I decided to go for a run and cool myself down in the process. I got into my gear and left the house, deciding to run around the neighborhood. I must have gone for about a mile when I saw another neighbor out for a run; we seemed to fall into step together and ran for another mile. She smiled and said, 'I have seen you around'. I smiled back and said, 'So have I'. We walked to the soccer field and she bent over and said she needed a break. I sat down on the grass and looked up at her, I was shocked to see her white sports bra plastered on her and her nipples showing, I could feel the fire between my legs raging again. She sat down and said, 'we have never met, I am Emma'. I smiled and shook her hand. We were still breathing hard, mine I suspect was due to the fact that I could not keep my eyes off of her gorgeous nipples. Emma caught me looking at her and smiled, 'I know big huh! Want to see them?' I looked at her blue eyes and felt a little shy, I have never been with a woman before and it felt a little awkward, this strange attraction to another woman. And she was a good looking woman, fit and slim, blond hair and just as tall as me. I decided it was time I became bi-sexual and said, 'let's go to my place it is closer'. She got up and she and I ran together, breathing hard at the anticipation of finally being able to satisfy that perpetual wetness between my legs. We got in to the house and I said if she wanted to go to the pool area and have a shower or she preferred inside. She said inside, I led her to the guest room. She got in the bathroom and started striping; I was about to close the door when she said, 'wait!'.
She asked me to close my eyes and just feel. AND I did. I could feel her lips on my nipples as she circled them one by one with her tongue and sucked on them gently. I was enjoying the feel of her tongue, when she put her finger on the tip of my cleanly waxed pussy, where a pool of pussy juice had gathered, ready to be used. I gasped as she gently ran her fingers from the tip to my slit back and forth. She got some pillows and put it under my legs to lift them up and said, 'this is something that you and I are going to remember, so sit back and enjoy, I like being a teacher.' She kissed my lips and moved to the neck, all the while her fingers gently moved from the top of my slit to the my anus, gently rubbing the juices into the anus and making me gasp. I was unbelievably relaxed and wanted a hard cock up my ass, she must have felt my anus contract because she asked, 'do you have a dildo?' I shook my head and she pushed one finger gently into my anus as she put the tip of her tongue on top of my clit, 'we need to get you one, nooo.
Emma and I are good friends, it has been 6 months since we got to 'know' each other and that has been the 6 most satisfying months for me. My pussy is still uncontrollably on fire, and my husband does get to fuck me but the true satisfaction comes from Emma and her tongue and her hands and her pussy. And she is an excellent teacher, she knows how to pleasure me and is teaching me how to pleasure her. We have spent hours on the deck, naked and playing with each other and our pussies and breasts. We have a few dildoes that we use now and then, but I wonder how she feels about a real live cock between us. NOW I am planning to have Emma and her husband over for drinks this weekend. Hmm.. wonder if our husbands would like to see us together or even join us, that would be nice - two cocks in me while Emma uses her magic tongue and hands on me. Oh Well! That is another story, waiting to be written.
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