At the age of 12 I was generally a sporty lad with no real interest with girls. One day when My mum and Dad were out of the house and left me to myself I went into the garage to pick up a pump for my football. Walking across the garage a pair of shoes caught me eye, and for reasons unknown to me I was transfixed by them. They were a cute pair of open toed 2 inch heels. I don't have a clue why but I desperatly wanted to try them on. Quickly I slipped off my socks and put on the little sexy shoes,my feet felt great. With the realisation of the situation I quickly took off the shoes though and returned to the garden and played football. Over the coming months my experince with the shoes was forgotten. Then one day my mother left the house to myself again. As I went to my room I passed her bedroom to see some shoes lying around her bedroom. What I tried on was a sexy pair of 3 and half inch black leather boots. I was questioning what I was doing but I felt so great and sexy in the heels. Before long I worked my way through all my mums pairs of shoes, and on the sly even painted my toenails, I just loved the sexy feeling of them. My heart raced with excitement everytime my feet slipped into a pair.
At the age of 18 though, me trying on my Mums belongings took a further step. I was slightly ill one morning and my mother was in a rush to get to work so she persuaded me to just take the day off, and she rushed off leaving the house empty.
Slowly over the next year I worked through that draw and often were skimpy french G string with her fishnet thigh stockings, I loved the thin stip of fabric tightly carresing my crotch and arsehole. I would wank away in her knickers at every opportunity avaliable and would neatly fold them away exactly as I found them. I never got caught I was far too sly, plus feared getting caught far too much. I constantly questioned myself whether trying my Mum's panties on was perveted or made me gay however I couldn't care less they just gave me an incredible sensation.
Before long I had worked through all of My mother's wardrobe by the time I was around 18 I just wanted a new thrill, then it came. My Dad was off away working and that night my Mum had planned to go out with some friends. She instructed me to make dinner for myself while she got ready.
A few months later however my sexual excitement peaked.
My mum's bedroom certainly spiced up my teenage years and made me feel incredible everytime I slipped on her panties.
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