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Triplet X Love Times 2

Book Three – The Pleasures of Camping


Chapter One – Uncle Harry and Aunt Susan

"So we’re really moving out of here and back to our old rooms," Hannah asked as he fucked her doggy-style on the giant circular bed in the attic room of their house.

"Well, officially we don’t live here, so I don’t know if you can call it moving out," Ron said between humps. "But yeah, or rather, we won’t be up here every night."

"Why," Hannah asked, but in no way disappointed.

"Honey, I know you want me to be your mast—well something I can’t be up here, a lot more. So from now on we stay downstairs and we’ll only escape up here to play equals every other weekend. Except the last Saturday of course, when you still have to work for the Mistress."

"I like it," Hannah said excitedly as she gave a small cry and started to cum.

"Mom looked pretty nervous after receiving that telegram today; any idea what it was about?

"She wouldn’t tell us, she only said she had to make a phone call and left. I hope there’s no real trouble, school ends in 3 days, (well officially anyway since we’re already pretty much out), and we’re suppose to start our camping trip a week after. I’d hate for it to be delayed."

"I’m about to cum," Ron said, "where do you want it?"

"Oh, my mouth, please, I’m really hungry."

"Okay, turn around quick," Ron said pulling his cock out of her cunt.

Hannah made a 180 degree turn and sucked Ron’s cock into her mouth just as he started to cum. Hannah, who loved cum as much as she loved pain, sucked and sucked, drinking every bit of her beloved Master. Even after he finished cumming she kept sucking and sucking, refusing to surrender his cock.

"Whoa girl," Ron said, "that’s enough, not even I can take that much pleasure."

"So is it dinner time yet," Hannah asked unexpectedly.

"You really are hungry, aren’t you?" Ron said surprised.

"I missed lunch today, remember?"

"That’s right," Ron said, "you never did tell me where you disappeared to."

Hannah put her hand under a pillow at the end of the bed and pulled a notebook out from under it, she opened it and handed it to Ron. "I couldn’t wait ‘til next week to get these."

Ron looked over the paper and after reading it twice and understanding what Hannah meant by it he said, "You got all your final grades; ‘A+’ in every class." Smiling he said, "Looks like someone has been following orders." He gave her a big kiss and was about to start screwing her again when the phone rang.

Taking his cell phone off the bed Ron opened it to see his father looking very serious, "Ron, can you and ‘the Pet’ come down to the family room right now; your mother and I have something to discuss before dinner."

"We’ll be right there Dad," Ron said, and quickly closed the phone. Looking at Hannah he said, "We’ll come back to celebrate your grades later."

"To tell you the truth," Hannah said with a bit of a wicked grin, "I was sort of hoping we could celebrate them in the bomb shelter." She gave another smile as she said this and Ron understood what she meant.

"Let’s go see what Mom and Dad want," he said; not making any promises. The signs and bruises from his last bomb shelter celebration with Hannah had just finally, completely, vanished, he wasn’t sure she was ready for new ones yet.


In the family room they found everyone waiting for them and Stan and Laura looked very anxious to say what they had to say.

"What’s wrong," Ron asked worried, "this is about that telegram isn’t it?"

"Listen kids," Laura said, "everything is fine, but I wanted you all to start getting ready, we’re going to have some visitors soon."

"Visitors," everyone echoed.

Lana opened her eyes wide and said, "But we’re supposed to leave for our camping trip in just over a week."

"Hopefully this will not delay the trip, but it’s important," Stan said.

"So Mom;" Ana asked, "Who was the letter from?"

"Harry, he needs to take care of some very serious business and he needs us to keep Robert and Sandra while he’s doing it."

"Who are Harry, Robert and Sandra," John asked.

"Are they old enough to screw," Ron said with a smile.

Laura ignored the last question and said, "Harry is my brother, you might remember him from the wedding last year."

"Dad’s best man," John said, "yeah, I remember; he looked like an okay guy."

"So does he know about our special habits," Don said. "I mean if he’s coming over does that mean we’ll have to start doing horrid things, like wear clothes, while he’s here?"

"Oh my God," Lana said, "that’s it isn’t it; that’s what this meeting is about, to tell us we have to start wearing clothes. That’s what you meant by starting to prepare, isn’t it?"

"Among other things," Laura said, "we should all start getting used to that, yes. We also need to decide where they’ll be sleeping. We don’t really have a guest room."

"How old are—what were their names," Ron asked.

"Robert is 18 and Sandra is 15," Laura said and throwing Lana a look said, "And before you ask; no, I don’t know if they are safe to fuck!"

"I don’t remember seeing them at the wedding," Ana said, "as a matter a fact, I can’t remember them at all, and I’ve seen Uncle Harry lot’s of times."

"Your cousins were living with their mother in Texas. She had an accident of some sort, I’m not certain what the details are, well the thing is, she’s not there any more," Laura said sadly, "so they’ve temporarily awarded the kids to Harry and he needs to start making some changes and preparations in his life before they make the custody award permanent, and before they can start living with him; up to now he’s been happy living in a one room apartment in New York City, obviously he has to change that."

"Their mother is dead," Hannah said sadly, "that’s terrible. Do you know what she was like?"

"I never got along with Gloria very much," Laura said, "she was a minister and didn’t approve of a lot of things in my life."

"Wait a second," John said, "PKs, Robert and Sandra are PKs?"

Laura and Stan threw John a ‘what the hell is that look’ and Ana said, "Preacher’s Kids; in our house? This is not good."

"I don’t know," Lana said, "I’ve heard most PKs are just dying for someone to come along and properly educate them. I think we owe them a true life lesson."

"I don’t want any of you forcing yourselves on them in any way," Laura said, "if they ask for comforting, by all means give it to them, but remember, their mother just died and they might not want to instantly give up her ways."

"So where were you thinking of putting them," Don asked.

"Well," Stan said, "since Ron and Hannah have sort of moved out of their beds; I was thinking there is room in each of those for someone, but I haven’t decided where to best put Harry yet."

