One day I was walking by my mother's bedroom and I got close to the room I could see the door cracked opened a little bit and there was the first time I saw my mom naked.
She was standing in front of the closet with her back faceing me. I was froozen in my tracks and just staring at her. She was looking at her cloths and was giving me a show that would change my life. Mom was pretty hot 5'6 Tan skin about 130lbs and D cup.
I was always in to sex I always keep to myself about sex I would play with myself in the bathroom and would look at dirty books.
I started to get hard and realize for the first time that I wanted to fuck my mom. This is the first women that I got to see naked and real.
As she bent down I saw everything from her pussy to her butt crack. Then I saw my mother getting dress.
My mother saw me watching her, So she called me in and asked me if I like what I saw. I hesitated to answer her as my heart was pounding and she said in a sexy voice, “O I know you liked what you saw!” As she closed the door.
She then undressed me and she saw my long hard cock throbbing heavy.
Mom said “Fuck me, Rich. Give my pussy the strongest pounding you can. Pleeeeeze!”
She then layed on her bed and pulled me to her. Then my cock moved inside her pussy in the missionary position and she wrapped her legs over my back.
The in and out motion of my cock was accompanied by a heavy pressure on my back as if mom wanted me to go to the deepest point.
I felt my cock getting to its most enormous length reaching the entrance of her womb. Mom said “I am cuming…I am cuming!” and I felt her vagina contracting all over my cock.
I said “I am about to reach the point of no return, shall I pull my cock outside?” She screamed “NO. Fill my womb with your sperms!”.
I started to ejaculate spurt after spurt for about 18 minutes. Never before, I spewed such a volume of semen. We both stayed glued together while her pussy exerted strong grip on my cock and sleep prevailed over us. Of course, there was disengagement of cock from pussy but I did not know when.
When I woke up I could not belive what just happen.
My dad work the graveyard shift so he just got home. I went to go see him and asked him how was work and he said “It was a hard day that I just want to take a shower and go to sleep, but thanks for asking”.
Just then I was thinking that I did not want my dad to see my mom naked in bed and would expect something was up. So I ran in to the house to see if my mother was up. Just to find my mother up and said “Hi Rich, how did you sleep?” And I said “ummm...ok I guest!” She was wearing her flowery silk robe.
Then my dad walked in and said “Hi honey, how are you?” She said with a sexy voice “felling real good”.
So that evening I heard my mom and dad groaning and moaning like I have never heard befor.
Well we continue to fuck whenever we have the opportunity. I would say we have a great relationship between us.
Now I am married and I go over to see my mother when I have time but we don't have sex that much as we did before I got married. I don't forget how that frist time felt.
I felt a sensation warm tingling feeling all over my body that first night. So I have an amazing life with my Mother.
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