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I was their go-to guy for all major parties, since I represented the company so well and was viewed as a class act with loads of charisma to carry parties to new levels. So I was young, hot, and in my prime. The only downside was that I was only getting booked for big, important events now. Gone were the kids’ birthday parties, and in were the weddings, and corporate gatherings. Sure the money was better there, but it meant I had less interaction with the objects of my latest obsession- Young girls.But then, on one fateful afternoon in August I was working the phones in the office when I got a call from a familiar voice. “Good afternoon, this is Max speaking, How can I help you?”“Hi, I’m...wait, did you say ‘Max’?”“I sure did.”“Oh my God, this is perfect. This is Bianca Sabbatino, remember me? You did a party for me in June!”My eyes bulged open. It was Maureen’s mother! Every night since that party I had been hoping to get a call from her, so we can do the party for Maureen’s 14th Birthday, like she said we would. “Of course I remember you, Mrs. Sabbatino. How have you been?”“I’ve been fine, hun. Same ol’ same ol’, you know?” she answered. Then, shifting into the flirty tone of voice she had used on me at the first party, “And you? How are things with you, ya lady killer?”I gave a humble chuckle to that question, “Oh, life is pretty good.” I said the following with a tone heavily meaning something sexual, “There are a few things I can think of that would make it better...but anyway, how can I help you today?” I had taken a risk with that decidedly flirtatious response, but I knew I didn’t have to worry about Mrs. Sabbatino being offended. She wanted me badly, so playing into her hunger for me was just fun. Besides, she was married, so I knew it would lead to nothing if I humored her attraction.“Hmm...well, later this month, my youngest- Maureen- is turning 14, and I want to book the same deal for her birthday as I did for her sister. With you, of course, as my specific request for MC. Can it be done?”“Absolutely, Mrs. S.”“Great. Oh, and my daughter wants a Character Appearance, too.”“Ugh,” I thought to myself. One of the perks of graduating from kids’ parties to adult ones was that I didn’t have to go through the BS of wearing those ridiculous costumes anymore. But hey, if I was going to accept this one, then I had to agree to this.“Ok...what would she like?”“Heheh, well, me and my daughters unanimously agreed that we’d like to see you in something more form-fitting. So we decided on Spider-Man- Hahaha.”We both laughed out loud at that and then I, however hesitantly, accepted her request. “You’ve got it.”From there, we continued to playfully come on to each other, while ironing out all of the details of the party. And soon, I was off the phone, with nothing to do but sit there and begin anticipating what was to come.During the 3 weeks leading up the party day, I made sure to do extra work outs- Toning up my chest, abs, and arms. My lower half was always in good shape because of constant bike riding, and having a naturally nice butt because of my Latino ethnicity. My fantasies and craving for Maureen happened much more frequently now. While doing push-ups, I would imagine her laying beneath me and it would push me to go longer. In the back of my mind, I wondered if I had the same affect on her. ***And then, finally, the day came. My DJ and I pulled up to the family’s elegant home in an upper-class suburb of Long Island, way out on the island. The party was to be from 2 until 6 in their backyard, just like the last one, to take advantage of glorious summer weather. As the DJ, Rob, went out back to set up the booth, I went into the house to greet the family. Mrs. Sabbatino answered the door, and when I laid eyes on her, I felt my lungs give up on breathing altogether. The woman about was 41 years old, but had the sex appeal of a woman in her absolute prime. I didn’t fully notice this the first time around, or maybe she went through greater lengths to look good this time around. Her long brunette hair was pulled up into a pony-tail near the top of her head, showing off her gorgeous neck. She was wearing a flimsy black blouse, with the top few buttons un-done showing off some cleavage. She had some gold necklaces around her neck, dangling on her chest, with a few dipping into the space between her full breasts. The blouse fit close around her mid-section, tucked into a snug black skirt that went down just below her knee. On her legs, she had some fantastic-looking black high-heel boots that ended a few inches below where her dress covered.She greeted me with a happy smile, and a hug and kiss on the cheek that was probably a little more sultry than the ones I get from most clients.“I’m so happy to see you. And right on time, too.”“Hey, come on, Mrs. S, did you really expect any less from me? Heheh.” She winked at me while giggling. “Come on in,” she said. As I entered their home, she turned and shouted up the stairs, “Hey girls, he’s here!” Before leaving the room, she turned and said, “They’ve been dying to see you. I’m gonna go tell my husband you’re here so he can help with whatever you need out back.”I grinned and nodded at her, and then looked anxiously up the stairs. I was about to see her for the first time since June. But, to my surprise, she wasn’t the first to step out onto the landing. It was her sister, Alanna, the 18 year old whose party I had worked here in the first place. She smiled cutely down at me. To my surprise, she was still in her pajamas. Her face was very pretty, her blonde hair cut short, just above her shoulders- unlike the long manes of her mother and little sister. I always liked girls in pajamas, sweats, all of that frumpy comfortable stuff.“Hey Max. As you can see, I kinda gotta start getting ready- haha.”