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“Waaaaaaaa. Waaaaaaaa.”
“Hush baby, momma’s here. What’s wrong sweetie. You’re hungry again? You are a greedy little thing aren’t you?”
The soft whisper of Brianna’s voice trickled in the room from the baby monitor on the dresser on Paul’s side of the bed.
“Shhhhh. Shhhhh. It’s okay. It’s ok. Here you go.”
The slight coo of the baby carried through the monitor and Paul smiled. Turning his head to his left, he looked at the crazy mop of hair that belonged to his wife. Her face was a mushy mess. He chuckled. She was lying in a pool of her own drool. Out like a light. Turning back the covers, he slowly got out of bed. Looking down at the receiver and its blinking red light he heard the soft humming of a loving mother. The clock beside it read 1:37 a.m.
Two weeks had passed since he and Brie first made love. It took them two more days to recover. Since then they were constantly touching. The late night “talks” had resumed, much to Janet’s delight, but this time there was a lot less teasing and a lot more fucking. The sex between them was intense, not as intense as that very first time, but intense nonetheless and he had learned how to be gentler with her. Over the last two weeks, she only peed on herself one other time, much to her embarrassment. But he explained it was probably due to the fact she just had a baby and her muscles were weak; if not that then he’ll simply take it as one hell of a compliment that he could make her lose so much control. His words helped and she let go some of the embarrassment.
Reaching over, he flipped the little switch on the receiver to off. With one look back at his wife, he left their bedroom and journeyed across the hallway. She was sitting on the rocking chair next to the bed with the baby in her arms. Little Jessie looked so peaceful as she fed. Brie looked up as he entered the room. He closed the door behind him and smiled as he took a seat on the bed and watched. She was humming “hush little baby” as she rocked back and forth. She looked tired, sleepy, as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Nothing was said for a long while. Then sensing, as well as feeling that the baby was asleep, she got up from her chair and carefully placed Jessie back into the crib.
Once she tucked little Jessie in, she then turned toward her father, patiently waiting by the bed. Pulling the sleeve from her left arm down so that both breasts were now exposed, she took a seat beside him and then leaned back and lay back on the bed. Paul followed her down and latched on to the newly exposed nipple.
“Ahhh,” she gave a soft cry. She lifted her skirt up her thighs making room for him. The white cotton grown slid up with ease and he moved between her legs. He untied his robe belt as he continued to suck. She helped him remove it from his shoulders and slid it off until it hit the ground. Since he always slept naked there was nothing else. He was naked, but she was not. Her gown bunched up against her waist and he slid home. She was already wet, feeding the baby always made her wet. He munched and nibbled on her nipples and he slowly slid in and out of her body. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders, feeling his body move against hers.
He suddenly turned and changed their positions. Now she was on top as he bit all around the curve of her breasts. The scratching of his teeth against the tender sensitive skin felt so good.
“Ride me. I want to see you move.”
Taking a deep breath, she leaned back and readjusted her legs. She looked down at him. For the first time she saw the beginning of stray gray hairs at his temples. His face looked as rugged and handsome as ever, but small little lines she had never seen before were now around his eyes and the corners of his mouth. He watched her as she watched him. His hands moved from her hips, up her body to her breasts and he stroked her nipples. She moaned, tilted her head back and began to grind her pussy on his cock, riding him as she pleased, taking control, working him so that he hit the exact spot she wanted and needed.
She enjoyed the moment, feeling the hard rod buried deep inside her body, stroking the deep cave of her pussy. His fingers massaged her breasts, squeezing. Milk slid from the tips and ran down his hands and bounced up and down on his body. She was sighing with each slide. They were little sighs, barely noticeable, but there.
“I love you, Daddy.”
The milk flowed from her like a spring, sliding down his hands and her breasts to her stomach, intermingling with her sweat as it made its way to her pussy bush and dipped down further. What milk that didn’t slide down her body fell on him, on his face, his neck, his chest, coating them both as she fucked him.
“Oh baby girl, that’s it. Work that pussy, ride daddy’s dick. Oh, god, you feel so fucking good.”
She leaned forward and they kissed.  They kissed as if drawing breath from one another, lips tightly locked, never letting up. He bit her hard and licked away the pain as she cried out. He bit his way down her cheek to her neck, and down until he could go no farther. She did the same, kissing his jaw, finding his collarbone and sucking on the bone where it protruded beneath his skin. He lifted up, they both sat facing each other and still she moved, riding him softly. He continued to chew on her nipples, drinking the remaining juice as he squeezed it from her body. Then he fell back, letting her take control again, watching as her body shined before him, moving to its own rhythm, lost in its own dance of sensation. He felt like he was going to have a heart attack.
“Faster,” he ordered and she leaned over him.
Her arms reached out to brace herself, giving her more leverage and control as she rocked faster against him. Her hair, once tied back by string she had taken from a pair of old drawstring pants, came lose and flowed free as she fucked him. His hands found the crack of her ass and, repeating a move she performed on him, his pinky slid inside her to the first knuckle as she moved with a smooth precision over his body, drawing out the fuck as long as possible. Her breathing was short and quick, but the rhythm was steady. He watched her as she closed her eyes, feeling what his cock was doing to her pussy, using it for all its worth. He loved that she loved his cock so much, that she took so much joy from it. Her pleasure seemed to define him as a man. She was meant for this, born for this — this moment of pleasure involving just him and her.
“Oh, Daddy. Nothing ever felt this good.”