"But—" Hannah began but then seeing the look in her Master’s eye kept quiet. She had been a little excited about things finally returning pretty much too normal with them and was now upset that their move out of the Mistress’ bed chamber might end up being delayed.

"Wait a second," Lana said horrified, "You want to put a preacher’s kid that we’re not even allowed to fuck in bed with us all? No way, it’s bad enough we’ll have to wear clothes everywhere in the house, I do not want to have to wear sleeping clothes too!"

"I double that Mom," Don said, "I’m sorry for them and all, but I do not want an untouchable cock in bed with me."

"Why don’t Don and I just stay in the studio," John said, "they can stay in our room; all of them together."

"Is that okay with you Don," Stan asked.

"Absolutely, anything not to have to sleep with someone I can’t screw."

"Okay then," Stan said, "It’s settled; now go get some clothes on everyone, they’ll be here tomorrow afternoon; you should start getting used to it."

"Tomorrow," Lana said shooting Hannah a worried look.

"What’s wrong," Stan asked.

"Nothing, it’s just that, well tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month."

"Oh," said Laura, now also looking at Hannah, in fact, everyone now turned their heads toward Hannah.

A little nervously Hannah said, "I’ll talk to her, I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try to make her understand not to bother them."


The next morning seemed a bit strange to the Anderson family as they sat around the large table in the dining room eating breakfast, all fully clothed.

"This is so weird," Lana said suddenly.

"It is not us," Don exclaimed.

"At least we were able to get in a great morning fuck before coming down," John said.

"Yeah, but with you guys in the studio for a while, when will we have another," Lana said glumly.

"You can come by the studio at any hour," Don said. "What’s more, I’m declaring the studio private property of ‘Triplet X Love Times 2’ right now, ‘Authorized Personnel Only’, no one else enters except us and our fellow club members, therefore—"

"Everything in the studio remains the same," Lana said excitedly.

"That sounds great," Ron said entering with Hannah, "it’s good to know there will still be one place were we can be ourselves."

Sitting to eat, they were soon joined by Stan and Laura who had some last minute requests. A few minutes later, they heard the front door.

"Did someone just come in," Ron asked trying to listen hard, "that can’t be them already!"

A few minutes later the Anderson’s gave a small gasp and a shocked look as the Wilson kids entered the dining room, totally naked. The Anderson’s then broke out into laughter at the shocked looks on Debbie, Katrina and Jason.

"You’re all—you’re all—" Jason couldn’t quite bring himself to say it so Katrina finished his thought.

"You’re all wearing clothes; that is so—well it’s different." Katrina said smiling.

"You guys are here early," Lana said pulling Katrina onto her lap and giving her a kiss.

"We were supposed to spend all day at the beach today," Debbie said going over and kissing John.

"Yeah," Jason said, every now and then throwing Don some weird glances. "We were going to celebrate the unofficial end of classes." Finally getting up enough nerve to ask he added, "So any particular reason why you are all in clothes?"

"Oh," Ana suddenly said, "the beach, I have to call Patty and let her know." She got up and ran out of the dining room.

"Listen guys," Lana said wrapping her arms around Katrina and squeezing her boobs a few times, every now and then giving her neck a light lick, "you won’t be able to come into the house looking all ‘here I am fuck me’ like for a while; but nothing has changed in the studio. In here, however, we’re going to have some guests, and they get here by this afternoon so we won’t be able to go to the beach, sorry." Lana dropped her hand and let it start rubbing Katrina’s pubic area.

Debbie, who was now sitting face-to-face with John, on his lap, his cock in her cunt said, so who’s cumming," she heard Katrina give a soft scream and added, "besides my sister and me in a little while."

"Very funny, Debbie, ha ha; but seriously, it’s a bit of a grim situation, very un-Anderson, it’s my cousins they’re—" John shut up as he heard the front door open again.

Stan and Laura looked up worried and Lana said, "Do you think Ana went out to meet Patty after all?"

"Oh good, an available cocktail," someone said rushing into the room and kneeling in front of Jason’s erect cock, sucking it quickly into her mouth.

The Anderson’s hardly had time to register who the young, naked, older teen girl that had just burst into their dining room was when an equally naked young man entered and, looking around the table and spotting Katrina, rushed over to her and presented his rock hard cock to Katrina’s mouth saying, "do you think you can help me out, I have a little problem."

"Looks incredibly big to me," Katrina said smiling and devoured the cock in front of her.

Lana made an angry face and said, "Who—are you—you can’t be the PK can you?"

"If PK stands for ‘Perfect Knuts" that’s me." He pointed to his balls as he said this.

"Jenny! Lenny! What did I tell you two when we got out of the car? Didn’t I say to at least say hello before you tried fucking someone!"

"Sorry Mom," the boy called Lenny said, "it’s just that when we walked in there was this giant pile of clothes at the door and it really turned us on. Someone had obviously stripped pretty fast; we just had to join in."

"Stan, Laura, I’m sorry about this, I promise to try to keep them under control while we’re here."

Stan, who had gotten up the second the woman walked through the door was now at her side hugging and kissing her.

"Susan—what—I mean this is a—Lenny? Jenny?" He said turning to look at the two kids. "God they’ve gotten big!" He was especially looking a Lenny’s cock going in and out of Katrina’s mouth.

"Hi Uncle Stan," Lenny said, "it’s been a while ehhh? Is Amy still here; I’d like to fuck her later, I doubt she’s still 15, but I bet she’s still hot as ever."

"Stan dear," Laura said, "don’t you think we need a proper introduction, I mean I know Susan, but I never knew—I mean I didn’t see anyone with her at the wedding."

"Right," Stan said, suddenly back in the real world. "Well, like you say, you’ve met Susan, she was the maid-of-honor at the wedding, but I doubt even my boys remember their cousins Jenny and Lenny, they’re mixed twins, a year older than the boys.

Jason started cumming in Jenny’s mouth and the Anderson kids watched as Jenny absorbed every drop of Jason’s sperm right into her. "Awesome blow job," Ron thought, "and I thought my Hannah and Katrina were cum whores but this girl really loves cum."

