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Slut Wife

In working hours however its pretty safe. About a mile from the office I work at is an adult theatre. Its pretty much a one-off in an area that is quite poor, but not known for its red light activities. The curious side of me had always wanted to stop in there and see what such a place was like. I knew however that I would probably be somewhat dissapointed or intimidated doing such a thing on my own. However, as time went on I became more and more curious. After a while I had started to dismount from my bike and walk it down that street just so I could go past the theatre that much slower to try and figure out the establishment a little better. They seemed to have a fairly high turnover of staff working in the gaudily decorated reception area, which always amused me with its hand painted wooden sign above the ticket booth saying "Box office". I did notice however that there were a few regular staff members who seemed quite normal and not at all the stubbled lech we would all assume does such a job. My temptation to go inside the place was growing stronger by the day. Unusually I didnt tell my husband about it. I decided it was my little fantasy, and that made it all the more exciting.Then came a Friday late in the month of March, I had a few remaining holiday hours owed to me and had decided to take a half day, thus using them up before the end of the month where they would be lost to me. At lunch time I said goodbye to my co-workers and left the building, picking up my bike on the way, to head homewards. I was wondering what to do with my slightly longer weekend when I turned into the street with the theatre in it. I became aroused near instantly as I realised if I ever wanted to go in there without raising suspicion, this would be the time to do so. I chained my bike up outside a small hardware shop, 8 or so shopfronts down from the theatre. I walked in paying the impressively low entrance fee. Mustering as casual a voice as I could I asked the young, surprisingly bookish looking man in the booth:"Whats playing?"He looked up at me, his pace a picture of flat bemusment and gave a shrugging gesture, before saying:"Porn."I suppressed a small laugh. He looked at me again appearing to notice for the first time that I was a single, middle aged woman wearing fairly conservative work clothing. I realised I was probably not the usual clientele of his workplace but just smiled and made my way to the heavy black wooden doors leading through to the theatre itself.I knew I would be nervous but the banality of my surroundings seemed to deaden the effects of what I was expecting. It was the same as most other small movie houses I had been in, but as you would expect a little unkempt and frayed. I made a mental note of where the other people inside where sitting and I counted 8 other viewers. Hair length suggested they were all men, but it was to dark to make out any other details. No-one turned to look at me. As I sat I noticed two things. Firstly, I was dissapointed no-one had turned to look at me as I walked in and I started to question my motives for coming in here. Was it the trhill of being in such a place alone that excited me or was I actually wanting an encounter of some kind? I became excited at the thought of performing some kind of debased sexual act in these surroundings and felt myself moisten slightly. Secondly, as I sat in my seat I noticed that they were not the usual fold down individual seats typical of all other theatres. They were double wide seats obviously meant for two, surprisingly comfortable and of a fixed, cusioned bench nature. Although my excitement was mounting, I felt uneasy at the thought of someone sitting so close uninvited, and I didnt know if that happens or not. Thinking fast I slipped of my shoes and assumed a slightly reclined position, with my legs bent outwards to the side of me, thus giving the impression of casually getting comfortable, rather than panicking at the thought of company. I ran my nyloned feet over the seats cushioning, it felt nice and I relaxed a little. I started to take note of the screen rather than my surroundings, and slowly got drawn into the film playing.Onscreen was a tight bodied blond girl in here early twenties. She was slowly performing some kind of work out on some expensive looking gym equipment. This made me muse over the budget of such things. I started paying attention again when the camera man filming the athletic star of the feature panned down to his own swollen crotch. He unzipped and pulled out a very impressive, cut erection that he started slowly pulling back and forth before focusing again on the girl. I couldnt help but let out a small murmur of apprecation. The nearest head to me turned and I felt myself flushing with