time he saw his mother in the thong. This was so fucking erotic! This hot sexy mother, and her cute little son...did Justin get a hardon when he watched her? Probably, Blake decided. After all, the boy got an erection when he saw Blake's cock, at least it looked like he had. Strange, but Meg seemed clueless that she was stimulating the little guy. Meg wasn't noticing because she couldn't keep her eyes from roaming over Blake's body. Darkly tanned and muscular, dark hair with a tinge of gray. Smiling blue eyes...she shivered, knowing that he was looking at her too.Once again, Blake saw Justin's eyes wash over his mom's tits. Despite himself, Blake chuckled merrily at the sight."What is it?" Meg was looking at him quizzically."Oh...er, nothing. Laughing at Justin, that's all."As if on cue, Justin dumped the last load of pebbles next to his mother. "Done," he announced. He had formed a low mound of colorful stones. "They're for you Mom." Meg glanced over at Blake and rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a smile. "Um, that's very nice Justin. You've been working hard."Justin nodded. "Hey Mom, can we go and eat now? I'm starved.""Okay Hon."Meg frowned and looked at Blake with disappointment. "Sorry, gotta go. Have to keep a growing boy fed you know."Blake nodded. Damn! He had been enjoying this. "That's okay. I can come back another day." He snapped his fingers. "Oh, by the way Justin," he said as casually as he could. "When did you want to come over and use my computer?"The boy looked uncertainly at his mother, who nodded. "Um, tomorrow?"Blake smiled. "Sounds good sport. See you then."He helped Meg gather her things, while she convinced Justin that his rock collection would be safe on the beach. All the while, he ogled her flexing ass cheeks. So, he noticed, did Justin.Blake sat in his den at the computer, preparing it for Justin's visit. He called up one of his favorite screensavers, a slideshow of gorgeous young women in varying states of undress. He watched the photos for a while, but his mind wasn't really on the slideshow. No, he was thinking about Justin, and his youthful little body. He licked his lips nervously, and glanced at his watch. It was almost time. He went to each of the two large windows in the room and pulled the blinds closed. Just as he finished this task, he heard a gentle tapping at the front door. He strode down the carpeted hallway and opened the front door."Hi Blake!""Hiya sport. Come on in!" He greeted the boy enthusiastically, but at the same time let his eyes drift downward as the boy brushed past him and entered the living room. He was disappointed to see that the boy wasn't wearing the same tight swimsuit that he had on the day before. Instead, Justin was wearing a pair of looser shorts. Blake cleared his throat nervously. "So, I see you've got your laptop. Let's get you plugged in. My computer's down this hallway in the den." Blake licked his lips as he followed the boy down the hall, watching the cute little butt flexing beneath the fabric of his shorts. They entered the den and the boy whistled appreciatively. "Hey - nice computer. And wow, look at the size of that monit...". The boy stopped short. He had noticed the screensaver. It showed a young blond teen reclining on her bed, wearing nothing but a pair of tight lace panties. Her ample tits were tanned and firm, the nipples hard and erect. "Wow, look at her!" The boy's eyes grew even wider when the next photo flashed on the monitor. This one showed an older woman with short blond hair. She was sitting facing the camera, legs spread, pink hairless pussy gaping open. Blake cleared his throat and walked to the computer. "Whoops. Should have turned this off before you came." He reached down to turn off the screensaver."Wait...I want to see more."Blake paused and grinned to himself. So far, so good. He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Well, I dunno Justin. I mean, you're old enough to see this kind of stuff, but I don't know if your Mom would like it.""Oh, she won't know," the boy replied absently. "Wow, check her out!" A new slide appeared. This photo showed a thong-clad brunette from behind. She was standing upright, but bent at the waist. The round globes of her gorgeous ass cheeks were tanned and enticing.Blake chuckled. "Yup she's hot alright." He paused. "And maybe you're right. Your Mom doesn't need to know. Our little secret right?" He