As Katrina got Lenny to start cumming, and got a good taste of his cum, she went just as crazy drinking him up, not letting a single drop go to waste. "Wow," Lenny said, "you love cum as much as my sister, don’t you?"

"If there was nothing left in the world to eat but cum, and nothing left to drink but cunt juice, I would be very happy," Katrina said.

"Really," Jenny said standing up, "I’m going to have to try you out, you; you sound just like my kind of girl. She then noticed the wrathful look in Lana’s eyes and said, "then again, I wouldn’t want to upset my cousin too much, it’s bad enough us barging into their lives unannounced like this. Life’s a bitch," she said frowning.

"So true," Lenny said, also frowning, but then smiling added, "but then again, so are you Sis, and I wouldn’t have you any other way."

"Susan," Stan said suddenly worried, "What’s wrong? What’s going on?"

"Can I talk to you and Laura in private a moment," she said sadly, "and in the meantime," she said turning to Jenny and Lenny, "you two get dressed!"

"Hey, we’re not the only naked people here. You said as long as there was one naked person we could join them."

Debbie, who had gotten off John when she felt him close to cumming and knelt to finish sucking him off, now got up and said, "We have to get dressed too. I guess we should really leave, I’ll call you tonight," she added looking at John. She then stepped out followed by Katrina and Jason (who threw Don another strange look).

Ana came in and stopped shocked as she saw Lenny and Jenny standing there naked. "Who are you," she asked.

Now that it was just the twins and the Anderson kids in the room they looked around at the two sets of identical triplets and Jenny said, "Doesn’t it get confusing around here at times?"

"We have ways of telling each other apart," Lana said smiling, deciding it best to be hospitable; after all, Lenny’s cock was big, and Jenny did have a beautiful cunt, then remembering something she said, "hey have you two been classified ‘safe to fuck’?"

"We’ve been STD tested and the result was negative, if that’s what you mean. Uncle Stan had called Mom a few months ago and gotten her to test us all; it’s actually what led to the mess we’re in now."

"Mess," Ron said coming over and hugging his cousins.

"Ron, right," Jenny said looking at the red stone in his necklace and his red belt. I remember now!"

"Maybe you should get dressed and meet us in the family room," Lana said, "I’ve a feeling we need to here about this mess. I’m Lana, by the way, that’s Ana in front of you and sitting at the table is Hannah. If you’re ever unsure who you’re talking to, just look for the letter on our blouse or tops," she pointed out the ‘L’ on her blouse, "or on our necklaces." She pulled her necklace from under her blouse and showed them.


15 minutes later, the kids were sitting in the family room with everyone once again fully clothed.

"So Mom found out that this guy we were living with had just started having an affair with this other guy from his office," Jenny explained, "luckily it must have started after we began the ‘safe sex’ checks at home. He at least had the decency not to touch any of us until he updated his test, only—"

"—only his updated test showed him positive," Lana said understanding.

"The stupid idiot shot himself," Jenny said almost crying, "his cum was so good too."

"So you all updated your tests, right," Lana asked.

"Yeah, just to make sure," Lenny said.

"Well it sounds more like a tragedy than a mess," Lana said, somewhat perplexed.

"The mess came later," Jenny said, "first of all, since he killed himself the insurance company refused to pay any type of benefits and since Mom and he had joined their medical coverage—"

"Oh no," Hannah said, "don’t tell me they stuck her with all the bills."

"On top of that," Jenny said nodding, "Howard had never updated his will in the five years he lived with Mom, and since the house and pretty much everything in it except for the car was in Howard’s name, everything has been awarded, and I do mean everything, to Howard’s ex-wife whom he hadn’t seen since she abandoned him seven years ago."

"She had been his beneficiary in his old will," Lenny explained.

"God what a mess," Ana said. "You know it’s true what they say about people that commit suicide, they are the most selfish people on earth. All they think about is a momentary escape from their problems and they don’t bother to think for one second about all the problems they’ll leave behind for others."

"I hear you," Lenny said.

"So, will it be much of a bother for us to crash with you a while until Mom can get us on our own feet again," Jenny asked. "If there’s one good thing about this it’s that it’s happening now, when the school year has pretty much unofficially ended."

"Mom managed to get us excused from the last 3 days," Lenny said.

"Crash with us," Lana thought shocked, "do we even have the room," she thought aloud.

"What my sister is going over in her head is that we’re expecting their Uncle and his two kids later today. He telegrammed yesterday that he’d need to crash here a while, they just had a bit of a tragedy too," Ron explained, "The kids mother had some sort of accident and is dead."

"That’s horrible," Jenny said, "at least we still have our Mom."

"Maybe we can find a motel," Lenny said, "those kids are going to need to be closer to family than we do."

"Nonsense," someone said from the door. Turning they saw Stan, Laura and Susan enter.

"You’re all in a bit of need at the moment, and you’re all welcome," Stan said. "It’s just a question of finding the right place for everyone."

Hannah was whispering something to Ron and he nodded.

"Dad, we may have an idea; are Pietro and Amy downstairs, I need to ask them something first."

"Yes," Stan said, "they were getting ready to share Amy’s room if necessary."

"I may, or rather," he said looking at Hannah, "we may have a better solution."

Running downstairs he took around 18 minutes before returning and saying, "Okay, it’s all set up; Aunt Susan, you, Lenny and Jenny will be in Amy’s room." Looking at his Dad he said, "When they arrive, Uncle Harry, Robert and Sandra are to be taken to Pietro’s room." Looking at his brothers and sisters he said, "We’re all in our own beds on the 2nd floor.


"And Pietro and Amy," Stan questioned.

"They’ll be happy to take the Mistress’ room; they can’t wait to use the bathroom."

"Well that works out great," Lana said smiling, "Well except for the Mistress, she’s left without a special bed to sleep in."

"She never leaves the torture room anyway, so she won’t miss it," Hannah said smiling.

"The only question now is will we ever get to go on that camping trip," Ana said sadly.

"Camping trip," Lenny said excitedly, "you’re going camping?"

