This is how I meat the girlfriend with which I fuck every week in the last 3 years. When I was doing my last year of college I wanted desperately to fuck someone cause I my girlfriend broke up with me 2 years before(she moved to another city) and I didn't want to get into relationships cause it's just bunch a bullshit talk anyway. Besides I was going to gym for 4 years while running 5 km every day and wanted to put my training to good use. Also it was hard to find chick who is fun to talk to cause they usually chat about bullshit stuff like shopping etc. So there was one girl who I found hot so I started to hang out with her. She was alone just like me so she didn't have the annoying friends who would interrupt us all the time and so on.
So when I was at her house and watching movie I saw a schoolgirl uniform in her closet(closet was open) I didn't know what she had it for cause our college didn't have any uniforms. So I decided to take a radical step. I wrote note which says “Let's fall in love and fuck” and left it beside her computer on my way out. The next day we started to talk again and she was giving me hints about my note. I knew what was going on so I asked her “When?” she said on day off.
I asked her “Where?” she said “Whatever you choose. But it has to be hot”. I told her that I will plan everything. I decided that our first sex will be at the college because its there we met. Also it had rest room with couch, tv and table.
We sat beside each other on the couch and having hot conversation about how horny we are until I couldn't wait any more and grabbed her hair with my left hand and her chest with my right hand and starter to kiss her passionately. We were kissing and flirting for about 18 mins. I was addicted and couldn't stop. Then I took down her panties and started to lick her pussy. It was wet already. She started to moan with pleasure.
When I was about to cum I tried to take her off to cum on her face but she stopped me and kept jumping while moaning very loud. I cum right inside her. Then she got off and stood on all 4 on the couch. I understood what she meant and started to ram her pussy from behind. I took her thighs with my hands and was fucking her like no tomorrow.
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