sat down in front of the keyboard. Justin stood mesmerized next to him, laptop held at his side and forgotten, as the photos flashed across the monitor one by one. At last the cycle began to repeat itself. The thong-wearing brunette appeared on the screen again."Oh, I like her," said Blake. "I see your Mom has a swimsuit just like that." He looked at Justin, watching for his reaction."Yeah. She bought that at the mall the other day.""Well, she sure looks good in it. Your Mom has a really nice ass."Justin nodded uncertainly."Sometimes those suits are so skimpy they barely cover the girl's pussy and asshole. Do you think your Mom's is like that?"The boy's cheeks reddened at the graphic language. "I don't know. I've only seen it once.""Well," said Blake innocently. "If I were you, I'd try to see." He smiled.Justin looked thoughtful. "Um, maybe I can see tomorrow." The youth returned his eyes to the monitor. "Rats. I guess we've seen them all."Blake nodded. "Uh huh. But I've got tons of this stuff on my hard drive." He looked as discreetly as he could out of the corner of his eye at the boy standing next to him. He glanced down at his shorts. Was that a bulge he saw there? "Um, but maybe you want to hook up your laptop now and play your game?""Heck, I can do that anytime." He looked shyly at Blake. The older man noticed that the boy had shifted the laptop to his other hand, trying to cover his crotch. Justin had become aware that he had a hardon, and was trying to hide it. "I sure would like to see some more of those...I mean, if you don't mind." His little voice was almost pleading.Blake chuckled. "No, Justin, I don't mind. I like to look at these too." With a few mouse clicks he opened an image viewer program, moved the setting to slideshow mode, and selected about twenty jpeg files from his hard drive, photos that he had collected during his years of surfing the web. The first photo flashed on the screen. "Check that out Justin. She's got her finger in her pussy." Justin visibly gulped at the sight. Several similar photos cycled through."What's she doing?" Justin pointed to the monitor. "She's putting a dildo up her butt.""A dildo?""Yup. Oh, maybe you don't know what that is. It's kind of like...an artificial cock I guess you'd say. Sometimes women use those if they don't have a man around to make themselves feel good.""But why is she putting it up her bum?" The boy's voice was quavering in his excitement."Because it feels good. Sometimes men put their cocks in women's...bums too. Have you ever heard of that?""Maybe...I think so."Blake noted that Justin was still holding the laptop in front of him. "Do you like these photos Justin? Have you ever seen pictures like these before?""Sort of. I've see Playboys and stuff. But these are a lot better."The older man smiled. "Yup - they sure are." He paused. "Um, why don't you put your computer down? Those get awfully heavy."Justin looked down uncertainly. "Um...no, that's okay."Blake flashed a friendly smile at the boy. "It's okay Justin...I think you're trying to hide your hardon. But you don't have to...see? I've got one too." Justin's eyes followed Blake's pointing fingers to the man's lap, and his eyes widened. A distinct bulge was tenting-out the front of the man's gray running shorts. "See? It's exciting looking at this stuff. It's perfectly natural to get a hardon. You don't have to hide it."The boy nodded uncertainly, his eyes still fixed on Blake's obvious erection. But finally, he placed his computer on the desk next to him. Blake's cock throbbed as he gazed at the youth's crotch. Justin's erection was obvious, pushing as it did against the thin cotton fabric. Blake wondered how big it was...it probably wasn't fully grown yet. Still, it tented the front of the shorts impressively."There, now you can get more comfortable." He pointed to the corner of the den. "If you'd like, you can bring that chair over here and sit down."Blake eyed the bulge in Justin's shorts as the boy hauled the chair over, placed it next to Blake, and sat down gratefully. Blake was encouraged to see that the lad already seemed to have lost any embarrassment about his hardon. He diverted his attention back to the computer screen. "Check that out Justin!" It was the first hardcore photo to appear. This one showed an older brunette woman giving a blowjob to a well-hung black man. The thick cock was buried halfway in the woman's