"Well we were," Stan said, "we were suppose to leave in just over a week but—"

"—but nothing," Susan said, "listen in no way are we ruining any of your plans, you should go!"

"And you should take us," Jenny said.

"And you should take those kids that lost their Mom too," Lenny said, "that would be a perfect way to get their mind off of recent tragedies."

Stan was trying to think of a proper response to the ridiculous idea of taking 18 kids camping, 18 if you counted the fact that the Wilson kids had already invited themselves when they heard a knocking at the door.

"What’s this," John said, "someone actually knocks before coming in here?"

"I’ll get it," Ana said and she ran out of the room only to return a few minutes later with two red-headed kids, a boy and a girl, and both very hot looking, or they would be if their bodies weren’t hidden in such prudish clothes. They both seemed deeply grieved.

"Robert, Sandra, is that you," Laura asked, "I’d forgotten Gloria was a red-head," she said smiling. Then suddenly she said, "oh kids, I’m so sorry," and she went over and hugged them.

"Hi Aunt Laura," the girl said, "You are Aunt Laura aren’t you? I mean it’s been a long time, but I remember a little."

"Yes, I’m your Aunt Laura," she said, "and this is your Uncle Stan, your Aunt Susan, and these are all your cousins. These are Jenny and Lenny, they’re Susan’s and the rest are mine and Stan’s."

The sight of so much family, young people, especially, brought a smile to Robert and Sandra.

"Hi," Lenny said, "we were just talking about the camping trip we’ll be taking soon."

"Camping," Sandra said excitedly, "really, we’re going camping? Oh, I always wanted to go, Mom never had time to us though."

Robert also looked very excited, "Wow, when do we leave?"

"Umm…" Stan said unsure what to say, then said, "Where’s your Dad?"

"He’s getting some things out of the car," Ana said, "He said he’ll be right in."

"Already here," Someone said from behind them, "Well, hello again, maid-of-honor."

Everyone turned to see that Uncle Harry was greeting Susan and she said, "Well, if it isn’t the best man at the wedding, after my brother of course." Susan winked at him and gave him a big smile.



Chapter Two – Last Minute Additions

An hour later, after everyone had been settled into their rooms Laura, Stan, Susan and Harry talked in Stan and Laura’s room.

"You have to go on that camping trip Laura, and you have to take Robert and Sandra. They’re really excited about it; they haven’t been excited about anything since I got them. They’ve just been sad, but when I left them, they were actually laughing, talking about marshmallows."

"Lenny and Jenny are really excited too. They haven’t wanted to admit that this mess we’re in has upset them, but I’m their mother and I know. They’d really like to take this trip and just forget about everything for a while."

"Listen," Stan said seriously, "we’d love nothing better than to take all your kids with us on an escape reality trip for awhile, but there’d be one reality we would not be able to escape, and that is the reality that Laura and I can’t possibly supervise 18 kids on our own. Not to mention that the cost would bury deep into our kids plans for the second half of the summer. They all want to go to summer camp."

"Summer camp," Harry and Susan said together.

"Camping and summer camp," Harry added.

"The first part of the summer was supposed to be a family get-away," Laura explained, "and the second a get-away from family. Stan and I were planning a repetition of our honeymoon during that time."

"Another Caribbean cruise," Susan said excitedly, "I was telling Stan at your wedding how much I wished I could have been with you. I’ve always dreamed of just being able to get-away like that. Now with this mess I wish it even more."

"I know what you mean," Harry said. "God I envy you two right now."

Stan and Laura were looking at each other in deep concentration and Stan finally said, "You know you two, looking after 18 kids can’t be much harder or expensive than looking after 9. I’ll make a deal with you, we’ll find a way to take the kids with us on this camping trip, but you two have to have resolved all your problems by the time we get back in around a month-and-a-half. At that time you send the kids with ours to summer camp and come with us on a little get-away of your own."

"Summer camp and a Caribbean get-away at once," Susan said doubtfully. "Stan the over-abundance of money is not exactly my problem at the moment."

"I’ve got a good bit put away," Harry said, "I’d be willing to help out."

"Oh Harry I couldn’t--" Susan began.

"No, don’t say it, being around so much young family helps my kids, and" he added smiling, "I’ve a strong feeling being around you after all this is over will help me."

"Well that was subtle," Stan said smiling.

"Harry doesn’t believe in subtle," Lana said, "It’s sort of a miracle he’s gone this long without asking your sister if she’d like a cocktail." To Susan she said, "and he has the most incredible tasting cum too."

"Really," Susan said, her eyes flashing at the mention of cum. "Can I taste it," she asked Harry.

"Now who’s being subtle," Laura asked Stan ripping her clothes off and fishing out Stan’s cock. Harry was already standing with his pants down and presenting his cock to Susan’s mouth.

"I knew it wouldn’t take them long," Lana said lifting her head momentarily from between Hannah’s legs. "All we need is to get Harry’s kids fucking, if they’re not doing it already, and life in this house can go back to normal."

Ana pressed a key on the computer keyboard and said, "Well Robert doesn’t look very interested in fucking at the moment, in fact, he just keeps staring at the wall. Hey, what’s he up to?" The girls watched as Robert moved close up to the wall and bent to attach his eye to it.

"Is there a hole in that wall," Hannah asked.

"Yeah," Lana said smiling, "Amy told me she drilled it there to get a peak at Pietro’s cock from time to time without bothering him." Seeing Robert suddenly drop his pants she said, "Wow, whatever is going on has him seriously excited; quick, check Amy’s room; what’s going on there?" Pressing another key the girls’ eyes popped and Lana screamed, "Those bastards! How can they be having a ‘welcome to our home’ party without us?" She stared angrily as John, Ron and Don were each drilling one of Jenny’s, at the moment, very happy holes."

"Man she has a beautiful pussy," Ana said admiringly.

"That’s probably what Robert is thinking," Lana said. "Hey, so where are Lenny and Sandra?"

Ana pressed several of the keys until she said, "Oh, they’re taking a bath."