“Yeah, that would be a good idea. See you in a bit.”And then, as she headed back towards her room, Maureen walked passed her towards the landing. My heart stopped. She looked incredible, and wasn’t acting quite as innocent and sweet as her sister. It looked like her experience with me did a great deal to make her more confident. She looked much more comfortable in her own skin this time, and more knowledgeable of her affect on the opposite sex. She leaned forward onto the railing, looking down at me, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one else around, to shoot me a very seductive smirk.“Hello there,” she said. “Remember me?”“How could I not?”“Good, cause the party today is for me, so...” she broke off into a sort-of whisper, “you have anything special to give me?”With my hands coolly in my pockets, I looked up into her blue eyes, with a confident grin on my face, becoming slightly seductive and answering, “You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?”“Sounds good.” With that, she slowly turned and walked back to her room.The dress she was wearing was pure “sex siren.” It was red, short, low cut, and strapless. It was fit enough to show off her cute, round ass, and slowly maturing breasts. She was barefoot when I saw her, and her dirty blonde hair was still damp from the shower, loose and hanging down over her shoulders and back. I felt myself start to get turned on right then and there, but I swallowed hard and forced myself to relax as I went out back to help Rob set up. The party began. I made the usual announcements, and got the family- as well as the 40 friends they had invited- up and dancing to kick things off. Maureen made sure to do lots of dancing near the DJ booth so that I could see her bump and grind to our songs. Some boys her age were ogling at her sexual energy in the dance space, but she paid them no mind. She clearly had her eye on someone a little bit more mature and experienced than those kids. Her sister joined her for a few dances, and danced so close to one another that my mind wandered into dangerous territories. Watching those two get it on would be enough to have me committed from the sheer orgasmic heaven. And my fantasies were soon brought to the next level as Mrs. Sabbatino herself got up close to them and danced with her daughters. All 3 of their personalities were evident. Mrs. S was the sexual predator, Alanna was the good girl, and Maureen was my little seductive Lolita. They got the attention of the rest of the dancing crowd as they took the center of everything and began dancing reggae together. The other people formed a party circle around them, laughing and enjoying themselves as Mrs. Sabbatino’s shook her “groove thing” with her daughters. It was definitely kinky, but not far from the norm at these sorts of parties. I’ve seen many mothers try to show off their sexual prowess in front of their guests, and it was always looked upon as harmless if they were doing it with members of their family, because it was clearly a show. But few did it as successfully as Mrs. Sabbatino. Me and Rob locked eyes, acknowledging how hot it was to see the two sisters sandwiching their mother on the dance floor. I told him to keep up with the reggae. He laughed, and caught my drift immediately. But unfortunately, once the song was over, everyone clapped as the 3 women laughed and gave each other high 5s. I was a little disappointed, but not enough to kill my anticipation for what I hoped would happen later with Maureen.At around 4, I got the signal to get into the Spider-Man costume, because Mrs. S wanted to make sure that the little kids enjoyed themselves as well. And a very suggestive wink she gave me told me that she also was just dying to see me in spandex. So I went upstairs, and as I began to take my clothes off in Maureen’s room, I wondered whether she would follow me up here so we can have a quickie like last time, and fulfill all of the fantasies I had since Alanna‘s party. I stalled heavily while getting ready, but there was no sign of her. So, with a great deal of disappointment, I went back downstairs in the costume and went out to greet the crowd and play with the kids. The children were real happy to see me, coming up to give me hugs, shake my hand, and get pictures taken with me. But I could also see many of the teenage girls, and adult women checking me out. There was lots of whispering and raised eyebrows, as they gawked at my well-built frame in the barely-there costume.But then, at 4:11- a specific time I will remember for reasons that are about to be obvious- all of the music cut off. Everyone looked over at Rob, and he shrugged. It wasn’t just his DJ system. The barbecue shut off, too. We could hear neighbors shouting in their homes, surrounded by an eerie silence. A power outage had occurred, we thought. So I went back into the house and got back into my MC clothes. I was pretty nervous, because I had no idea what we would do now. When I came back down, several party-goers were crowded around Mr. Sabbatino in the living room. He was holding a radio. The voice coming through it was announcing.