mouth. "Oh wow!" The boy's voice broke with his excitement. "He's got his...cock in her mouth.""Yup. She's giving him a blowjob.""Oh yeah. I've heard of that. My friend Tommy claims he saw a girl do that on the school bus.""Really? Well, maybe he did. That feels really good you know.""Have you ever been blowjobbed?"Blake laughed at the choice of words. "You mean, have I ever received a blowjob. But you're close." He struggled to contain his laughter. "Yes, lots of times. I really like it." Blake decided it was time to bring out heavier artillery. Justin was clearly getting more comfortable. "Say, Justin," he began. "I have more than pictures, you know. I have all kinds of short movies too. Do you want to see some?" Justin nodded vigorously, and Blake closed the image viewer and called up his media player. 'What should I start with?' he asked himself. He had gigabytes worth of every kind of sex act imaginable, but he thought he should take it easy on the hard stuff. This was going well, and he didn't want to screw it up by freaking the little guy out."Okay, here are a couple of blowjobs. These are good ones."The first clip was about five minutes long, and Blake was grateful for the DSL connection that allowed for downloading long clips. It showed a young, muscular stud lying on his back on a bed, while a cute blond teen licked up and down his hard cock like a lollipop. Blake and Justin watched the movie clip in silence, as the blond progressed from licking to taking the cock in her mouth. Finally, she deep-throated the shaft with ease, while she fondled the lucky guy's wrinkled balls."Awesome!""Pretty cool huh? I've been sucked like that, and it feels great!"Blake decided to bring this little game to the next level. Noticing that Justin was focused intently on the movie clip, he leaned back and slouched down in his chair. At the same time he discreetly reached into his shorts and adjusted his swollen prick so that it was pointed toward the leg opening. He tugged at the front of the shorts slightly, pulling the material upward, thus exposing the tip of his prick out the leg opening. His cock was so hard that it was a bit uncomfortable, but thankfully the shorts were loose enough that it wasn't painful. Justin almost immediately noticed. Blake could see the boy's eyes alternate between the movie clip and the tip of his exposed cock. Blake causally shifted in his seat, which had the effect of poking his cock out of the leg of his shorts even more. On the screen, the man was rapidly approaching his climax, as Blake's cock, the top two inches of which were now in plain sight against his inner thigh, twitched and throbbed."Watch Justin. He's about to come."The blond released the man's swollen cock from her wet mouth. It was bright red and shiny from her saliva as she began jacking him off. Within a few seconds, pearly white tendrils of sperm shot violently into her open mouth. As he watched, Blake brought his left hand down to his cock and began to casually rub the exposed tip with his fingertips. "Wow, look at that!" Justin said excitingly, his voice quavering with excitement over what he was seeing. "It's going right into her mouth!""Yup, that's pretty fucking hot," Blake agreed. "Some women like it when men come in their mouths.""There sure is a lot of it.""Yeah, quite a bit. I come about that much.""You do?""Mmm hmm. Sure do." Blake decided to go for it. "When you're young, like you are, you don't usually come so much." He looked at Justin and smiled. "Do you come a lot Justin?"Justin and looked away with embarrassment. "Umm, I dunno...I've never had...never had sex I guess."Blake grinned. "That's okay, but I mean when you jack off." He looked at Justin intently. "You jack off don't you?"Justin turned red. "I...I guess so.""Sure you do. All men do it. I have sex with lots of women, but I still jack off all the time. Why not? It feels good."Justin nodded slowly in agreement, as Blake continued. "Nothing to be ashamed of. If you're horny you should jack off." As he said this, he watched as Justin's eyes lowered to watch Blake stroke the tip of his erection. Blake feigned surprise, and chuckled. "I guess I didn't even notice I was doing it." He shrugged and called up another movie clip with the mouse. This one showed two well hung guys, one black and one white, and an Asian woman. The black guy was on his back while the woman took his cock up her ass, humping