My one night with Jenny was a night I never thought would happen. We had met in an internet chat room and hit it off pretty good as friends. However the problem was that she lived on the west coast and I lived on the east coast. We talked about music, life, the relationships each of us were in at the time. Through the instant messaging on the internet we had some pretty intense cybersex experiences. That lead to more intense phone sex experiences. We had an emotional bond to each other, how to turn each other on and how to get each other off. However our real-life relationships were in the way of finding out if the intensity of the fantasy world could be matched in reality. We were each involved in a long distance relationship. Hers happened to be with a guy in a city about an hour away from me. So anytime she came out to visit him, she stayed with other friends of hers and we’d always see eachother for a day – some kissing, a meal, friendly conversation, but that was it. She didn’t want to cheat on her boyfriend and I didn’t want to cheat on my girlfriend. We kept in touch over the years and every time I was between relationships, she was in one, and when she was available, I was in one. However that all changed one August day. I was between relationships and she was on the East Coast visiting. We met at a park near her friend’s house before lunch and she was looking better than usual. Her blonde hair was down around her shoulders (she usually wore it short) a loose-fitting red v-neck shirt that showed off some of her 40C cleavage, and a pair of tight jeans that framed her fine ass well. We greeted each other with our usual hug and kiss, during which our tongues intertwined and I thought I felt a little something extra in her kiss but I wasn’t sure. During our lunch conversation she was complaining about how he was treating her and how she was getting sick of the friends she was staying with. I suggested that she get away from it all for a night and come stay at my place. I said if she was worried about what anyone thought she could stay in my guest room. She accepted my invitation and we were having some friendly conversation in the car on the ride back, when she said “Gary I notice you’ve been checking me out quite a bit today, I bet you can’t wait to get back to your place and get your mouth on these” and with that she flashed me her magnificent tits. I nearly lost control of the car at that point, but managed to get refocused on the interstate. Then she leaned over and whispered in my ear “I like the effect I’m having on you” and unzipped my fly, took out my hardening cock and stroked it a few times.
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