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When Eddie picked Yuki up at her house that Tuesday, he asked her,"so how is our baby doing today my beloved wife?" "My dear husband,he is resting comfortably, but continues to grow. However, I have acraving for a candy bar." They laughed. That day was Eddie's turn tobuy a candy bar for all the subbies. Wednesday would be Yuki's turnto purchase one for each of the dominants. "I will get my beautifulwife a candy bar then," he grinned. "You're such a caring husband,"she replied. He leaned down and kissed her.

Ethan was taking some razzing from some of his classmates aboutbeing pussywhipped because he didn't hang out with anyone exceptAya. As one can imagine, that assertion made Ethan crack up. "Ifonly they knew," he privately laughed to himself. Aya got a goodchuckle out of it as well. His answer for some of those guys whoaccused him of leaving his balls in Aya's purse was to posit thatthose kids were either gay or jealous. As he told one classmate,"dude, until I see you with a girl you aren't related to, I have toassume your only action is giving old men blowjobs behind the 7-11."He was also afflicted with questions about whether he had doneanything with her or not since they had now been going out for eightmonths.He lied that she either slaps him when he tries to get underher clothes or she threatens to tell her dad, who would kill him.Other boys wondered if she had a sister. "Yeah, she does, butthey're older and they're all taken." He smirked when he used theword "taken" because his fellow students had no idea in what sensehe was using it.

Aaron Perlis and his slave Andrea were now into their second year asMaster and slave and the two 18 year olds were already viewed as ifthey were husband and wife. She even vowed to not go to collegeafter graduating high school, but instead attend culinary school sothat she can provide the best meals possible to her future spouseand their children. Aaron, of course, was moved by her devotion, butpreferred that she attend university so that she would havesomething to fall back on if something happened to him. However, inher heart of hearts, she just wasn't cut out for higher educationand looked forward to a lifetime of stay at home servitude to Aaron.She wanted to have four kids, two boys and two girls. Andrearegularly gave up her asshole for Aaron's use, such was the depth ofher submission to him. With her Master's permission, she oftenhelped the mothers in the neighborhood prepare dinner so that shecould nick their recipes and learn as many cooking techniques aspossible. This was another instance of how the denizens of SouthMarlin Circle reinforced the ties between the families in thevicinity.

That same day, another home was put up for sale on South DolphinCircle, the street that was immediately behind the side of SouthMarlin Circle that Alan Perlis' house sat on. Noriko Yamanorinoticed the For Sale sign and phoned Koji about it. Koji than phonedAlan Perlis with the info and Alan, after he returned from work,dispatched emails to the members of the alumni association. RichStevenson, the father of Arlene and Eric, saw the email and had theperfect candidate. The next day, the CFO of his middle sized companycalled one of his subordinates, a Director of Project Developmentnamed Cyril Langford, into his office.

"Yes Mr. Stevenson?" Cyril said crisply in his London accent."Cyril, have a seat." Rich said. Rich came to know of Cyril'sinterest in BDSM just short of a decade ago when he saw a bondagemagazine in the englishman's  open briefcase. On that occasion, Richhad Cyril in his office for a stern dressing down for risking asexual harrassment lawsuit for bringing that kind of material to theoffice. Cyril, now a father of three, thought he was about to beasked to clean his desk out. But then Rich started to pick Cyril'sbrain about BDSM to see how he viewed it. As it turned out, Cyrilhad been fascinated by it since he was in his teens when he and afriend snuck into an adult toy shop that sold restraints, fetishwear and other kinky items. Rich let him off with an unwrittenwarning, but also ordered him to immediately take the magazine outto his car so nobody in the office would notice it.

The one to two hour commute to Rich's firm Cyril was enduring hadworn him down and he was seeking something closer to his workplace.Cyril was surprised to be told by Rich's secretary to report to thebigwig's office rightaway. He thought that this could not be goodnews. However, after he had planted himself on a chair on the otherside of Rich's desk, he was delighted to find out otherwise. "SoCyril, are you still engaging in BDSM?" "Why do you ask Sir?" hetentatively rejoindered. "That's a yes or no, Cyril," Rich shotback. "Yes Sir, I am." "From what I understand," Rich began, "youare looking for a place closer to work to reduce your commute time,is that right?" "Quite, Mr. Stevenson. The traffic on the freewaysis increasingly untenable," he observed. "Well, Cyril, I have aproposal for you." "Yes Mr. Stevenson?" "There is a home on a blockadjacent to the one on which I live that is up for sale. With alittle bit of work, it could be quite the nice spread," he began.Rich then explained in a broad sense what went on in the SouthMarlin Circle neighborhood and that they would be only four doorsdown from the Yamanoris, who were also practicioners of BDSM. Heoutlined some of the rules he would have to follow if he wanted tobecome an honorary member of the street's bondage club andemphasized the possibility of becoming a full member of the alumniassociation if one of his kids got with someone on the block.