"As in together," Hannah said amazed.

"As in a cum bath; look at that, Lenny is covering her from head to foot in his cum. Good thing that they’re in the bathroom, she won’t have to go far wash it off," Lana said.

"What," Hannah said horrified, "and let all that wonderful cum go to waste?"

Lana and Ana looked at her and then suddenly, all smiling, they ran out of their second floor room where they had been watching, all the way down to the bathroom in the servants’ quarters. Sandra looked up shocked when the door of the bathroom suddenly burst open, but not as shocked as she was when Ana and Hannah pulled her to her feet in the bathtub she’d been lying in and started licking the cum she had just been bathed in off her body.

Sandra gave a small yelp when Hannah inserted her tongue straight up her pussy while Ana licked the cum off her boobs. Hannah stuck a finger up Sandra’s butt and started to pump while her tongue started moving in and out of her red-haired, fiery cunt at a rapid speed.

Smiling, and his cock suddenly hard as a rock again, thanks to the exhibition, Lenny jumped in the tub also and standing behind Sandra, pulled Hannah’s finger out of her butt and substituted his pumping cock.

In the meantime, Lana had taken a detour after bursting through the door at the end of the game room, she figured Sandra would soon have enough people cheering her up, and Jenny was certainly getting a good amount of attention, but there was one person that was being forced to take matters into his own hands, and in the Anderson household, that was in no way acceptable. Lana burst into Pietro’s room and as Robert turned a shocked face toward the door, he suddenly found his hard cock engulfed in the mouth of a very horny Anderson girl, and he found himself in heaven.

As she sucked, Lana slowly maneuvered Robert away from the wall and back to the bed. When she had him at the edge of the bed, she suddenly released his cock, pushed him back on the bed and quickly mounted him, riding him like a professional cowgirl.

In the bathroom, Sandra had already cum once in Hannah’s mouth, Lenny now grabbed her and turning her so she was facing him, he now stuck his cock deep in her red cunt, she bit her lip so as to muffle a scream of delight. Hannah and Ana had changed positions, and as Hannah stood at Sandra’s side licking most of her body, returning every few minutes to give special attention to her tits, Ana was now kneeling at Sandra’s ass with her tongue pumping in and out of Sandra’s rosebud.

In Amy’s room, the boys were playing ‘ring around the whore’ with Jenny; each one taking a turn pumping at one of her holes until one was about to cum, that one would then take position at Jenny’s mouth and feed her, while the others continued their pumping at her other holes.

In the main bedroom, everyone was looking to make Susan feel better about her current situation, as she lay face up on top of Stan (his cock in her ass), Harry stood at the edge of the bed pumping his cock in her blond cunt; Laura, in the meantime, was on top of Susan in a 69 position, she was really getting to know her sister-in-law as Susan sucked her cunt and she sucked at Susan’s clit, licking Harry’s cock every now and then as it worked furiously in and out of Susan.

In the attic room, by the way, Amy and Pietro were laying the ground rules on their temporary cohabitation.

"There’s really only one rule," Amy said after a while.

"And what would that be," Pietro queried.

"Sex, lots and lots of it, that fair to you?"

"Very fair," Pietro said smiling as he dropped between Amy’s legs and started to suck her cunt.

It was definitely an afternoon to forget all problems, all over the house.


"We haven’t quite figured out how to let Dad know yet," Sandra said looking a little guilty.

It was coming on evening and all the kids had moved their partying to the studio where they could truly be themselves and where no parents were allowed.

"But why," Lana said pulling her head up a minute from between Sandra’s legs, "it’ll only be telling him that you’re truly a part of this family, even if you had been raised in another country rather than just another state."

"It’s not that easy," Robert said, "Dad has this strange idea of who Mom was, simply because of the work she did, and he’s sort of proud of that image of her, even though they hadn’t been together for years."

"Mom wasn’t bad for wanting to personally teach us some things," Robert said, "but I doubt anyone will understand, all they’ll think is ‘and she was a Minister’?"

"Well they have to know that you’re part of us," Ana said, "because right now the adult’s belief that you’re different is the only thing that has us all wearing clothes in the house."

"That is a drag," Sandra said, "we never had to wear them at home. How are we supposed to let him know, though, without shattering his ideas about who Mom was? All of them."

"What you need is a super sexual encounter, one that will make everyone believe you are just now discovering your true nature as part of the Anderson family." Ron said.

"Wow," Jenny said, "that sounds cool, what do you have in mind?"

All the Anderson kids were looking at Hannah again; she hated when they did that. "I’ll talk to her when she contacts me later," Hannah said. "I’ll tell her Amy and my Master can’t be there tonight but that I can get her a lot of fresh meat tonight. She can then have Aunt Susan and Uncle Harry watch the kids fully enjoying themselves before having them join in."

Jenny, Lenny, Robert and Sandra were looking at the Anderson kids strangely and Lenny said, "What are you talking about?"

"You’ll see tonight," Lana said, "Believe me, you’ll love it, I know I would."



Chapter Three – Triplet X Love Times 2 on Tour

"What an incredible dream," Harry Irving thought as he began to wake up. "I must have cum around 18 times or more, and I don’t even believe in domination or rough sex. But man, that woman was exciting. I can still feel her mouth sucking away at my cock; I can still smell my lovely Sandy’s hot red cunt (just like her mother’s) from when that Mistress woman had her sit on my face so I could suck her clean."

Harry felt something moist on his face as he began to feel a pumping motion above him. Fighting his way back to total consciousness he was finally able to open his eyes, only to find his vision blocked by a young red-haired cunt just begging to be relieved of its morning juices. A little above it there was something moving in and out into the hole just beyond this sweet pussy. It was obvious his daughter loved anals (a true member of the Anderson-Irving lot); he knew this because every time his son pumped his cock in her ass, she took it out joyously on Harry’s cock, which Harry now realized was in his daughter’s mouth.

"I’m sorry Gloria," he thought, "but she’s my daughter too, and she’s in my world now!"

He began licking and sucking at her juicy, leaky pussy happy to be able to think, "My children are back with me."