“If you are just tuning in, a blackout has occurred, and it has taken over a bulk of the North Eastern States. New York, Baltimore, Cleveland, New Jersey, have all reported power outages state-wide. The outage has even gone all the way to Detroit & Toronto, Canada. For more news on this developing story, stay right here, on WNBC News Radio”There was a general shock running through everyone in the house. No one could believe that this had happened, especially in a state as important as New York. I went out and helped Rob unplug all of his stuff, to protect it from any power surges that would occur when power was restored. Meanwhile, people went out and ate from the big spread Mrs. S and the family had prepared for everyone. They all conversed tensely about what could have caused a blackout of such magnitude. Mrs. S. then walked up to us, “Guys, help yourselves to some food. Hopefully the power will be back soon so we can continue this thing.”We eagerly took her up on her offer. We sat down with the family at one of the big tables they had rented, and ate with them. I was sitting right beside Maureen, naturally. My stress over the blackout soon faded away as, during the conversation at the table, I felt Maureen’s hand sneak onto my lap- hidden by the table, and long tablecloth. She was very discrete, and very good at keeping cool. Her hand ran up and down my inner thigh, and then giving me the biggest rush when it cupped my package. I suddenly got a wicked idea: If this blackout lasts, I might be able to find a way to stay here tonight! What a perfect way to get away with that, and it opens up so many possibilities for sex with Maureen. I had to fight hard to hide a huge, sneaky smile from growing on my face as all of these ideas ran through my head.Six o’clock came around, and there was no sign of power. The sun slowly began to lose its intensity. Many of the guests had begun leaving, and the food was almost all gone. Rob began loading the equipment into the van as I helped Mrs. S. clean up and say goodbye to the guests. While picking up the plastic plates on one of the tables, she took note that it was only she and I in the backyard right now. She leaned over to me and, in a very hushed voice began to chat with me.“You looked great in that Spider-Man suit. Absolutely edible.”“Heheh, thanks, Mrs. S. You’re looking pretty amazing yourself tonight.”“You’re too kind,” she responded. Then, after a brief pause, she said something that seemed like she had been thinking about for a few moments, “How are you going to get home?”“I have no clue. I live in the city. The subways aren’t running. The streets are jammed, so buses aren’t really an option. And Rob lives close to here, so I would never ask him to drive me all the way to the city, especially on a night like this.” There, I did it! I laid down the ground work. Now it was time to see if she’d follow through.“Hmmm...well, do you think he’s going to ask you to stay at his house?”“He might. But, to be honest, it’s a small place, and his mother is a little over-bearing so I’m not sure I’d want to spend a night there in a sweltering house, with no lights or A/C, with his mother on our cases.”“Then please, be my guest, and stay here tonight. I’d be happy to have you,” she said with a wink. “If that’s something you’d like, of course.”Yes! She went for it, and she was so eager about it, too. “Oh, no doubt about it. I would love to stay here, Mrs. S. It’d be a pleasure to let you have me...,“ and then I quickly added with a sly grin, “have me stay here, that is.”We locked eyes, with a dangerous amount of sexual chemistry flowing between us, and then broke off into laughter.“You are so bad! Haha!” she said.“Hehe, yeah, but shhh...don’t tell anybody.”“Mm-hmm, it’ll be our little secret. Let me go tell my husband that you’re staying. I’m sure my girls will be quite happy.”****The rest of the night went rather uneventfully. We prepared the house for a long night of darkness by putting candles everywhere. We sat around the dinner table for a while, telling stories and trying to make the most of it. All the while, I kept feeling Maureen’s eyes on me. Whenever I’d turn to make eye contact with her, there was this delicious feeling of anticipation in both of our eyes. It was as if we both agreed that later, once everyone had gone to sleep, we would fuck like there was no tomorrow. It was so hot that it made it hard for me to concentrate on anything else. All I could think about was her. Her alluring 18 year old budding figure of a woman; the sexy confidence she now had about herself; and how intense & hot it will be later to secretly meet up in the darkness of one of our rooms and engage in unspeakable activities. Finally, at around midnight, we all agreed to turn in. Mrs. Sabbatino very graciously set me up on the living room couch. “Now, if you need anything at all...don’t hesitate to ask.” Her tone was more suggestive than it was motherly, which gave me a nice little chill up my spine. I grinned and nodded at her. She then blew out all of the candles in the living room except for the one on the center of the coffee table in front of the couch. I told her that I wanted it on because I was going to read a little before going to sleep. In actuality, it was because I had no intention of going to sleep, and knew I’d want some light for when I was going to make my move up to Maureen’s room. With each blow of a candle, Mrs. S. had given me an unquestionably sexy stare to the eyes. I laid back, wearing nothing but boxers and a white tank top, and she came over to me. She sat down on the edge of the couch, beside my hips, and leaned down towards me. She looked incredibly sexy with nothing but the candlelight shimmering against the side of her face, and her lusty gaze locked upon mine. She planted this incredibly sensual kiss on the cheek that was so close to my lips, that the corners of our mouths touched. “Sleep well,” she said.