"So waddya say Cyril? Does that sound up your alley?" "I must sayMr. Stevenson that I am very surprised that such a neighborhoodexists. You shall have the greatest confidence that Penelope and Iwill be investigating the property this weekend." "That's greatCyril. I know that the prospect of moving into a house basicallyonly around the corner from your boss' place doesn't sound thattempting, but we in the neighborhood believe in the adage of whathappens on the block stays on the block. You would have to dosomething pretty heinous as a resident of the neighborhood to affectyour future with this company and I'm talking about something thatwould involve long jail sentences or publicly criticizing me or thecompany. When you and your  beautiful wife view the property, comeby my place and I'll introduce you to the club president and we'llgive you the lowdown over a beer."

"Oh, one other thing in case it's important: there are strictregulations in our neighborhood about alcohol use. I know you Britslove your beer, but in order to preserve order and to ensure thatthe police aren't coming around to break up disputes and  thus mayfind out what activities are occurring there, you will have to limityour intake of the brewskis." "Penelope and I don't drink very muchanyway Mr. Stevenson. I usually have one with lunch and dinner andthen a glass of wine while we read in bed and that's pretty muchit." "Excellent, Cyril. See you this weekend." "Yes Sir." 

Saturday, Cyril and his wife walked through the house that was forsale and then headed over to Rich's house. Rich's wife, Doreen, AKA"hotslit," greeted them at the door naked and collared, causing thetwo visitors' jaws to drop. Doreen was a fitness buff, too, and hada slim, toned body with perky C cups. "Master, your friends arehere," she called. Rich padded out to the foyer and shook hands withthe British couple and ushered them into his livingroom. At thatmoment, Eric Stevenson had Kathy Delasso bound and gagged in hisbedroom and was dripping hot candle wax on her pale skin. He hadScott Delasso helping him by occasionally shocking his sister with acattle prod. Arlene Stevenson was also tied up because Scott likedthe way her willowy body looked when wrapped up in rope.

Cyril's three kids were 19 year old Conrad, 18 year old Cecil and 12year old Olivia. Olivia was 5'1" and 100 pounds with a stilldeveloping chest, bobbed light brown hair and gray eyes. The twoboys were born in England and still had a little bit of an accent,though some of that was due to the fact they knew American girlsthought it was sexy when they were perfectly capable of speakingwith American accents.

"So, what did you think?" Rich inquired. "I think it has loads ofpotential," Penelope propounded. "And it's only 20 minutes from yourjob Cyril." "Quite," Cyril reacted. Rich talked about the supportiveatmosphere of the neighborhood for all the kids, how they all regardBDSM as just part of the scenery and how almost all the childreneither have slaves or are submissives. However, there were rules forbehavior such as indoor nudity for all subs. He also explained aboutMrs. Westfield and the mandatory after school homework sessions forthe kids.

They subsequently went over to the Alan Perlis home. Lynn greetedthem nude and with her collar on. They repaired to the livingroom,where Alan explained more about the inner workings of theneighborhood and alerted Penelope to the alumni block party comingup in May and what that meant. Cyril countered that they probablywouldn't be ready to move in at that point anyway. "Thisneighborhood sounds perfect for us and the children, Cyril. What doyou think?" "I'm well chuffed about things here, too, love." "Soshall we go for a second viewing then so I can determine how we wantto do the interior?" "I think that's in order Penny." The meetingadjourned. The Langfords did do a second walk through and then madean offer on the house. After some wrangling over the final price,they finally bought it but wouldn't move in until late June.

That same day, Dante went over to his slave Cheryl's house and theywent into her bedroom. He had her stand for inspection and gazed ather voluptuous figure. He used a spreader bar to keep her legs apartand then bound her hands together and anchored that tie to eyeboltsthat he had implanted in the ceiling. Cheryl was immobilized and herbare pussy was wet. He leaned his head down and sucked on hernipples while he groped her cunt at his leisure and soon had hermoaning. He shoved two fingers into her slot and began to vigorouslyalternate in and out strokes, his digits raking her g spot. Her softbody shook with each jolt of pleasure she realized from hisministrations. She was getting hotter and hotter as this continued."Would spermdrop like to cum?" he asked. "Oh yes Master, please makeyour spermdrop cum," she said as her breaths shortened. He took herright to the edge and then pulled his fingers out of her and hismouth off of her breasts.