In the next room, Jenny was sitting on her mother’s mouth, occasionally bending over to suck Susan’s clit and lick the juices off Lenny’s cock as traveled in and out of Susan’s twat.

"When she rode me while she had me on that rack it felt amazing, with the rest of my body immobilized it felt like my cock was the only thing that had any feeling left at all, and was she making it feel some incredible things with those pussy muscles of hers. Then she had me sucking myself out of her after I came, I didn’t think I would like that, but my juices mixed with her juices tasted fantastic, not to mention she had Uncle Harry fucking Mom’s ass while Mom rode me."

"Mom really looked happy, I could see her from the wall I was chained to. She especially liked it when the Mistress had Robert fucking her ass, Uncle Harry fucking her pussy, you fucking her tits all while Sandra sat on her face and I sucked Mom’s clit. Susan gave a muffled scream as she came again, more from the memory of the previous night’s events than from her children’s early morning ‘exercises’.


Stan and Laura came to the smaller kitchen table to have breakfast with the adults that morning only to find Susan and Harry both naked. Amy was at the stove in her usual birthday suit and Pietro was carrying a tray into the dining room, he too was in the buff.

Casting an eye toward the dining room, Stan and Laura saw all the kids there eating happily and, thankfully, not a bit of clothes anywhere. Giving a sigh, Stan and Laura dropped their clothes right there and sat to eat.

"So," Harry said to Laura, "who was that masked woman?"

Stan’s eyes popped a little as he realized the cause of everyone’s sudden sexual liberality. "Have a nice dream last night, ehh?"

"It seems to have been a linked dream in that case," Susan said in a questioning voice.

"Well take my advice," Laura said, "if you enjoyed the dream and want any hope of ever experiencing one like it again, ask no questions."

"Got you Sis," Harry said smiling, "sorry I asked."

They heard the front door open and after a few minutes Debbie, Katrina and Jason walked past them (hardly noticing the adults) and into the dining room.

"What’s that," Lana said angrily, studying the Wilson kids’ clothes.

"You know, this is getting a bit confusing," Debbie said as she noticed for the first time that everyone was back to ‘Anderson family normal mode’. "Maybe you should start hanging a sign on the door that says, ‘Clothes required’ or ‘Not required’ today depending on the situation." She and the rest of the Wilsons then stripped right there.

"You know," Katrina said, "I don’t think we’ve really been introduced."

Ana gave a gasp and said, "That’s right, we’re so sorry!"

Going over and hugging the Wilsons, she took the job of introducing, "Listen everyone, this is Debbie and she’s John’s number one pussy," Debbie gave a small bow and walked over to John were, after kissing him, kneeled and sucked in his cock as he continued eating breakfast.

"This wild girl is Katrina (we call her the Wild Kat) and she and Lana—" Ana stumbled for words to describe Lana and Katrina’s relationship and not really finding any said, "Well Lana and her are more than friends. I can’t call them lesbian lovers because they’re both way too cock crazy for a true lesbian like myself to call them that." A little annoyed at the introduction, Katrina stuck her index finger furiously up Ana’s pussy and started pumping a few times while bending over and sucking Ana’s boob and nipple into her mouth. Ana gave a small moan as Katrina gently bit her nipple, then, pulling her finger out of Ana’s cunt she stood erect and brought the finger to her mouth and sucked, at the same time going over to sit on Lana’s lap. "Then again," Ana continued blissfully, "whatever they are, they’re both welcome to my body whenever they want." Jason gave a small cough to remind Ana she had not finished with the introductions and Ana said startled, "Oh, and yeah, this is Jason, and even though they think we don’t know, he and Don have been pretty serious for over half-a-year now."

Don and Jason both looked at her with a mixture of anger and relief; anger that she would just blurt out their secret like that, and relief that they didn’t have to hide it anymore. "So how did you know," Don said signaling Jason that it was okay to come to him.

"Harry Fuller was getting a little tired of waiting for you to tell us yourselves and he confessed that all those so called dates you went on with him were really secret meetings with Jason. I don’t know why you couldn’t just admit it, I mean you were supposed to be out with a guy anyway."

"I’m the one that wasn’t quite ready to come out," Jason admitted. "I didn’t want the news out before my graduation this year."

"I agreed with him that Junior High School is a crappy place to come out," Don said. Jason now leaned over and gave him a passionate full mouth kiss.

"Hey," Sandra said smiling, "isn’t introduction a two way street?"

"Oh yeah," Ana agreed embarrassed. "Wilsons, those are the Irvings, Robert and Sandra, the red-headed ones, he’s 18 and she’s 15; and these are fellow Andersons, Jenny and Lenny and they are both 17."

"Welcome to Riverdale everyone," Katrina said then added to Lana, "they are all safe right? I know I should have asked yesterday before sucking one of them off but—well you know."

"Well, luckily for you they are all safe, but never let your emotions control your actions again," Lana exhorted. "After you’re sure, you can lose all the control you want." Seeing that the guests were all looking a little confused Lana explained, "We’re all part of a club that is deeply into ‘safe sex’ and staying clean. We’re not supposed to hook up with anyone that doesn’t have documented evidence that they are safe."

"Well," Lenny said smiling at Katrina, "I have my documents so you don’t have to worry about sucking my cock whenever you want."

Katrina smiled at him and dropping to her knees between his legs took his cock in his mouth.

"Well," Jason said, "since both my sisters seem to have their mouths occupied at the moment, I guess I’ll ask the question we came to ask, is it still on?"

Don, who had Jason sitting on his lap now stopped kissing his neck long enough to ask, "What do mean Jace?"

"The camping trip next week, are we still going?"

"Actually," Stan said coming into the dining room, "I want to talk to you all about that in the family room when everyone finishes eating breakfast." Noticing a lot of sad looks, Stan added, "But to answer your question Jason, yes, for now no plans have changed as to the trip itself."

Everyone quickly looked up smiling again. "Great," Jason said happily and suddenly dropped to his knees in front of Don’s cock and suctioned it into his mouth.