“I will now,” I responded. She smiled, and then left. I heard her go upstairs, and waited to hear her bedroom door close before I let out a quiet, “Wow!”So I laid there for a while, figuring it’d be a good half hour before everyone was asleep so that I could sneak up into Maureen’s room. I closed my eyes for a few minutes, slipping my right hand into my shorts, while under the sheet Mrs. S had given me to sleep with. My cock was already hard, and I lightly stroked it to see how sensitive I was tonight. The thoughts and images I was having in my head, about Maureen, Mrs. Sabbatino, and even Alanna. And when the memory of their sexy little three-way reggae dance flooded into my brain, I almost came right then and there. But then, before I could stop myself...something else did: Someone had snuck over and blown out the one candle that was lit.And before I could question anything, I was being mounted and kissed. At first, my mind raced from shock to pleasure. “I guess Maureen couldn‘t wait anymore,” I thought to myself with great satisfaction. But as I lifted my hands to put them on the body that was now straddling me...I became very startled:“These features are not any fourteen year old’s... I was making out with Mrs. S! With her husband right up stairs!! And with Maureen waiting for me in her room! She grabbed my wrists and pinned them down on either side of my head as she continued to kiss me. Blood was rushing through my body, but I couldn’t stop myself. It felt too good. Her womanly lips, experienced tongue, and commanding position over me- pinning me down- was such a turn-on. I could hear her moan like a cat in heat as I kissed her with as much skill as I could muster. Her grip on my wrists transferred upward into clutching my hands, with our fingers inter-twined. I could feel the wedding band on her left ring finger, and instead of guilt, it made me even hotter. This was wrong. This was risky. And it was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced.After a few minutes of making out, she sat up, with a knee on either side of my hips. Through a sliver of moonlight coming in through the curtained windows, I could see her shining her sassy smile down at me. “I’ve been wanting to do this since the moment I laid eyes on you. You don’t know what it’s like to have a husband who falls asleep before you can even make it into bed, every night. But you? I knew you’d be a good fuck. And now...I’m going to have you. Touch me.” She pulled off the black, silk tank top she had been wearing. I looked up in wide-eyed euphoria at her big, gorgeous, exposed breasts. And then I fulfilled her request. My hands traveled up her hips, over her abdomen, and then cupped her tits. Her nipples became really hard. She closed her eyes, and buried her fingers into the back of her own, long black hair while moving her pelvis around in a circular motion over my crotch. If I was hard before, my dick was now made of stone. I could hear a faint-almost peaceful- “Mmm” coming from her. Mrs. S. was loving being caressed and appreciated. “Take off your shirt,” she demanded with a sudden inspiration. I pulled it off and tossed it onto the floor. She took a moment to look down at my nice, firm, sculpted chest, before lowering herself down to it. She began kissing me around my neck, every once in a while letting her tongue slip out and lick my flesh. She made her way down to my chest, massaging my pecks with her hands. I felt her lips and tongue travel down passed my abs, and got goose bumps when I felt the tips of her fingers begin to pull at the elastic of my boxers. Her finger nails lightly tickled as they ran down my skin, pulling my shorts down to my thighs. And then, after a moment of looking down at my erect cock with a look of wonderment, excitement, and anticipation, she wrapped her hand around it and began to stroke it. “I watched you jerking yourself off just now. Got me even hotter. Do you like it when I do it, big boy?”“Yes...yes, I do, Bianca” I managed to say between heavy breaths. “No no no....that’s ‘Mrs. Sabbatino’ to you. And don’t you forget it,” she said with a sly grin and a raise of an eyebrow. “Now...brace yourself.” And before I could do that, she plunged my cock into her mouth. I gripped at the backrest and side of the couch as she deep-throated me very slowly, all the way. She had released her hand from my dick, just so she could get all of it into her mouth. When she pulled her face back up, she looked me in the eye. “You’ve never gotten it as good as you’re about to,” she said just before licking the top of my cock. “Enjoy...” she purred. And, with that, she wrapped her powerful lips around my cock and began sucking on my dick like my own life depended on it. I could hear her moaning, and breathing hard, enjoying what she was doing. And I just fought my hardest not to shout to the high heavens and wake up her husband, daughters, and the rest of the neighborhood. She took periodic breaks to lick up the side of my dick, and actually lash her tongue on my balls. This woman knew what she was doing, She would lick, nibble, and suckle on my inner thighs until I could almost pass out, and then devour my cock some more. I was ready to cum right into her throat, and she could sense this. So she suddenly stopped, laid back onto the couch, pulling my hands with her- forcing me to sit up as she laid down. “Fuck me,” she said in a forceful, yet yearning, tone. She spread her legs for me as I positioned myself over her, between them. I moved the bottom of her panties over to one side, began kissing her passionately, pressed the tip of my cock between her wet pussy lips, and then slid my cock into them. The rush of being inside this 40-something year old woman; a client of mine; the wife of the man upstairs; and mother of the 18 year old girl I fucked earlier this summer...was indescribable. It was wrong in just about every possible way. But I didn’t care. I began fucking her good. Grinding my hips in different rhythms and directions, hitting all of her inner walls and special zones. She buried her finger nails into my back, and locked her ankles on-top of my ass. Driving my dick deep into her, up and down, from side to side, had her in a frenzy. I had one hand on the side of her face while erotically kissing her, and my other hand was down by her hip, helping keep our bodies in-synch as we fucked each other. And then, she moved her mouth over, began suckling