He walked around to her backside and slapped her big butt a fewtimes, imbuing it with a bit of a rosy hue. "So what does myspermdrop want right now?" he smirked. "Master, please fuck yourspermdrop," she begged. "Why should I reward you with my dick?" heinterrogated. "Your spermdrop loves comforting her Master's cock andserves him so that she may feel it inside of her regularly." "Whichhole do you want me to put it in, spermdrop?" "In my pussy Master.""What if I want to put it in your ass?" "Master, your spermdrop isfine with that, too, as long as she can have the feeling of herMaster's penis inside of her." "And why does spermdrop so love thefeel of her Master's cock?" he wanted to know. "Of course, Master,your cock's ample length and thickness gives your spermdrop muchpleasure, but it also makes her feel connected to her Master.""That's a great answer spermdrop. I will reward it by fucking youagain," Dante announced and slipped his rigid cock in between herpink folds once more, grabbed her hips and rammed away, feeling theway Cheryl's slick snatch gripped his main vain and enjoying itthoroughly. As he did that, he smacked her ass hard repeatedly, theslaps adding to the heat she was already feeling inside of her.Dante was getting off on her moans and the sight of her thick bodytrembling each time his pubic bone crashed into her posterior. Hewas becoming just too aroused now and wasn't going to stop no matterwhat, his primal drive dictating the terms of engagement as heskewered her time and again. He could hear her breathing seeming toflip flop just like her heart as she approached the melting point ofher passion, her breasts swaying in time to the beat of histhrusting cock. She emitted several hollow sounding breaths and thenher defenses collapsed, as her nervous system conveyed the pulsingpleasure throughout her body and overloaded her brain. Her gaspingonly heightened his horniness and he had to surrender to his needand streamed his seed into her womb.

He untied her and had her stand for inspection. He tilted her headup with his index finger from under her chin and gently kissed herand smiled. Then he wrapped his arms around her, feeling the warmthand softness of her zaftig figure while he whispered in her ear, "Ilove you Cheryl." "I love you, too, Dante," she responded. He jumpedinto bed and sat crosslegged and then had her lay her head on thepillow he had leaned against his legs. He admired her heavy breastsas they heaved with every breath she took. He leaned over and kissedher again and then decided to have her move next to him, where hecould cuddle her, pulling her fleshy frame against himself.

Monday, Aya and Ethan were walking home from school Monday. It wasnow April and they were beginning to already look forward to summervacation. Also, Ethan would turn 18 in July and would begin hisrestraint training then. Up ahead Aya saw a girl about her heightwith long black hair and carrying a backpack with a Hello Kitty logoon it.. "Master, can I talk to her?" Aya whispered. "I'm not yourMaster yet, babe, so go for it," Ethan retorted. "Thank you Master.""Aya, stop that!" "Just practicing sweety," she said in a flirtymanner. She turned toward the girl walking ahead of them. "Sumimasen(excuse me)!" The girl turned around. Aya then shouted,  "chotto (Iwant to  talk to you for a minute)!" "Hai (okay)," the girlresponded and stopped in her tracks. Aya introduced herself andEthan to her. "Arisa desu. Yoroshiku! (I'm Arisa! Let's be friends)!Aya then asked her if they would speak in English so that Ethancould understand. That wasn't a problem. They began talking as theyresumed their journey home and it turned out that Arisa's family hadjust moved into a house on nearby Bluefin Circle the middle ofJanuary because they needed a bigger house due to having threedaughters and a son just like Aya's family. They had never seen herbefore because her mom usually drove her to school in the morningand then she hitches a ride to swim practice after school with oneof her teammates. But her coach was sick with the flu that day andsince there was no practice she walked home from school. "So Arisa,how about you come over to my house tonight and we can mess around?"Aya asked her in Japanese. Arisa thought that her mom would like tomeet another Japanese family in the neighborhood, so she agreed tothe invitation since it would give her a chance to scope Aya'sfamily out. They parted ways when they reached Arisa's block and Ayaand Ethan headed to the former's place.

