What is an orgasm ? …………… This question could be answer in a million ways, but for me it cannot be put into words. The sensual feeling is too …… Overpowering. Orgasm isn't that petty feeling you get when you fool around with yourself. Its the feeling that comes when a true man pounds you with all his might and never lets you forget it
Let me tell you a little about myself first. My name is Mary. I am 30. I am 5’ 7, a body with curve just in the right places, 34 D. In short what I am saying that I make heads turn every time I want to or not . I am a well to do Estate Agent. I have all the luxury that I require . I am not a whore or slut or any meaning of the two, but I love a good fuck and lets be honest who doesn't . I just broke up with my boyfriend . The bastard moved in to slack off on my money . But what went away with him was the sensational fuck that I got every time I turned him on even the slightest bit . Most of my panties were usually ripped apart . So here I am , alone in my house on a Sunday watching T.
It was Sunday afternoon , A day most of us will usually end in some chores or stuff around the house. I brought my car out put on some shorts and a tight top and started washing my car. In every guy movie I've seen , there is guy lusting behind a girl across the street washing her car and him wanking his dick of just looking at her. I was planning for the same thing. Now if you are indeed a girl who is aware of what it feels to seduce a guy , you can understand what it feels like having him powerless , his mouth open his cock in his hands wanking harder and harder. I was out in my shorts and top squeezing the sponge all over the car and my body , my knocker glistening more than the car . No sooner I spot him watching from his window. I cant see his hands but i hope they're busy somewhere. I soak the sponge in the soapy water and squeeze it hard landing the water on my tits .
Let me know if you like this part so ill give u an even juicier part 2
.Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
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