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A few weeks after I fucked my teacher for extra credit i finally told me friend one afternoon. I had told him I had been fucking her almost every afternoon, directly after school was out and when we were totally alone. He congratulated me on banging an older chick asked me how he could get a piece of her. So I told him to meet me after school let out near the gym one afternoon.Throughout that entire day, everytime I saw him he looked like a little school boy who was excited about getting a brand new toy, or something stupid like that. During lunch he bragged about all the things he would do and i had to remind him over and over again to keep his voice down so no one else would here us.Anyways, afterschool, when the bell rang, we met at the gym and waited a few minutes before taking the long way around the school, to make sure Fred didn't attract any curious students. The entire way there i could tell, easily, that he was hard as fucking rock. Two cheerleaders walked by us, but they were too caught up in their gossip to notice us. We entered the math hallway as quietly as possible and snuck into her classroom. To my surprise she wasn't in the room waiting for me. I looked in her office and found nothing. I told him to put his stuff down and make himself comfortable, which was a bad idea because he stripped down to his boxers and sat down behind her desk. We waited a few minutes until she finally came back carrying a small stack of papers. When she walked in she was surprised to see a half naked Fred sitting behind her desk with a raging boner bulging from his boxers."Josh, what is he doing here?" she asked suspiciously."I told him about what we've been doing the last few weeks," I said. "I made sure he didn't tell anyone else and he said he wanted to fuck too, so I thought we could try and both of us fuck you."She looked at me with a devilish grin and walked over, unbuttoning her light purple blouse and starting to unbutton her pants. "Sounds like a fuck worthy idea," she whispered in my ear. Then she reached down and grabbed my semi-hard cock through my pants and gave it a quick squeeze. Fred quickly stood up and revealed his raging hard on to her and she gasped. "Wow, you've been waiting for me haven't you," she said in a surprised tone. Fred took his boxers off where he stood and let his cock spring out for her to see. She took her blouse off and danced erotically out of her tight pants, revealing she wasn't wearing anything. I took my shirt off and kicked my shoes into a corner of the room. Before i could get my pants off I looked over and saw her swallowing him and getting him to his maximum hardness. Then she grabbed a ruler off her desk and measured him."Well, fuck me," she said in a dirty voice, "we have an 8in rod here."  She looked back as me and grinned. "That reminds me, I never measured you. Come over here. I finished removing my boxers and walked over in my socks and stood before her. She immediately took half my cock into her mouth and began sucking me off and getting rock hard. When she was sure I was at my hardest she pulled me out measured me. "Wow, almost 9inches," she said. She gave my cock a final suck before she got up and walked into her office. We quickly followed, our cocks bouncing with every quick step.Once in the office she ordered me to sit on te edge of the desk and i quickly did so. Then she slowly eased her cunt around my cock and bent forward over a small shelf thing and scooted forward so i wasn't sitting. Fred then stood in front of her and shoved his cock into her mouth, without a word, and began face fucking her. I quickly started slamming my cock into her pussy repeatedly, pounding harder and harder with each thrust. After a while the sound of Fred's balls slapping either her chin or his thigh filled the office and it was soon joined by the slapping off my balls against her ass. Before i knew it, Fred was doing it orgasm dance and he pulled out of her mouth. Streams of cum still shot from the head of his cock onto her face and Ms. Ginger's mouthful of cum flowed down her chin and neck onto the floor as she started screaming loudly with each powerful thrust. Before i knew it i was shooting a loud of cum deep inside her deep cunt and falling back onto the desk edge. "Hey, Josh, let me get a piece of her cunt while you're in her ass," he said. Once she finished either swallowing his cum or spitting it out she leaned back onto me and I held her thighs up to spread her pussy enough for him to get good access to it. Right then I realized my cock was still in her cunt and before i could stop him i felt his cock slam into mine she it went straight up her already full cunt. She threw back her head onto my shoulder and let out the loudest scream of either pain or pleasure.Before i could really say anything after that he started pumping his cock up into her and she moaned loudly. I leaned her forward slightly and let him support some of her weight and we finally held her up and started thrusting into her cunt together at once, pounding as hard as we could into her as we could in the position she was in. She screamed loudly with each thrust and eventually just moaned which turned into a mere whimper after like half an hour of this abuse her pussy was taking. Then finally she started moaning loudly in her finaly orgasm of the seccession before she was totally exhaust. We kept pounding her cunt with out combined cocks until we couldn't come anymore and out cocks were soaked with all of our juices. We went out into the room and set her in her chair, where she cleaned off our cocks and let Fred fuck her cunt by himself. As I got dressed i heard the door open and i fearfully looked over to see one of the cheerleaders we passed on our way over. She didn't say anything, only stared at the site of Fred fucking the hell out of our teacher before her very eyes.She slowly stepped in, staring at my semi hard cock which hung between my thighs where i stood and thats another story.