embarassment. My mind was screaming "RUN! GET OUT!". But the heat that had continued to spread to deep into my vagina and the slight ache I felt in my nipples told me to stay. Besides, I started to rationalise to myself, I have as much right to be here as anyone.The action onscreen had predictably heated up and the girl was now expertly giving the anonamous, yet wonderfully endowed, cameraman a very wet blow job. Watching this combined the ambience of arousal heavy in the thatre increased my own from heavy to nearly unbearable. I decided I was going to try and musturbate. Wasnt that the point of these places after all? I figured this wouldnt be to easy as I was wearing a calf length skirt, pantyhose and panties. I slipped my right hand slowly and silently into the waistband of my skirt, then deeper past the second waistband of my pantyhose and felt my fingertips brush against my lower belly, the tiny lacy trim of the top of my panties and the first few of my thick growth of pubic hair. My own bravado excited me yet further, and when I caught a brief scent of my own musky sexual area, I held back no longer. I pushed my hand deeper. I worked my clitoris gently with my thumb as I gently enterd myself with my middle finger. The sensation was amazing. All I wanted at that point in life was physical pleasure. In these strange, exciting surroundings I was getting it. I looked again at the screen, The girl was lying back on the same piece of gym equipment. Its seating holding her steady as she was pushing a bright red plastic cock into her anus. She used her palm on her clit in an exagerrated back and forth motion. The camera was a little unsteady where the user was obvuiously masturbating whilst watching this. There moans were joined briefly by my own as I ran my remaining hand over my breasts, kneeding the right one then squeezing the nipple hard.I looked around aware that I had been louder than before. The man seated nearest to me was turned and watching. This time he didnt turn back as I stopped my movements and tried to act engrossed in the film, not my own body. He got up and walked towards me. I pulled my hand free of my underclothes. He sat on the seat to the right of mine. We were separated only by the two armrests. He turned and started to speak."Are you crazy woman?""Er..No" I replied, my smile probably making him think otherwise."A pornohouse probably is'nt the safest place for a lone woman to be. You fella here somewhere? Watching you maybe?""No he's at home unnawares"I immediately regretted saying that incase he had something a little more sinister the a grope planned. I immediately decided that offense was the best plan of defense against such events. "Why, you planning on raping me then? I will be screaming and out of here before you can.""Shit no"He replied and paused before continuing"But I would love to watch you finish what you started, if thats cool with you" I looked at him for a few seconds. Although not good looking, his face was a heavy, friendly one. He was white, about 50 with short light colored hair in thick curls."Why not." I said simply, and positioned myself so that he could watch easily as I slid my hand back down inside my skirt, panties and hose. Again, I started to use my thumb and middle finger to work my clit and my cunt at the same time. I was wet beyond belif. The situation had made me want to cum more than ever. He reached over, placing his hand where mine was moments ago on my right breast."May I?" He asked."Yes." I replied, enjoying the sensation.He worked it softly, I arched towards him letting him know I wanted it carressed harder. He obliged willingly. I looked up and noticed the remaing patrons were now all watching us instead of the movie. "Let them" I thought, then "No, I want them to." With a small seris of akward movements I freed my hand and hooked my thumbs into the waistbands of my panties and hose. I pulled them down around my upper thighs. Rapidly followed by my panties. Further reclined on the seat my state of semi exposure allowed my new friend full view of my pubic area and my hand working between it. Another of the men came over and stood in the isle in front of mine. The light from the screen obscured his features, but I could make out he was younger than the first guy and quite tall. He was brazenly masturbating. "Y'all mind?"The way he asked it was almost rhetorical. Some kind of pornohouse ettiquette I assumed. "Not at all." I said.The man pawing my breasts just shook his head. Between concentrating on my own sensations I tried looking at their cocks which were now both exposed. The man who sat next to me first appeard to have the bigger, from what I could tell very big. Its length was matched by a formidable thickness. I nearly whimperd I wanted it so bad. The second mans cock I could only see in sillhouette