on my ear, and whispered: “I’m on the pill.” I took her hint right away, and began ramming my dick into her even harder, and even deeper. Pounding her down into the surface of the couch, both of us panting, I was ready to shoot the hottest load of my life. There was nothing romantic about this. We were two sexual people, we were hungry for this, and we were fucking each other’s brains out. I made her un-lock her ankles, as I pulled both of her legs upward. I pinned her calves over each of my shoulders so that I could drill her even deeper, with even more intensity, and target in on her G-Spot. I could feel her struggling not to scream out in ecstasy. And then, after a minute of pounding into her with all of the sexual power I had in my body, I shot all of my erotic spirit out through my cock and deep into hers. Almost as if she could sense it, Mrs. Sabbatino’s pussy clenched up and I felt her begin to orgasm. It gripped my cock, and I could feel her warm juices seeping out onto my balls. I released her legs, and dropped my body down fully onto hers. Our bodies rested upon each other’s, sweaty, and breathing heavily. After a moment of recuperation, I attempted to pull out...but she gripped me tightly- both with her hands and her pussy- and kept me inside her, wanting to savor the feeling. We kissed one last time, and then she let me go. I pulled myself out of her, and sat back onto the couch- pulling my shorts back up. She sat up, and turned, putting her feet on the floor and sitting up straight. I watched her silhouette as her hand reached down and caressed her swollen pussy lips. An unmistakeably satisfied grin one was on her face. I watched her, reach down, grab her top, and briskly put it on. She rested back onto the couch, and turned to face me again. “How was that, big boy?”“Amazing.”“For you too, eh?” she said with a slight grin. “I knew it would be good, but damn, you surprised me. When I was your age, guys didn’t know what the hell they were doing. Hell, my husband barely has a clue. But you? Wow. If I have more parties for my girls, we’d better make this part of the package every time.”“Well, if I’m not mistaken. Alanna will need to have a Sweet 18 less than a year from now. Now won‘t she?”“Ooh...good call.”This whole time, we’re giggling and in as good of a mood as any two people can be after great sex. “Okay, well, I’d better get back up there. Incase that big, oblivious ass happens to wake up.”“Alright, Mrs. Sabbatino...get some sleep.”“I’ll be able to do that now. Hehehe, see you in the morning.“I nodded at her, and as she left, I sunk into the couch to fully catch my breath. That was unbelievable.****After about 18 minutes of laying there, trying to gather my bearings, I finally got up to go to the bathroom. I crept over very quietly in the dark, stepped in and closed the door. There was a single candle lit by the sink. I could just barely see my darkened reflection in the mirror in its glow. I was a wreck. My hair was disheveled, I was sweaty, and I still had this goofy look of wonderment on my face. I began running the water, cupping some in my hands, and splashed it on my face. With my mind now cleared and open to thoughts other than sex because of my massive orgasm (thus freeing up 90% of it) I couldn’t exactly understand how we still had running water despite the power outage. I mean, don’t the water pumps at the reservoirs need electricity to operate? Do you see what sort of inane curiosities come up when a man’s mind isn’t muffled up with sex? Anyway, I rinsed off my cock, gargled with mouth wash, and ran some water through my hair to slick it back. I was now fresh again. Before walking out, I took a second to jokingly flex in front of the mirror and mouth “I’m The MAN!”I quietly stepped out and began heading back to the living room. But on my way, I passed by the stairs to the second floor. I stopped dead in my tracks. Should I just go to bed and let the night drift away, leaving my conquest of Mrs. Sabbatino as the highlight of the night? Or should I try my luck and go see her 18 year old nymph of a daughter upstairs? Well, it took me all of two seconds to decide which way to go on that matter...So I start heading up the steps. Luckily for me, they are carpeted, so it muffles the sound of my ascent. Once there, I couldn’t quite remember which room was hers. In the darkness, it was especially hard to tell anything apart. There was a single candle in the of the hallway, on a small stack of books. I very carefully walked over to it and picked it up. Then, I found my destination. I stealthily opened the door and snuck my way into the room before closing it gently behind me. With the fear of getting caught during my journey now gone, I held the candle in front of me to get a look at Maureen in her bed. There she was, sleeping under a thin sheet. One of her cute little feet was popping out of the cover, hanging over the edge of the bed. Her gorgeous long hair was spread across the pillow. She was face-down and angled away from me, so I couldn’t tell how deep of a sleep she was in. She was curled up real tightly in the sheet, and I could see the contours of her back and plump little ass as she laid there. I put the candle down on her bedside table, and knelt down. I felt like a ravenous man suddenly put before a buffet. I lowered my face to her adorable little foot, palmed the lower side of it, and slowly brought it to my lips. I kissed the clean, pink sole of her tender foot. I ran my lips down it, and lightly suckled on her toes. I felt her body move a tiny bit, but she showed no signs of actually waking up. I then brought my mouth back up he foot to her ankle as I began a tongue bath I was dying to give her. As I made my way up her calf, I gingerly pulled away the sheet covering her body. I could see that all she was wearing was a long Hilary