NOTE: This story is completely fictional. Some characters are under the age of 18, however, this is a simple fictional story, so enjoy it. If you find this offensive, that's not my problem. Acting out and having a fantasy are two different things.
I'm Alex...and I'm still only 18 years old. But sex has always been a vibrant part of my life. Since I became the strapping adolescent I am today, raging horniness has always been rampant. And thus begins the story of how my sex life became amazing.
I live in an assorted complex of buildings that contain condominiums.
I was sitting in my room on my computer when I get a little warm, so I opened a window. It's a little cooler outside, not that much, but enough. And I see her doing stretches in her outfit. She has the cutest little butt I've ever seen. I take this as an opportunity to have a quick jerk. No time for lube. I laid down at an alright angle, and slowly got hard by watching her do whatever routine she was doing. After I was nice and hard, I began slowly stroking my 6 inch cock. This went on for about 5 minutes until I finally closed my eyes and thought of what I'd do to her. I wanted my hard cock inside of her pussy, and I wanted to cum inside her and have her suck me off afterwards.
And then I was about to cum.
Well, either way, I went on to school the next morning...and surely enough, she sits down beside of me at the end of second period and starts up a conversation.
"Hi, Alex.", she said.
"Um....hi. Hey, look, I'm sorry about--". Kailey cut me off.
"No need to, you want to put on another show for me again soon?", she asked.
"Excuse me?". I couldn't believe my ears.
"Yeah, I liked it...of course, next time, you think I could get seats a little closer?". She was fucking serious.
The bell rang, and she said "bye", with a slight kiss on the cheek. I liked that....but I was still a little confused as to her reaction. Oh, well...looks like I'll have to find out for myself.
To be continued....
Alleen toegang voor volwassenen!
Deze website bevat naakt, expliciete sexuele content en sexueel taalgebruik.
De site dient alleen bezocht te worden wanneer je de minimale leeftijd van 18 jaar hebt bereikt en op een legale locatie bent vanwaar je de site bezoekt. Met het bezoeken van deze website bevestig je dat je minimaal 18 jaar bent en akkoord gaat met onze Algemene Voorwaarden en privacy statement. Met Ieder ongeautoriseerd bezoek overtreed je wellicht wetgeving van het land waarin je je bevind.Omdat Zuzana op geen enkele wijze de content die getoond word Creëert of produceert; dienen alle advertenties te voldoen aan onze leeftijd en content regels. Zuzana hanteert een “zero tolerance” beleid voor kinderpornografie, minderjarigenreclame, mensenhandel en het gebruik daarvan op onze website. Vermoedelijke uitbuiting van minderjarigen en/of mensenhandel melden we ten aller tijden aan betreffende autoriteiten.
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