up and down. The white guy knelt next to the black, who licked at his erection."That guy's licking the other man!""Uh huh. What do you think of that?""Wow! And look!" Justin pointed excitedly at the screen. "His...cock is in her bum!""Yup...and he sure is enjoying it. Look how deep it's going!"But Justin didn't hear him. He was looking down into Blake's lap. The man's cock was now fully exposed, over half of it poking through the open leg of his shorts. He was stroking it slowly, as it pulsed and throbbed in his fingers. "Mmm, that feels good," Blake groaned.Justin's attention was now almost fully diverted from the movie. He openly gawked, watching as the older man got himself off. "Your...your cock is big," he said shyly.Blake smiled at that. He'd never been accused of having a big cock before. "Actually, it's only average size. Probably not much bigger than yours."Justin shrugged. "Mine's bigger than it used to be maybe.""You can touch yourself if you want to Justin. Don't be shy.""Oh, I don't know..." the youth's quiet voice trailed off.Blake was nervous. This was the moment of truth. He didn't think he had moved too fast, but... He let Justin take his time, as the boy bit his lip uncertainly. Finally, he stood up, and hesitantly unsnapped his shorts. He sighed audibly, and then let the garment fall down his slim legs to his ankles. He paused, and then shyly pushed his white underwear down his thighs. For the first time, the boy's erect cock was exposed to Blake. It took all of his mental discipline to prevent himself from reaching out to touch the boy's beautiful cock, and he vowed that someday he would have it. Maybe not today, but soon. It was the most gorgeous dick he had ever seen...not as developed as an adult's, but clearly not a child's either. It was about five inches long and slim, sticking up proudly at a 45-degree angle. It was visibly throbbing with the boy's excitement. It was virtually hairless, except for a few wiry hairs sprouting from the base.Justin's voice broke with nervousness and excitement. "It...It's not very big I guess, and I don't have any hair." Blake smiled. "That's okay. It'll grow, and you'll get hair when you get older." He continued to openly stroke his prick as he gazed at the boy's cock. He could barely conceal his lust and desire. "You can touch yourself if you want," he said, in as casual a voice as he could muster.Justin sat down again, slouched in the chair. The little rock-hard prick was now pointed straight up in his lap, and he slowly brought his left hand to his erection, his eyes not meeting Blake's. His slim fingers curled around the smooth shaft and squeezed lightly. Slowly, tentatively, he began to run the fingers up and down his slim cock. He began watching the video clip again through glazed eyes, his mouth half open.On the computer monitor, the white blowjob recipient was coming in the black guy's face, and the woman leaned over to lick it up. Blake clicked the mouse and called up a similar clip, this one featuring three men and a young fox.Blake began to pull harder on his swollen prick. He needed to come desperately, and he didn't know how much longer he could hold out. The combination of the erotic movie clips, and this young boy jacking off next to him, was mind-blowing.Justin followed suit. His eyes were closed as his little fist began to pump back and forth on his rigid cock. Blake watched with smoldering lust as the youth's legs began to tremble. Justin was going to come soon as well.Blake pistoned his fist furiously up and down on his cock as he watched Justin. Suddenly, his orgasm arrived. "Oh, fuck!" he moaned, as a thick stream of sperm shot into the air, falling back on his pumping hand. "UH!" He grunted and shot another streamer of cum, arching his back as he did so. Through his flickering eyelids, he saw Justin watching his orgasm with undisguised lustful curiosity.Blake gasped and shot several progressively smaller streamers of cum over his pumping fist. Just as he was finishing, Justin moaned loudly and bucked his ass up off the chair, his legs held rigidly in front of him. Blake watched as a spray of hot cum squirted from the little boy's cock and rained down on his quivering thighs, marveling at the height and force of the boy's orgasm. "Uh, uh, uh..." grunted Justin. His eyes were tightly closed, his little fist flying up and down his hard cock as it sprayed his sperm on his thin