Duff t-shirt, and a pair of light blue cotton panties. The shirt had, as she slept, slid up her body a bit so the lower half of her butt was sticking out. Through her snug panties I could see the exact shape and fullness of her perky ass. It was intoxicating. I continued my tongue lashing, slowly & erotically up her thighs, until my face was right by her backside. I could feel myself getting hard already, and the fact that she was seemingly sleeping through all this was making me even hotter. I took off my shorts, and then mounted myself on top of her so that I had a knee on either side of her butt, hands planted into the mattress over her shoulders, and my cock resting on her ass. I began sliding my cock up and down the crack of her ass, over her panties. As I did this, I brushed the hair away from the back of her neck with one hand. I lowered myself down and started to kiss it. I could be wrong, but I could swear I saw a devilish grin grow on her slumbering face. But then, her act was finally broken when I felt her start to grind her ass up onto my cock.“You little demon,” I whispered into her ear.Her grin widened, and her eyes opened. “I’ve been waiting for you all night. Besides, I didn‘t want to interrupt. That felt soo good.”With that, she rolled over onto her back, and we began making out. Her kissing had gotten much better since the last time. It looks like I inspired her to get more practice. And while I envied all of the other high school pubes who had taken advantage of her hunger for experience, I was more than happy to be the one to enjoy the fruits of their labor. We tongued each other hardcore for a few minutes, as she ran her hands up and down my back. My hips, as if from primal instinct, grinding in between her legs. I had just fucked this girls mom, and now it was her turn to get some. I raised myself up off her stood beside the bed, and brought her attention to my erect dick. She looked at it with gaping eyes, just like she had a few months ago when she was 18 and I fucked her brains out. Then she looked up into my eyes. I gave her nod, and off she was. She lunged her face forward while planting her feet onto the floor and sitting on the edge of her bed. Maureen came at my cock with her mouth opened, downing it right into the back of her throat. I couldn’t believe it. This little skank had been practicing much more than kissing in the months since our first meeting. She knew exactly what she was doing, but I could sense this slight nervousness in her- like she had been rehearsing all this time, and now it was time for the show.This 18 year old girl sucked me about as good as I’d ever been sucked. She would take periodic breaks to lick the sides of my dick, flick her tongue on the tip until my knees would turn to jelly, and then swallow me whole again. And the way she would look up at me with these sweet, innocent eyes, as if checking to see if I was liking it...made it even hotter. And every time she’d hear me gasp, her focus would get even greater. After a few minutes, I put my hands on the back of her head, and began face-fucking her. I could hear her high pitched moans, coming from the pit of her throat. For a second, I thought maybe I was hurting her, but when she reached over behind me and grabbed my ass with both hands, I knew that all was well. I had everything under control. I was holding in this next load, which was easier to do since I had just bagged mommy a half hour ago. I was getting off on the mere fact that she was sucking the same dick that had been inside her mom. Suddenly, with the blood rushing through my body, and with my brain on fire, I decided to up the ante. It was a risk, but I wasn’t thinking clearly, so I came out with it:I looked down into her eyes, with my cock in her mouth, and said, “You know...I just finishing screwing your mother real good.”I suddenly got real nervous. Did I just make a huge mistake? Why did I say it?!?I let go of her head. She slipped my dick out of her mouth, her face very calm, and looked up at me. What she said next rings in my ears to this day:“I Know“My jaw dropped. She smiled cunningly up at me, and licked her lips. “And now you’re going to do the same to me.”As she said this, she slipped off her panties, and then turned around. She got on all fours on her bed, with her ass inches from my wet, standing cock. The little woman then looked back at me with a look that read, What are you waiting for?My mind was reeling. I couldn’t believe what just happened, but what I could believe was that I was now as horny as I could ever be and it was time to fulfill her request. I grabbed the base of my dick, place a hand on one of her hips, and moved forward while pulling her backward. With the tip of my dick, I found her warm, wet spot. I let go of the base, and grabbed her other hip with that hand. I slid myself inside of her. It was tight, moist, and hot inside of her. It felt utterly amazing, Even better than last time. I slipped it slowly, inch by inch, as far as it could go into her. Then, with the same finesse, I pulled it almost entirely out except for the head. Meanwhile, she had gripped her bed sheets, and bit into a pillow that she had pulled to her face. I looked at this, took a deep breath, and then plunged my cock back into her depths. I could hear her muted screams through the pillow. The pace began to pick up. I stared down at her amazing little ass as I rammed my cock into her pussy. The cheeks would pound against my pelvis and jiggle a little after each thrust. Every once in a while, I would get a glimpse of her hot, tight, virgin asshole. Just seeing it almost made me cum. I lowered my hands from her hips to the sides of her ass. With my thumbs, I hooked into her cheeks, and pulled them apart. This accomplished three things. It gave me a better view of my cock pressed between her pussy lips- which were wrapped very firmly around the girth of my dick-, it allowed me to thrust even deeper into her, and it gave me the perfect view of her untouched starfish. Then it came over me, I had to conquer her ass, and I had to do it now. I reached over by her face, and caressed her mouth with my fingers. She started to suck on them, while I continued to fuck her. “Yeah...yes, wet them up real nice, Maureen. I’ve got a surprise for you.”She coated up my fingers with her spit, and then I brought those very fingers back to her asshole. With my dick still thrusting in and out of her, I pressed the end of my pointer finger into her backdoor. I felt her body stiffen up for a second.