The Four of Us - Chapter 1
“GOD, that was intense” my wife, Katie, said. “I haven’t come like that in a long time!”
“I don’t know what was different this time” I panted, “…but you brought out the best in me, too” I replied.
Then Katie confessed “Well maybe I know why mine was so intense--I think we had some company peering through the opening in the door. ” Obviously, she was talking about our two daughters, Ashley (who was 14) and Brittany (Brit for short, who was 13). “I looked toward the door, wondering if I had closed it, and I thought I saw some movement. But rather than wanting to cover up, I just decided that I would let them look. I mean, they have been talking with us about sex for some time now, and I know they have covered it in school to some degree, so I don’t see anything wrong with a little bit of voyeurism on their part. ”
“Yes, I agree” I replied. “It had to happen eventually. But I think we probably need to talk with them again about what they saw, don’t you think?” I asked.
“Probably so” Katie replied, “but not this late at night. They probably won’t hear a thing we’re saying to them at this hour. ” Katie got up to use the bathroom, and I went down the hall to check on our little spies.
When I got to their room, I could hear them talking. Their door was halfway open, so I looked in, and then got the shock of my life. Ashley and Brit were playing with each other’s pussy, each with a finger inside of the other.
Brit had two fingers buried in her older sister’s pussy, and Ashley had one finger in her sister’s. Both were pumping their fingers in and out, making the other squirm. I noticed that the fingers were going only a little way in, making me pretty sure that their cherries were still intact. Then Ashley laid down on the bed, apparently nearing orgasm. Her finger almost popped when she pulled it out of Brit’s pussy.
Katie came down the hall then, and I put one finger to my lips to make sure that she didn’t make any noise. She came to me with a puzzled look on her face. She was only wearing panties and a cutoff shirt. I let her look at the show that our girls were putting on, and almost laughed out loud at the expression on her face. She was about to put a stop to their show when I touched her arm and shook my head. She gave me a quizzical look, then turned back to the girls.
Ashley turned her ass to us, and let her sister scoot back on the bed to allow Ashley access to her pussy. Ashley’s ass was already beginning to look like a teenager’s, round and firm. Brit then spread her legs wide, and allowed her sister to insert a finger between her lips again. Brit then moaned as Ashley put the tip of her finger into her pussy, and began in and out movements. We could hear squishing sounds as her finger continued moving like a mini-dick, exciting Brit more with each movement.
“That felt great!” Brit whispered to Ashley.
“Yea, me too!” responded Ashley. “When can we do it again?”
“Whenever you want” replied Brit, as she played with Ashley‘s nipples. “We just have to make sure Mom and Dad are asleep. ”
“That should be easy enough” said Ashley. “Just give them a few minutes after they go to bed and that should be plenty of time. ”
“I love being able to watch them when they have sex” said Brit. “Does that make us weird?”
“I don’t know” said Ashley after contemplating her answer. “But I just hope we can see them more too. ”
Katie and I both left then. It looked like the show was over, though, so we quietly headed to our own room.
“We definitely need to talk to them” I replied.
Then Katie hit me with the bombshell. “Or should we? I don’t see anything particularly wrong with them seeing us make love. After all, it is a very tender and passionate act between two consenting adults. And what better way to show them what lovemaking is than to let them watch?” The shock on my face must have been obvious. Then she went further. “In fact, why don’t we just let them watch us when we know they’re there? Since they’ve already seen us making love who knows how many times, why don’t we just plan for it?”
Part of me wanted to have Katie’s head examined; the other part of me was kind of turned on by the thought of having our daughters in the room with us when we made love. Who knows what this could lead to? So I decided to call her bluff.
“OK, I’m game. How are we going to do this?”
“I think that we should just leave our door open a little the next time we have sex, then when one of us sees the girls peeking in, just call them in. ”
The next night, we started our plan in motion. We put the girls to bed, leaving their door open. Then we immediately went to our room, leaving our door open as well.
At that moment, Katie said “Who’s at the door?” Then we heard two pairs of feet scampering down the hall. Katie said “Let’s go get them now” and we had to disconnect. Neither of us bothered to put any clothing on, and when we went in to the girls’ room, the first thing we heard was Ashley saying “M-O-M! D-A-D! What are you doing?”
.Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
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