Aya then called her mom and filled her in on the outsider coming tovisit before they arrived at Mrs. Westfield's, where she told Yuki,Keiko and Akihiro, too, so that they would be ready. Arisa came overat 7:30 and the guest was stunned at how gorgeous Mrs. Yamanori'shome was. "Wahhh, suteki (wow, your house is beautiful and classy)!"Arisa burbled to Mrs. Yamanori. Of course, Mrs. Yamanori modestlytried to verbally wave that off, saying, "this place is so old," butthat was just etiquette speaking. During the conversation, Aya andher sisters found out that Arisa, whose last name was Soramino, andher family came to America when she was seven because her fatherHideharu had gotten fed up with the bureaucracy in his hometown whenhe tried to open a small machine shop there. So he moved everybodyto the U.S. and was running a small 18 man shop. He met her motherTeruko, who had Americanized her name to Terry, at college.

Arisa herself was slim with a few cute slightly crooked teeth knownas "yaeba," big almond shaped eyes and very toned arms and legs.Shewas 18 and her sister Harumi was the oldest and about to turn 19.She was in college. Her brother Takashi was 18 and her other sister,Mina, was 12. Takashi was on his school's swim squad while Mina waslike Arisa, working out with a private swim club.

Eventually, the subject for discussion got around to boys and sex.Neither Arisa or her siblings were with anyone at the moment. Aya,as is her way, cornered Arisa into admitting that she liked beingspanked, which evolved into her confessing that she was asubmissive. Aya then informed Arisa that so were her and hersisters. That morphed into more mutual self disclosure about each oftheir family's BDSM proclivities. "Maybe we can get them into beinghonorary members," Yuki proposed. Arisa wanted to know what Yuki wasalluding to, but Yuki countered that she couldn't discuss it withher yet. The three sisters and Akihiro huddled and told Arisa thatthey wanted to meet her family Tuesday but to not tell Terry aboutit so that she wouldn't feel obligated to put on the dog for them.

Tuesday, the four Yamanori kids plus Ethan went over to theSoraminos. They shut themselves up in Arisa's room, which she alsoshared with Mina. Arisa and her three siblings' lips began toloosen. As Aya and Ethan suspected, the family were BDSM lifestylersand the oldest two kids had vanilla partners before, but got boredand the relationships dissolved. Ethan got on the phone to Dante,who, in turn rang Eric Stevenson. Once Eric and Dante had arrived atthe Soramino household, they had a discussion about all the optionsavailable to them. They were inevitably going to have to get AlanPerlis and Eric's dad involved in this, too. They eventually set upmeetings with Alan and Rich for Thursday. But first, Eric and Dantewould have to have a conversation with Hideharu and Teruko and thatcame Wednesday. Arisa let them in and brought Eric and Dante intothe livingroom.

"Hi Mr. Soramino," Eric said, extending his hand. "I'm EricStevenson and I'm the son of Richard Stevenson, the CFO of StevensonAvionics. I'm sorry to intrude on your good home tonight, but I hopewhat I have to say will be helpful to you." Eric then made his pitchwith Dante interjecting every now and again. They disclosed that theSoraminos' cover had been blown and that they knew all about theirBDSM practices and want to welcome them into the neighborhood D/scommunity. As part of that, Eric set up a meeting with his father sothat Mr. Soramino could pitch his company to Mr. Stevenson. Inexchange, Mr. Soramino was to follow all the rules of the SouthMarlin Circle Bondage Club. Hideharu was stunned at this turn ofevents, but it could mean big bucks for his company.

Thursday, after both men had been debriefed by Dante and Eric, Richand Alan went to the Soraminos' home and had a pow wow with them."There is a new fiscal year coming soon," Rich opened, "as you know,Hide, and we are likely to land a huge government contract. We willneed subcontractors to do some of the work we don't do in house. Sotell me what you can do for me." Hideharu made his case and while hewould have to increase his workforce by 50% to meet the demands,Rich and he came to an understanding on the business end. Cyrilwould be sent to his shop Monday to help with logistical issues.

Alan then talked about how the neighborhood BDSM association is runand the rules that have to be followed. Hideharu had already beendoing some of it. He had mandatory nudity for the girls in thehouse, too, though not during the initial visits of the kids in theneighborhood. Moreover, his offspring were going to have to beginwalking to school rather than being driven because of the bondingopportunity the walks carried with them. So Arisa and Mina wereimmediately sent to school with Akihiro, Anita, Aya and Ethan and togo to Mrs. Westfield's after school when they didn't have swimmingpractice. And this all  began because Arisa's coach was sick. "Unmeidesu yo ne (it was a matter of luck)," Teruko said to her husband."Arigato ne, Arisa-chan," Hideharu said to his daughter.