legs. Gradually, the boy's fist slowed, and his breathing calmed down.Blake smiled. "Gosh, you came a lot!" The boy smiled weakly, and looked ruefully down at his legs, covered with pearly globs of cum. Blake grabbed a box of Kleenex from the desk and offered it to Justin. The boy took several tissues and dabbed the cum off his legs, fingers, and cock.Blake did the same, and put the wadded Kleenex on the desk. Normally he would have simply licked it off his fingers, but didn't know what the boy's reaction would have been. He pulled his shorts up and over his softening prick. Justin finished cleaning himself, and, following Blake's lead, put the dripping wads of Kleenex on the desk in front of him. He hastily pulled his shorts back up, and tucked in his shirt. He was silent, and avoiding eye contact with the older man."Well, that sure was fun," said Blake. "Did you enjoy that?"Justin nodded uncertainly. "Uh huh. It was...neat." "Well, you're welcome to come over and do it again." Blake chuckled. "Or, you can even play with your computer the next time." Blake was relieved to see the boy grin."I should go now Blake. My mom's probably wondering where I am.""Okay Justin. Um, maybe we should keep what we did our little secret huh?"The boy nodded. "'Course."Blake walked the boy down the hallway to the front entry. "You can't come over for a few days Justin, 'cause I'll be out of town on business." He carefully watched Justin's reaction to this revelation. Did he see a flash of disappointment on the cute little face?"Okay. When will you be back?"Blake tried to hide his relief. "Tuesday.""Maybe I'll come back then?""Sure thing." He gave the boy a friendly pat on the arm as Justin walked out into the late afternoon sunshine. He closed the door and leaned against it, and a crooked smile crossed his face."Fuck, that was hot," he said aloud. He let out a long sigh of contentment and relief. He hadn't scared the boy off...Justin had definitely enjoyed their little game, and was even willing to come back. He walked back into the den and delicately picked up the wet Kleenex the boy had put on the desk. It was soaked and literally dripping with Justin's sperm. He put the wadded tissue to his nose and inhaled deeply. The musky smell permeated his nostrils, and despite his recent orgasm, he felt his cock twitch inside his shorts. He opened the kleenex up and flattened it on the desk, gazing longingly on the pearly boy-cum visible there. Blake scooped up a gob of sperm with his fingertips, and put them in his mouth. "Mmm," he said to himself. Yes, he definitely couldn't wait to see Justin again!*****Meg lifted a small spoonful of chicken soup to her full lips. Steaming hot. "Justin!" she called. "Time for lunch!" She dropped the spoon on the stove, carried the pot of soup to the dinette table, and placed it next to the ham sandwiches that were already there. She whistled tunelessly. Meg was in high spirits. Things were going so well this summer. Blake was so nice, and Justin had raved about his new friend."JUSTIN!" she called again.Meg sighed. "Where IS that boy," she wondered aloud. She hadn't seen him since early in the morning. She walked down the hallway toward his room, and tapped lightly on the closed door. "Justin! Lunch is ready!"There was no response. Maybe the boy was outside, but then why was the bedroom door closed? Meg turned the knob and pushed the door open slowly. She peered around the opened door, and her eyes widened with shock. Justin was lying nude on his unmade bed, his headphones perched on his head. His hand was wrapped around his erect penis, pumping up and down rapidly. He was masturbating!Meg was frozen, her eyes wide and glued to the sight. Her recent ponderings about her young son's rapid maturing had been fleeting, but here was graphic evidence. There he was, furiously pumping away at his erection. Justin's eyes were tightly closed, his face frozen in a rapturous mask as he moved his hand furiously up and down on his reddened, hard penis. His stomach muscles were flexing, and his legs were quivering at the sensation of what must have been an impending orgasm. Meg tore her eyes from the scene and quickly backed out of the room.She walked unsteadily back to the kitchen, her heart pounding in her chest. She sat down at the table, trying to put what she had just seen out of her mind. Her emotions were tormented. Her son was growing up before her very eyes. Bill had told her that he had a "man to man" talk with him a few months ago. Meg had thought it was too early, but she obviously had been mistaken. She sighed, and watched the steam rising from the soup on the table in front of her. There was something else that she couldn't ignore. The sight of Justin's twitching penis flashed in her brain like a vision. She had felt a stirring in her loins as she watched him for those few moments. Even now, she could sense the familiar tingle in her crotch...Meg closed her eyes tightly with consternation. 