This happened back when I was 18 and I remember it like it was yesterday , but this is how it happened:
I was sleeping in my room home with only my 18 year old sister. It was in the middle of the night around 3:00 A.M. My mom was not home and was probably out partying with her bf and I knew she wasn't going to be back until tomorrow afternoon. I heard the sound of glass shattering and I woke up. I was scared and wasn't sure what was of what to do so I just waited in my room nervously to see what would happen next. About 5 minutes later a guy in about his 40s with a mask on opened my door and saw me. He told me to come out into my living room and wait there or he would kill me. Another guy went in my little sister's room and found her and also told her to come out to the living room. Two guys watched us and told us not to do anything stupid. We were scared so we listened. There were three other guys who were demolishing my house while looking for anything valuable to take. Me and my sister where just sitting on the couch waiting for the whole situation to be over , but one of the guys who was watching us was staring at my sister and with a look on his face saying I'm going to fuck that.My sister was a white female around 5'1 with a small frame, she barely had a set of tits , but her ass was really nice and she was quite attractive. He told my sister to come over to him. She did it out of fear. He turned her around and started grabbing her nice ass. He then started feeling up her small 18 year old tits. She didn't object, but I'm actually not too sure if it was out of fear or because she was actually enjoying it. The other 3 guys returned unhappy.
“There is nothing here of value to take at all!" One of the guys said
“Yes coming here was a complete waste of time" Another man said
The man feeling up on my sister pulled down my sisters slutty booty shorts and then pulled over the g string barely hiding my sister’s pussy and revealed my sister’s juicy thirteen year old pussy lips and said , “ Are you sure? I think I found something worth taking."
The other 4 guys understood what he meant and pulled down there pants. They were all over 40 and three of the guys were white and they all had 6 inch dicks and the other two where black and to no surprise their dicks were a little over 8 inches.
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