“Relax, baby. This is going to feel very good. You’ve gotta trust me.”She looked back at me with fearful eyes, then nodded and looked away. I started my thrusts again, and went back to work on her ass. I pressed my finger into her rear entry again. First the tip, then half, and finally the whole thing. It was tight, and wonderful, and exactly where I wanted to be. I started pressing the finger in and out, in-synch with my dick in the other hole. I could feel her slowly getting more relaxed and enjoying the double penetration. Then I slipped in my middle finger. Again, she stiffened up for a second, but then kept right on moving. It was starting to get a little dry, so I spit right down onto the point of entry, lubricating my fingers as I continued to open her up. Once I felt she good and ready, I prepared to go in for the kill.I pulled my dick out of her pussy, soaked with her cum, spit one last time on her asshole while pulling my fingers out, and then I laid the tip of my cock onto the entrance. I reached down and grabbed her hands. She laid her face down into the pillow to support herself as I pulled her hands up to her ass.“Hold it open for me, baby. You’re going to love this.”Maureen pulled her cheeks open real wide. I looked down at her slightly gaping asshole, my lubed cock, and I knew it was time. I took a second and looked around at the walls, seeing N*SYNC, Mandy Moore, and Pink posters. This reminded me just how young this girl was. And then, with great pleasure, I pushed the head of my cock into her ass. I heard her start panting. She was shaking her head. “Shhh....relax...relax...try to breath with me. Calm all those muscles and let me in. Take a deep breath.”I slid in another two inches, pressing through the main ring of muscle in her ass. She continued to gasp and shook her head some more.“We’re almost there. It’s gonna feel nice. You’ll see. Breath with me.”With one last deep breath, I slipped as much of myself as I could into her. This was about five inches in, leaving two outside. I was more than happy with this. Also, she had begun to relax. I, very gently, began moving back and forth inside her ass. I looked down at her stretched asshole, with my cock deep inside it, and I felt chills run up my spine. I was fucking a fourteen year olds’ ass! Slowly, I began picking up the speed. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Her hands pulling her sweet ass open, allowing me to pop her anal cherry. And then, to my sheer delight, I saw her eyes close very sensually as she started experiencing a thrill from this. Maureen even started smile.I heard her begin to whisper, “Yes...yes, I like it. I like it! Fuck me, Max! Fuck me.”“Tell me where I am, say it baby!”“You’re inside my ass. Fuck me in my ass. You like that? Yeah...fuck my ass, Max.”And then, getting more into it, I felt her begin to ram her ass back at me! I looked down, and suddenly my entire dick was inside her. All 7 inches.“Deeper. Go as deep as you can,” she then said.This girl was full or surprises! I reached over and put my hands on her shoulders, and begin drilling her harder. We developed a delicious rhythm. She was slamming her ass against my pelvis, as I was thrusting up-close into her, pulling her towards me. My focus was entirely on her, and it was struggle not to blow my load. But when my eyes zeroed in on the Hilary Duff picture on the shirt she was wearing, again reminding me that she was only 14, the taboo of it all became to much too handle. “I’m.......going to.....Cum!”“Do it. Do it inside me. I can’t get pregnant there. Shoot your choice inside my ass, please!”I needed no further encouragement. I exploded inside of her. My cock shot load after load of hot cum deep into her ass. To make the moment even hotter, she pressed her ass right into me and pulled my hands close to her face. She wanted to keep me inside of her.“I want every drop of it inside me. Don’t move, Max. Keep it in me.”I could barely focus my eyes, let alone move a muscle at this point, so it was no problem at all to obey her. My cock stopped squirting, and my gradually began to wane, as did my heart rate. I rested the side of my face against her shoulder blades. After a minute like this, I planted a kiss on her sweaty neck, and slowly pulled out of her. She found her panties while I put on my shorts. We then laid down on the bed, with her cuddling under one of my arms. In a spacey, blissful voice she said, “That was amazing.”“Yes...it was.”Five minutes would pass before I finally spoke again. My mind cleared up enough for me to remember what she had said before. And I had to ask.“So...you know about me and your mom?”“Uh huh. I was coming down to get you on the couch when I heard you two. It sounded so hot that I sat right there on the stairs and fingered myself.”“Wow. But...that was your mom. Didn’t you feel weird getting off on that?”“No. What, you don’t think she’s hot?”“No no no, of course I do. But she’s not my mom.”“Well, that doesn’t stop me,” she giggles.Her words were barely sinking in because my brain was somewhere in the clouds. But it was hitting home that this girl was kinkier than I thought.