He lay back and did nothing; just taking the beauty of her in as she rose higher and higher, taking him with her. His hand dug into her hip as he felt his control slipping. Tension rose in his body as it began to hum, desperate for release. She felt it and bounced faster and harder, increasing the fuck, bringing them closer. She rode him again and again until he now was lifting her, pushing her up and down on his cock. Using her body to fuck his dick. Up and down, up and down until she had to do nothing at all. The control was no longer hers and she didn’t mind. She heard him moan at one point and felt moisture erupt inside of her, flowing into her body, then seeping down, out of her and flowing back onto his cock as she lunged downward and pushed his cum out of her pussy. Soon, she felt her reality begin to give in…give in…give in and finally her world exploded around her.
“I don’t think I would ever get tired of fucking you, Brie. It’s just too perfect.”
She smiled and she sank onto his body, absorbing his heat and strength.
“I love you too, Daddy.”
He slowly closed the bedroom door and slid into the spot next to his wife. Looking over to his left, he saw the crazy mop that was her hair. The smooth line of her back met his glaze.
She had turned over while he was away.
His heart began to pound and a sickening dread began to fill his chest, weighting down his heart. A certain…certainty began to invade his mind. The kind only developed when a person knows their spouse and their habits, sometimes better than they know their own. Janet was a very sound sleeper. When Brie was a baby, nine out of ten times he was the one who cared for her needs because Janet could sleep like the dead. After her head hit the pillow she rarely — very rarely — moved from that spot until she awoke the next morning. She never, if ever, rolled over in her sleep. Now there is a possibility that he could be wrong; that the feeling inside of his body was created by that part of his conscious that dictated right from wrong but—
“Night, my angel. Sleep tight. Mommy will see you in the morning.”
He jerked so hard the bed bounced. He felt like he had been shot. His head swirled around so fast he almost got whiplash. There, on the desk, blinking like a demonic red eye, winking at him in evil glee was the light of the receiver and the sound that came from it was that of Brie’s voice.
He heard the sound of the baby’s door open and close. As if having x-ray vision, he looked at the wall and moved his head, following her progression down the hall. A series of squeaks from the floorboards told her location until finally her door opened and she entered her bedroom right next to theirs. There was complete silence. His forehead was covered with a small blanket of sweat. Pulling the covers up to his chin, he slowly sank down into his bed. He couldn’t look at his wife again. He just laid there.
He just laid there.
He opened his eyes the next morning to the bright light shining through his room. He slowly stretched his body awake. Turning, he saw the empty spot on his wife’s side of the bed and the memory of last night hit him like a runaway train. He sat up, took a deep breath and looked at the space. He needed to talk to Brianna.
It was Saturday and, luckily, his day off. After showering and brushing his teeth he went downstairs to the kitchen. Janet was loading up the dishwasher. The table was filled with food and Brianna was making silly sounds to the baby as she fed her mushy cereal.  He walked up to Janet and wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a hug from behind. She paused, letting the water run over the pot. It was a small second, barely noticeable, but maybe because he was looking for it, he noticed. She stiffened slightly, but it only lasted for a moment. Then she let loose and her body sank into his. She turned her head toward him and their lips met in a kiss, sweet like syrup.
“I go in today.”
“Okay, but you’re off tomorrow, right?”
He licked the tip of her nose. “Then we can spend the day together, just you and me. Perhaps have dinner?”
She smiled. It was a charming smile, but a bit sad. She agreed and moved out from the circle of his arms and went to the table. Leaning over the baby, she gently kissed her forehead and then Brie’s cheek.
“I’ll see you later, girls.”
“Bye, mom.”
He sat down at the table and watched her prepare to leave.
“Something wrong, Daddy?”
He took a deep breath before answering. “I think she knows.”
I froze. Cereal fell from the spoon onto the floor. Following his glaze, I looked out the window and watched mother get into the car.
“What should we do?”
“Back off. Just for a little while.”
“You think we can?” The door slammed and she started the car and waited for it to warm up.
He didn’t answer. I sighed and turned to face him.
“I don’t want to hurt her either. I love her as much as you do, but it’s going to be hard. All right. All right. I need to get used to the idea. No sex. I guess I need to start wearing bras again.”
“I guess.”
He looked over at me and down my body. His eyes seemed riveted with my chest, my E cups, filled to the max.
“You’re leaking.” His eyes never left my hardening tips.
“What?” He looked up and in his eyes I saw more lust than any man should have for one so forbidden.
“Your breasts. They’re dripping. You’d better be careful. You might ruin your top.”
My mouth formed a silent ‘O.’ Looking down, I saw the growing dots, evenly spaced on my shirt. Reaching down, I found the bottom of my top and pulled it over my head, exposing myself — my tender juicy breasts.
“Is that better?”
“Yeah.” His whispered. I think he was only half listening. I softly chuckled.
“And I repeat—do you think we can?”
Again, he didn’t answer. Instead, he watched as a drop of milk formed at the center of my right nipple and began a slow descent down the curve of my breast, pausing, hovering at the edge of that curve, threatening to fall.
The car pulled out of the driveway. His attention broke and he looked up. Within a few seconds Janet was gone.
She was gone.
He turned back to peer at my wet nipples. I watched as he reached out and caught the sweet substance on the tip of his finger. He brought that finger to his lips. His tongue struck out, tasting. He looked up at me then. Somewhere along the line I stopped breathing and when his eyes met mine with that look — you know the one — I took an involuntary breath. Finally…
“Yeah. Why not?”
His voice had turned back into that growl again. My pussy clamped together. He exuded sex.
“Besides,” he continued. “We don’t have a choice.”