An hour later everyone in the Anderson house gathered once more in the family room for a meeting. With 18 kids, 4 parents and 2 servants, the room was a little crowded (to say the least); to attempt to more easily accommodate everybody, everyone simply sat somebody else on their lap. Besides the expected pairings of John and Debbie, Ron and Hannah, and Lana and Katrina, the other pairings included: Harry and Susan (who seemed to be getting along very well), Lenny and Sandra, Jenny and Ana, Don and Jason, Robert and Laura and at the very end Pietro and Amy.

When everyone was comfortable Stan talked to them all saying, "Now, like I said, we plan at the moment to go through with the trip, but we need to figure out how to go about it, seeing that we will have four additional campers along."

"Four more people," Debbie said shocked.

"That’s right," Stan said, "my nephews and nieces will be joining us. Susan and Harry each have a lot of arrangements and complicated legal paperwork to get through during that time so to make things simpler on them we’ve agreed to take the kids. What’s more, when all this over, Susan and Harry be joining Laura and me on that cruise we’re taking, they’ll need a little stress free escape from all the hassles."

"Wait a minute," Ron said, "if when we get back Aunt Susan and Uncle Harry are going with you, does that mean that the kids are coming with us?"

"With you," Jenny questioned, "where are you going when we get back?"

"SUMMER CAMP," the Andersons and Wilsons chorused together.

"Summer camp," Sandra said excitedly, "Dad is that true?"

"For now it certainly seems to be," Harry said, "but let’s start with this trip you are all going on now first."

"Now, naturally," Stan said, "the problem that is worrying me is the size of the vehicle we’ll need to rent, what it would cost to rent, not to mention to park. Plus, I might end up having to be the sole driver."

"Why do you say that Dad," John said puzzled, "we all have our licenses now?"

"A vehicle the size I’m talking about will need a special ‘large vehicle’ or commercial license; I’m the only one with one of those."

"Excuse me, Uncle Stan," Lenny said, "actually, both Jenny and I have commercial licenses. We were working last summer as the bus drivers of a summer camp."

"Really," Stan said smiling, "well that can certainly come in helpful."

"Would having free parking at all the resorts we visit help?"

Everyone turned a shocked head to Katrina as she said this. Lana, who had been rubbing her cunt lips on Katrina’s super clit while sitting on her lap suddenly turned around to look at Katrina and say, "Free parking at all the resorts, what do you mean?"

"You better let me explain Katrina," Debbie said temporarily stopping her grinding of John’s cock into her cunt. "It was Mom and Dad’s doing really, well Dad mostly."

Stan looked rather interested; in almost a whole year of screwing the Wilson kids the subject of their parents had rarely ever been touched, "and what idea is that," he asked.

"Jason," Debbie said, "go and get the disk."

Jason got up, letting Don’s cock fall out of his ass where it had been busy pumping away. Jason ran toward the dining room where they had left their clothes and quickly returned carrying a CD.

Getting up and letting John’s cock pull out of her cunt, Debbie grabbed the disk and walked over to the giant home theater unit against the wall. Inserting the disk in the player section, a menu of image files quickly appeared and Debbie hit the first one revealing a map of the mountain resorts.

"This is the trail that most tourists follow around the mountains and back" Debbie explained pointing out a road around the mountains. "Following this trail you can see most of the important and worthwhile sights in the area. I don’t know if I ever mentioned it, but Dad is a real estate agent and he’s done business with most of the resorts on this trail. He wanted to feel like he was donating something to the trip too, so he talked to eight of the resort owners that really owed him big time and cut a deal with them, if of course you accept it."

She moved to another picture, also of the trail, but this one with the eight mentioned resorts and their positions around the mountain highlighted. There were four on either side of the mountains and they were each numbered.

"These four resorts heading north and these four on the way back heading south are willing to give you two free nights. You would get there on one afternoon, spend that night, all the next day and night, and leave the next afternoon."

"Two free nights," John said suspiciously, "they would want absolutely nothing?"

"Well, you have to remember," Debbie said suddenly a little nervous about making them mad, "we’re talking about the business world, nothing is ever totally free, so there is one thing they want."

"And that one thing is," Stan said trying to hurry her.

She moved on to another picture, this was a picture of Triplet X Love Times 2 at their last concert. "Oh you’re kidding," Ana said.

"All they want is a two hour concert on the second night," Katrina said wrapping her arms tightly around Lana and licking her boobs.

"They really believe that you’ll help bring in customers those nights so they’re willing to give you the parking for that small concert," Jason said.

"Think of the money you’d save; not to mention the extra money you would make since you’d be allowed to set up a table to sell some stuff like t-shirts, buttons and caps," Debbie said. She brought up one more picture of the trail they’d be following; this one marked with arrows and above it a title, "Triplet X Love Times 2 On Tour!"


"Well," John said looking at Lana’s eyes, "you sure look blissful enough, are you ready to make a decision?"

"Just two or three more orgasms and I’ll be calm enough to discuss it."

"Come on Lana," Ana said from under Don, "the six of us have been fucking in here non-stop for two hours, and don’t get me wrong, if it weren’t that I want to spend the night with Patty I’d go another 24 hours, but it’s time to make a decision."

"Is there really a decision to make," Ron asked as he pumped Hannah’s ass. "I mean we need extra money to rent an extra large vehicle and keep it well gassed for a month-and-a-half long trip, the money we’d save by having the free resort parking, plus the extra we’d make from selling fan memorabilia, is too much of a blessing to pass up."

"But we only have one week," Don said, "just one week to plan a month plus concert tour." He drilled Ana’s cunt violently and said, "Not to mention that we still have to find a vehicle."

"A vehicle big enough to hold 18 people, all our camping equipment and now all our band equipment as well," Hannah added.

"Personally," Ana said, "as leader of the band I have to vote against it. It is way too soon for us to go so public. We’re considered awesome in this town, but that’s only because they hadn’t seen any real excitement since Amy’s mom died."

"I’m with Ana," Don said, "We shouldn’t do it."

