This is chapter 3 I have two chapter 1 by accident. This is about my third and latest encounter with my cousin. It actually happened this past weekend.I had borrowed my grandfathers trailer to get a car. Well upon returning the trailer I found out that a few of my cousins had come over for the weekend. I didnt know that when I picked up the trailer cause no one was there at that time. When I returned it they were there and one of them happened to be the cousin I had sex with previously. Well since they were there and I only get to see them 2 or 3 times a year I decide to stay and watch the football game there. Well as time goes on I was asked what kind of car I got and told what it was and everything and mentioned it was a manual transmission and my cousin said she didn't know how to drive a manual. She asked if I could teach her and I said I didn't know I would have to think about it cause her learning in my car would put alot of wear on the transmission fast. Well time went by and we were downstairs and my little cousins went upstairs to get the stuff to make smores with. Well we were alone and she asked if what I had decided about teaching her or not. I said I'm still not sure and she said remember what we did last year. I said yeah how could I forget and she said we could do it again. Well I had been ready for this chance again, but thought I would have to wait till Thanksgiving or Christmas to get the chance. I said I would do it, but she would have to fulfill my request of anal and letting me come in her pussy. She said she had never done anal and was scared it might hurt. She said she wasn't too up to the creampie either because she didn't want to have her cousins baby. I told her I had been ready for our next time and for my request because I was going to ask the next time we got together. I went and got my desensitizing lube and plan b pills out of my truck and showed her before the kids made it back downstairs. I then hid them so I could maybe use them later. Well the kids came down and we made smores in the fireplace and had a nerf war and just cut up like we usually do. We ended up upstairs and everyone was starting to go to bed after the game was over I said I was going to go downstairs since it was cooler down there because my grandparents like it overly warm. Not long after I went downstairs my cousin came down. I was laying on the couch watching tv and she came over and straddled me. She started grinding her crotch on mine and asked if I was ready. I told her ready as I'll ever be. She leaned down and started kissed me an it went into full blown makeout session taking each others clothes off till we were both naked. She then kissed down my chest and stomach till she was at my cock. She spit on it and started stroking it while licking and sucking it till I decide I wanted to taste her.
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