Friday, Akihiro, Anita, Ethan and Aya picked Arisa and Mina up. Ayachecked to make sure that Arisa and Mina weren't wearing panties,though they would be allowed to put them on before she was picked upby her friend's mom for swim practice. Arisa also felt better aboutMina now being able to hang out with everybody during lunch andafter school when she couldn't be there with her.

Takashi walked with the other high school kids and was introduced toTina Rosedahl, who he was knocked out by. She liked how handsome anddignified he looked but yet he had a goofy sense of humor with awarm heart that nonetheless had a lot of inner strength in it. Fromthat day forward, they spent a lot of time together and it appearedthat their days as unattached singles were about to end.

Arisa and her other family members were relieved that they couldhave friends and not hide that kinky side of themselves. And she, aswell as her siblings, liked it when people in the neighborhood beganturning up at their swim meets to cheer them on, too.

At the end of April, with the alumni party looming, the folks in theneighborhood began working on sprucing things up. Mrs. Westfield,her daughter Lisa and Noriko Yamanori made the rounds doingpreliminary inspections. Once Mrs. Westfield did that, she was offto the caterers to check on how they were going to get everythingmade and she laid out her demands for how it was to be arranged.

The following Friday, Mrs. Westfield was in her final round ofinspections and her committee went over everybody's houses extremelycarefully. Berniece Perlis was caned because Ethan had some dustbunnies under his bed. Mrs. Delasso was also punished for somespider webs under the eaves of her roof just above the garage door.Mrs. Rosedahl had her ass smacked, too, because Alissa didn't haveher shoes neatly arranged. By the following Thursday, Mrs. Westfieldnotified everyone that she judged things up to snuff. Some of thealumni had already arrived at their hotels. Saturday morning, SouthMarlin Circle was blocked off with road cones and wooden barrierswhile the caterers set up all the food in Alan Perlis' backyardunder Mrs. Westfield's very particular supervision. By noon,everything was set and the party was declared on.

The resident members of the neighborhood gathered in neat rows andbowed to those who had built the culture that now made it unique.Because all submissives were made available to anyone who wanted touse them, Alissa Rosedahl soon found herself being used by therevelers and, by 4 p.m , she had been fucked three times and wasthus dismissed from her duties for the day. Yuki and Tina were offthe board, too, not long afterward, their pussies filled with thecum of men they had never met before. And so it went, as thefucking, sucking, drinking, bondage, eating and just general hangingout continued into the early hours. It was the world's most wellregulated bacchanal, which is why almost nobody missed it.

Monday, after they did their homework at Mrs. Westfield's, Takashitook Tina over to his house with his sisters and Aya and Ethan intow. His mom brought drinks for everyone and then Takashi told herto stay. "Tina, please kneel," he requested in his accented English.She did so. "Tina, what is your middle name?" he asked her. "It'sCourtney, Sir," she reported. "Tina Courtney Rosedahl, will yousubmit to me?" Tina let out a squeal and then answered, "oh yesMaster!" she cried. "Wow, killer!" Ethan reacted. He high fivedTakashi and then hugged Tina after Aya had done so. Mrs. Soraminothen warned him in Japanese to take good of her or else.

They all then went to the Rosedahl residence. Tina stripped andkneeled as Takashi said hello to Mrs. Rosedahl. "Mrs. Rosedahl, itis with the most humble gratitude that I announce that I have takenyour daughter as my slave. I will love her and protect her withevery bit of strength I have," he promised. "Tina, I'm so glad foryou honey," she said, hugging her. Then she hugged Takashi. "YourMaster is such a hottie, too!" she observed, giggling. Takashilaughed and waved the compliment off. "Tina, you are excused fromyour duties for the day and I will decide your slave name soon. Seeyou tomorrow morning my gentle bird," he said before leaving.

Tuesday morning, Takashi picked Tina up and then revealed to theothers that she had submitted to him as they ambled off to school."Nice!" Jeff congratulated. "Man Takashi, you got a good one!" Eddieprojected. She also received celebratory hugs from the othersubbies. "If you have any questions about leading her, let me know,"Aaron told him. And so life in this very peculiar and stimulatingneighborhood continued.