“Would you...do things with her?” I asked.There is silence for 18 seconds.“If I knew we wouldn’t get caught,” she responded.I felt my dick twitch back to life. But I quickly brought it under control.“Are you okay? Did I just gross you out?”“Not at all. It’s just all very...wow. Y’know? And listen, I’d better get down there because I dunno if she would be as understanding as you if she caught us.”“Ohhh...do you have to?”“Yes, baby, I do.”“Oh alright.”We kissed one last time, and I got up. I picked up the candle, and crept out of her room. My brain was so wired now that I was alert to every sound I made. Like a super agent I put the candle back where I had found it, and then made my way down the stairs. I got safely back to the sofa. I laid down and breathed a sigh of relief. Oh what a night. I will never for...SlamMy heart stopped. That was the sound of the fridge closing. My ears pricked up, and I followed the sound of footsteps trail out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I heard a door brush up against carpeted floor, and then close. I had no clue who that was, but they must’ve slipped through the halls while I had been recuperating from fucking Maureen and I didn’t notice. Because of my nerves, I now couldn’t sleep. What if someone found out? Did anyone hear? Which Sabbatino was that?***By 7AM, the power came back. So I was able to put on the TV to distract myself. Then at 9AM, people started waking up. I proceeded with great caution when Mr. Sabbatino invited me over to eat breakfast with the family. Everyone at the table was very relaxed, except for me. Maureen and her mother seemed to be in especially good moods. So that means it couldn’t have been Mrs. Sabbatino in the kitchen last night. If only the two of them knew why I was stressing so much, and not basking in the glorious mood a night of great, kinky sex should bring. When Mrs. Sabbatino got up at the end of everything and said, “Okay Maureen, time to get you to your dance class,” I got a knot in the pit of my stomach. I had a feeling that with them gone, Mr. Sabbatino was going to unleash a bombshell on me. Before they left, both Maureen and her mother gave me nice farewells, and a tip for yesterday’s work. Things were quiet between Alanna, her father, and I at the table once they left. Alanna seemed to notice the awkward silence, and excused herself. I wanted to scream, “NOOO! DON’T LEAVE ME!“ But, for obvious reasons, I didn’t. Once she was gone upstairs, me and her father looked at each other for a bit. It was definitely odd and tense. Then finally, he leaned over and spoke:“You all right, son? Did the black out spook you out or something?”“Oh! Um...no, I’m alright. Just...tired I guess.”Yes! I was okay. It wasn’t him!“I can take one guess at why you’re so tired.”Or was it? I started to sweat.“And that would be?” I asked hesitantly.“Well, for Christ’s sake, the second the power got restored you started watching the damn TV,” he laughed. “You squandered some extra hours of sleep. You young guys...when you’re not at the movies, you’re watching TV, and when you’re not doing that you’re on the internet. You constantly need to be entertained, eh?”I laughed much more than was appropriate, mainly because mixed-in with the laughter was the greatest sense of relief I’d ever felt.“I guess you’re right, sir. All my fault,” I said.He smiled, got up, and started walking away. “Well, I have an appointment. So Alanna will see you out, okay?”“Ok.”“Oh, and is what my wife gave you enough?”“What?”“The tip. Did she tip you enough?”“Oh, absolutely. More than enough. Thanks.”“Good. I’ll see you around.”And with that, he left.I walked over to the living room with a huge smile on my face. I can’t believe it. I got away with it. I had sex with Mrs. Sabbatino and her daughter, right under Mr. Sabbatino’s nose, and got away completely unscathed. Sometimes things just work o...“Hi Max.”Alanna!“Hey, Alanna. What’s up?”She stepped into the living room, in a very shy, coy way. She had her hands behind her back, leaning against a wall, and was fidgeting with one of her feet. She was wearing this cute two-piece pajama set that read was pink and read “Super Princess” on the chest. And she looked like she had something big on her mind but didn’t know how to say it.“Well...something interesting happened lastnight.”“What happened?”“Well, I left my room in the middle of the night to get something to drink. When I left my room, the hall was dark. I figured the candle had blown out. But when I came back up...somehow the candle was on. Isn’t that strange?”Oh boy. I knew exactly what she was getting at.“Yeah, pretty odd.”She smirked and shook her head.“Come on, you don’t have to play dumb with me,” she said. “I know.”“You do?”“Yes. I may be the ‘good girl’ in this house, but I’m not completely oblivious.”“I...don’t know what to say.”“Don’t worry, I won’t tell dad. If he were to find out you were having sex with his youngest daughter, he would kill you.”Okay, at least she didn’t know that I had also had her mother.“But, I want something in return for my silence.”“You name it, and I’ll do it.”“No no, I haven’t decided what yet. But when you come for my Sweet 16...be ready for anything. Okay?”“Oh boy...sounds good to me.”“Great. So I’ll see you then,” she said.“Yes, you definitely will.”I picked up my wallet and keys from the coffee table, and she walked me to the door. “Bye Alanna.”As I leaned over for a kiss on the cheek, she brought her lips right up to my ear and whispered, “Remember...be prepared for anything“ She planted a kiss on my cheek, I looked her in the eye- trying to probe what she could have in mind- and then walked out of the house.A few minutes later, I got into a taxi and drove away from the Sabbatino house. On the drive home, all I could do was re-live what happened last night, as well as what was to come...