"So," John said, "that’s two votes for the tour, and two votes against with me and Lana still to vote. Personally, I am completely split on my decision. I can form as many arguments for it as against it, so therefore," He gave Lana’s twat a few violent pumps and leaning up gave her a long deep kiss, "little sister, I’m leaving it up to you. You’re vote is my vote, so what do you say ‘Queen’ are we going on tour or not?"

Lana pulled John’s cock out of her twat long enough to turn around in the same upwards position Hannah was in and inserted John’s cock in her ass as she stared at the ceiling in deep thought. Finally she said, "OHPF’s message goes on tour with us. We’ll do these concerts, but we’ll also take the time to spread a little awareness around. Is that okay with you Ron?"

Since Hannah’s vote was always whatever Ron’s was, and since John had delegated his vote to her, Lana new that Ron was the only one she had to bargain with for a majority vote.

Moving Hannah off him and getting Lana to move over onto him in face-to-face position, Ron inserted his cock in her pussy and after kissing her for a while he said, "It’s okay with me if you’ll meet me alone later for a private session."

"It’s a deal," Lana said leaning down and kissing him a few more times. To the others she said, "Okay everyone get ready because we are going on tour!"



Chapter Four – The Tour Mobile

Lana returned from her private fuck session with Ron later that evening with a big blissful smile on her face, and a very red, well spanked butt. In general, ‘the Orgasm Queen’ was no submissive, but Lana did have a very deeply buried submissive side that only ‘the Master’ new how to occasionally tap into. It was possible that Lana’s blissful smile was a bit too big because when she walked into her room to find Hannah there alone (Ana had spent most of the afternoon and evening at Patty’s) she was greeted with a very sour and hateful look.

"Oh Hannah, this is ridiculous, will you stop looking at me like I’m trying to steal your boyfriend!"

Hannah, realizing the look she must have had tried quickly to change the subject, "so everything is set for the tour?"

"Don’t change the subject," Lana said angrily, "it’s about time we talked about this—jealousy thing you have toward me and Ron."

"I am not jealous of you and Ron," Hannah said quietly, though her eyes told another story, "I can’t be jealous of ‘the Orgasm Queen’s’ relationship with ‘the Master of Love’ ever." And then with surprising anger added, "And maybe that’s what makes me so mad!"

As Hannah gave a few sobs Lana looked at her puzzled and said, "What do you mean you can’t be jealous of us? It can’t be because you’re his perfectly submissive slave, because you were pretty jealous of Louise and Marilyn, and you made them feel the wrath of that jealousy."

Hannah turned her back to Lana and wouldn’t talk or even look at her. Lana was starting suddenly to get really worried and upset. If it weren’t for the fact that she truly loved her relationship with Ron (mostly because of the way he could bring out her dominant side, which usually wanted to kill him, and that deeply buried submissive side that always seemed to end up on the end of a leash) she might have just promised Hannah right then and there never to be with him again.

Lana was actually opening her mouth to say something of this nature when suddenly remembering something she said instead, quite angrily, "You manipulating little whore; that’s what you want isn’t it, for me to promise never to be with Ron again! Well I’m sorry sister but I love Ron, and I love my sex life with him, but you have got to grow up and realize that it is nothing like the relationship he has with you. You are his one true love and even if you weren’t his beloved pet and slave that wouldn’t change! You are his true love when you are just brother and sister in school, you are his true love when you are playing equals in the Mistress’ bed chamber, you are his true love when the Mistress is dominating and humiliating him in her torture room and you are his true love when he is having some incredible private fuck sessions with me!"

"How do you know that," Hannah said finally turning and looking at her sister. "He talks about you as much as he does me. You and him even share the same sexual orientation; you think I didn’t notice that it was the day you both grabbed your red band ID bracelets that you really started getting close. But like I said, I am not and can not be jealous, and it has nothing to do with being a submissive slave, it deals with the fact that if it weren’t for ‘the Orgasm Queen’s’ relationship with my Master, me and him would never have truly discovered each other."

Lana suddenly gave a quick muffled laugh as the memory of Ron on his knees wiping the shit from Hannah’s ass with his tongue came back to her. But she then got serious and said, "That’s not true Hannah, even if what happened that day hadn’t happened, you and Ron would eventually have gotten together, it was destined. If you recall, even Mom and Dad, in the middle of the Caribbean somewhere, knew it had to happen, if anything I just sped up the inevitable."

Smiling for the first time Hannah said, "You know little sister, I’ve never told you how much I thank you for that day. I love you, you know, you’ll always be my first true master."

"Yeah, well I’ll believe that the day you get the Mistress to use me as much as everyone else. In the meantime, both my pussy and my ass are full of your Master’s powerful seed. Why don’t you show me your love by cleaning me up completely?"

Hannah gave Lana a wicked smile and pushing Lana on the bed dug straight into her cunt; sticking her tongue in deep and long Hannah sucked furiously and powerfully, hunting every last drop of her Master’s cum. Even after she was sure she’d gotten it all, she didn’t stop sucking Lana’s twat until she’d made Lana cum (and cum very hard I might add) and had a very nice drink of Lana juice before moving on to the Ron cream in her ass; Hannah took a very long time to clean out Lana’s butt, truly enjoying her younger sister’s (by 18 minutes) dirty little hole.

"Maybe Lana’s right," Hannah thought. "Maybe what I should be doing is asking the Mistress to hook them up every month while absolutely brutalizing the both of them. They might actually get so sick and tired of each other that they would never consider another ‘private session’ again." Smiling wickedly as she feasted on Lana’s ass she decided as she thought to herself, "Very well little sister, you want time with the Mistress, fine, starting next month, or rather next session since I don’t know when we’ll be back, you are now one of the Mistress’ official reserved toys. One of her prized three, enjoy your time with her, I know she will." With that thought, Hannah once more turned Lana around and climbing on top plastered her hairless pussy on Lana’s mouth.


"Debbie," John said a little annoyed, "do you three realize that it is 3 o’clock in the morning! What could possibly be so important that you cou