against the screen when his movements allowed it. It looked alot smaller, but nicely shaped.With my right hand I reached over to the seated man on my right. I didnt ask permission or speak at all as I took hold of its trunkish shaft and started working it for him. He also said nothing but for some soft appreciative noises. I felt its galns slick with pre-cum. Each upward stroke a surprising effort due to it's natural weight. I decided to take the risk. I wanted these two men to fuck me, here in this grimy smut cinema. I wanted to be as dirty as my surroundings and the film on the screen, the film now being fully ignored by the three of us and, I assumed, the few others inside the theatre. "You two wanna fuck me?" I asked alarmed at how deep my voice sounded. My throat was dry, but this just added to the sense of degradation."Yes"Came from in front of me and the man seated at my side just smiled. Any thoughts of marital fidelity were completely absent from my mind.I released my grip from the large phallus in my hand and stood up. I pulled my skirt, pantyhose and panties down to my ankles. I tried kicking them away, only the skirt coming away completely. The hose and panties caught and stretched on my legs before snapping free of my left foot and bunching around my right ankle. not caring, positioned myself on the bench so that the man in the next isle could climb over and fuck me doggy whilst I sucked the wonderful fat cock on the next bench.I ran my tongue over the already slick, engorged head. Tasting the deeply salty, wonderful mix of sweat from my hand and his precum. My tongue probed it small eye shaped hole. I felt the man behind me climbing over seating and reaching out. He began roughly fingering around my vulva. His obvious hardness brushing around my ass cheeks as he did so. I felt a trail of precum of varying thickness left where it made contact. He enterd me without warning or any kind of subtlety using three bunched fingers. I pulled up from the cock I was sucking and gasped. The pain was sharp and wonderful, but not unexpected or unbearable.I dropped my head again to continue sucking the cock now so obviously close to coming. It felt a charge run through the shaft, passed my lips then a near audible rush into my mouth. It hit the roof of my mouth, the back off my throat and I found it hard to swallow it all. I tried but allowed some of the load to slip from the side of my mouth, enjoying the hugely slutty sensation.As this was occuring, the man behind me pushed into me. His thrusts were fast and as deep as his size would allow. I squeezed my self internally around his cock. Maximising the sensation for me. It felt wonderful. I arched my back upwards, taking my weight off my elbows and onto my left hand. I ran my fingertips around my mouth. Feeding the escaped cum onto my tongue. It was such a thick goo, I eaggerated my movements and groans as i licked from my fingers. I went back down onto my elbows. Turning my head to the man fucking me faster and faster from behind. My view of him obscured by my own shoulder. I coursely whisperd:"Fuck me, mmm, yeah, Fuck me, cum in me, make me your slut boys"From that I lowerd my head again onto into the lap of the man on the bench next to me and licked the streaks of cum that remained on his wilting dick. My own orgasm, although expected came onsuddenly and remorselessly. It took me, pulling me away from my chosen cock cleaning duties I tensed my every muscle.It hit me in waves as it always does. Just many times more intense than normal.It left me spent and wasted. I became loose and pliant as the man fucking me pulled out and , spurred undoubtably by the noises and actions of my own orgasm, Shot a rapid, watery, piss-like squirt of cum. It hit the opening of my ass the the next one lower, then the final one that I felt, lower again. It left my genitalia coverd and soaking wet. My own juices, sweat and his cum had left me bathed in fluid around my cunt and ass. Composure came back to be gradually. I used my hose to wipe myself as clean as I could. Then left them along with my panties on the seat for the two men to keep or do with as they will. I slipped back into my skirt and shoes. And kissed them both warmly, but quickly and without words. I turned to them as I pushed the door open "Think I might come back next week..."I left before they could awnser. I passed the young man in the "Box office" who didnt look up or acknowledge me in any way. I still had a good few hours to myself to get home and cleaned up while the house was empty.I unchained my bike, mounted it and headed homewards.Again, typed in a hurry. Hope you enjoyed. Please excuse any mistakes. And PLEASE feel free to leave comments/personal messages. If you liked it, I have a few other things I would love to share. :o)Thank you, all.XXXXXXXXMel.