'Stop it!' she scolded herself. What was she doing? Getting horny at the sight of her own son?"Hi Mom. Lunch ready?" Meg's eyelids snapped open. Justin had padded quietly into the kitchen."Yup. I...I was just going to come and find you."Justin stopped, and looked with concern at his mother. "Are you okay?"Meg nodded and tried to smile. "I'm fine...just...a little headache, that's all."Satisfied at the response, Justin sat at the table and began to devour his lunch. Meg, on the other hand, sat in silence, barely touching her food."Say Justin?" she asked finally. "How about we take the boat out tomorrow and do some fishing? We could go to that spot your dad and I used to take you on the other side of the lake. Remember?""Sure Mom. Sounds fun."They finished lunch, and Justin dashed outside while Meg cleaned up. It was a cloudy day, which matched her suddenly sour mood. The early afternoon sun didn't have the strength to break through the thin overcast. She finished her kitchen clean-up, and walked down the hallway toward the bathroom to wash up. As she passed Justin's room, she paused and looked in. The bed was still unmade, sheets strewn carelessly, half on the floor. The unwanted image of Justin masturbating intruded into her mind again, and despite herself, she felt a longing ache in her groin. Without thinking, Meg entered the room. Her eyes caught a piece of crumpled kleenex wedged in the gap between the nightstand and the bed. Her heart began pounding in her chest, as she hesitantly bent down and gingerly picked the wad up, holding it delicately in her fingertips. It was soaked with Justin's sperm. She began to bring the wad into the kitchen to discard it, when an odd, musky odor wafted into her senses. It had been so long since she had smelled cum. Heart beating furiously in her chest, she raised the tissue to her nose and inhaled deeply. But then, as if coming out of a fog, her eyes widened as she realized what she was doing. She tossed the kleenex angrily into the bedside wastebasket, and held her face in her hands. 'What am I doing?' she asked herself bitterly. 'Get a hold of yourself Meg.' "Mom, I'm ready!" The closed door of Meg's bedroom muffled Justin's voice."Okay hon, give me just a minute!" Meg held her new thong in up in front of her nude body and frowned. Initially, she had planned on wearing it on their fishing trip, but sitting in a little boat next to Justin, that exposed...no, she better not. She was beginning to second-guess herself. Why in the world had she bought this suit anyway? Ah well, she didn't need to worry about it today - she and Justin weren't planning on going swimming - they would be in the boat the whole time.She peeked out the curtains of her bedroom window. It was hot and muggy, like it had been all summer, but it was getting cloudy. Not a very good day for sun tanning either. She sighed and tossed the thong next to its matching bra on her dresser. She pulled her pink cotton panties up her long, lean legs, followed by a pair of faded blue, tattered cut-offs. She rummaged through the dresser drawer, rifling through her bras. She wrinkled her nose. Until these last few days, Meg hadn't worn a bra all summer, and she relished the freedom. She reconsidered, and pulled an old light-blue tee shirt over her naked torso, tucking it into her shorts. Meg paused to inspect herself in the mirror, and whistled softly. "Looking good," she said to herself proudly. Most of her clothes were too big for her nowadays, but this tee shirt had always been undersized. Her breasts pushed against it, and filled it out nicely. Her nipples poked subtly against the cotton fabric. The shorts were also a bit loose, but it was a small price to pay for her weight loss. With a final appreciative glance in the mirror, she left to join Justin.***** Watch Out for Part III of "Mommy , Sonny and a Voyeur"